
Awakened Earth!!

An Australian gets reincarnated only to realize this is a parallel Earth that takes place in a future timeline despite it only being one month after their death they realize that this world is 300 years in the future from their original lifes Earth not only that but 300 years ago when this earth was exactly the same as their previous lives Earth it underwent an Awakening now there is Magic dungeons monsters and all kinds of fantasy shit. this has been move to Royal Road https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/88788/awakened-earth

Dom_Gilmore · Fantasie
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54 Chs

chapter 4: AWAKENING

 we arrived at the gate my house is traditional Japanese style on the outside, the interior is traditional European style except for the bathroom which is ancient Roman Style. The massive wooden gate situated at the front of the property is covered in gold and silver dragons. The gate radiates magical power, my house's value is 500 000 000 dollarydoos minimum. This is because my house is right on top of a massive layline, due to this my house is a mana hot spot, laylines are like the Earth's blood vessels they carry massive amounts of Mana. Laylines are responsible for all of the atmospheric mana and auras of all living things also contributes to atmospheric mana . ones aura is excess mana that naturally leaks from one's body. As the gate opened it let out a dragon roar this is a feature that was added by my mom, thinking it was a funny joke though it does scare the shit out of guess, the car stop right in front of the house. Sebastian open my door, I exited the limo and proceeded inside the house. I was greeted with the traditional European style on the inside, honestly the difference between expectations and reality, it's even worse considering the fact that space magic was used to make the inside significantly larger than the outside. The house's external dimensions probably make it the size of a football stadium, the internal dimensions on the other hand make it the size of a small town. Naturally you would need to be on the layline to maintain this level of space magic, it's why properties that are on top of laylines are so expensive. My Mom bought many properties including this house 200 years ago the real estate market hadn't really developed back then. You cannot purchase property in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane without at least being A ranked. Renting out properties in these cities is very profitable, it is where my mum gets all her income. The teleportation hub is actually on the same layline as my house, this is the main layline that runs through Sydney. The teleportation circle, cost 100 dollarydoos to use, an additional 100 dollarydoos is charged per 100kg of cargo, a rule made by the demon lord because of dick heads too cheep to buy a spatial ring, causing the shut down of the hub for hours that one time. The hub is a countermeasure to prevent enemies by not allowing direct teleportation, you have to teleport to the hub then find the teleport Circle to your destination. My father, who believes himself to be a business genius.Of course, he's not actually a business genius, his success is mainly due to my mother. He married my mother, who is A-rank, meaning people think the A-rank is secretly running things and just using my father as a puppet. The second reason is that he has a secret dungeon which allows him to mine an infinite supply of Dragon Jade. Dungeons have what's known as a cooldown, this is a period of time to allowed the dungeon to replenish monsters and valuable materials. If the dungeons are overfarmed, they will eventually disappear. Due to people's longer lifespans, they naturally have more time to accumulate wealth. However, at the same time, that means there not willing to stay in ugly skyscrapers. Plain and ordinary buildings will not cut it, they want luxurious buildings. So high-quality building materials like dragon Jade are in high demand. Of course, you're supposed to report the appearance of a dungeon to the Adventurers Guild. The Adventurers Guild will assess it, and the government will buy your land based on the assessed value from the Adventurers Guild. Keeping a secret dungeon is a capital offense. That is why my brother, who's a D-ranked human, the highest rank a human can have, does not want to inherit the business despite my father's insistence. Everyone's waiting for him to get caught or die of old age. After entering my house, I take two steps and appear in front of the bathroom. The hallways distort space, meaning the distance between two points is always two steps away. That's why people appear and disappear out of nowhere; you can't directly enter the rooms, but you can appear right in front of them. I proceed to take a relaxing bath, the ridiculously grand and luxurious bath it is the size of a Olympic swimming pool and has been decorated lavishly, with gold and silver. Honestly, it's unnecessarily luxurious and grand. After i am done bathing, I take two steps and appear at the entrance of the library. I can't use magic until after my awakening. However, the knowledge will be useful to me after my awakening. I proceed to spend my days in the library, only taking breaks to eat, sleep, and use the bathroom. It's finally the big day, the day of my awakening.

The goal is to do at least a chapter a week, but I'll obviously try and do more than that. Editing takes a long time plus I suck at editing so any help with that is appreciated don't forget to show your support it's a huge motivation for me to continue.


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