
Awakened Earth!!

An Australian gets reincarnated only to realize this is a parallel Earth that takes place in a future timeline despite it only being one month after their death they realize that this world is 300 years in the future from their original lifes Earth not only that but 300 years ago when this earth was exactly the same as their previous lives Earth it underwent an Awakening now there is Magic dungeons monsters and all kinds of fantasy shit. I plan move this to Royal Road https://www.royalroad.com/profile/497241

Dom_Gilmore · Fantasy
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54 Chs

chapter 3

 I naturally leave the classroom as quickly as possible, despite this school looking plane and ordinary that is not the case. After all this is Sydney the capital city of Australia, Australian Capital Territory being reduced to nothing more than a crater called the politician hole also known as the giant asshole, the crater came about one day after the awakening. It's funny to think how Australia is now ruled by a literal Demon Lord, her Underlings the 12 demon knights can be challenged to a duel for their position, the demon knight having to accept a challenge once every century. Contrary to people's expectations they only pick the strongest Fighters as fighting anyone else is just a waste of time to them. Under the 12 demon Knights are the nobility, you can purchase the title knight for 100 million dollarydoos the knight title is the lowest Noble title.

 Noble titles can't be inherited. This might sound like it causes problems but with longer life spans it really isn't an issue.The title of knight is the only one you can buy, the other titles you acquire through contribution points. You acquire the contribution points by contributing to the country, you can then exchange them for a promotion granting you a higher Noble title. The noble title are as followed knight, Baron, viscount, count, marquesses, earl, duke and Archduke. My limo has finally arrived. This school has a bus zone, but it isn't for buses but instead it is for cars to pick up children.

 Naturally the coolest thing about my limo is that it uses a magical steam engine, spirit magic is used to keep the water tanks full and fire magic heats the water up. The difference between spirit magic and magic is that spirit magic summons spirit/spirits.

Spirits can control and create natural phenomena, for example magical fire will burn in the vacuum of space as long as it's supplied with mana. If you use spirit magic to summon a fire spirit the fire created by the fire spirit requires both fuel and oxygen unlike magical fire. 

 If you were to simply use water magic to fill the tanks up, the moment you cut off the mana supply the water would disappear, however if you use spirit magic to summon low ranking water spirits they will create actual water. Half of the mana that is used in spirit magic is for the payment to the summon spirit/spirits. The limo has a mana crystal also known as a mana stone. Mana stones are basically mana batteries, the mana stone in the magic steam engine has countless runes, there are two ways to apply magic to a object or item. You can enchant or engrave runes, known as rune smithing the most common method in Australia is rune smithing.

The difference between enchanting and runesmithing, enchanting requires a bunch of expensive, valuable and rare materials as long as you have all the necessary materials then you can enchant anything even an ordinary piece of paper. The materials are used as a catalyst and absorbed into whatever item or object you wish to enchant, on the other hand rune smithing requires you to engrave runes on to the item or object. The quality of the materials and quality of the craftsmanship, as well as the skills of the rune Smith all affect the success rate of the runedek enchantment. Even the most skilled runesmith can't place a legendary runedek enchantment on an ordinary steel sword. While it may seem that enchanting is superior as it has a 100% success rate, the only downside being the cost to enchant, however since you can literally enchant anything as long as you have all the necessary materials you end up with a bunch of counterfeit magical items and magical tools. Those fucking things will work once at most before disintegrating, you can't expect an ordinary steel sword to hold up to a legendary enchantment, they are just pieces of shit that aren't worth the money.

The mana stone has a runedek enchantment that let's it absorb mana from the atmosphere, enabling it to fill up the mana storage, apart from the spirit and fire magic being used it's basically a steam engine specifically designed to work in a car. The snorkel at the front of the limo is actually just an exhaust. The accelerator is actually hooked up to a valve that controls the flow of steam. Magic tech doesn't have any computers and doesn't use electricity as all magic tech is powered by Mana. This runedek enchantment is unique to Australia other countries have to poor their mana into the mana stones, to resupply them with Mana. Smaller scale magic items still require you to supply them with your own Mana. The true benefit of this runedek enchantment is for large scale projects such as airships.

 The butler named Sebastian urges me into the limo. Sebastian is a dark elf B ranked 185cm tall with flawless chocolate brown skin, has a Slender frame. Despite his more delicate appearance his physical abilities are truly insane, for example he could casually pick up this entire fucking limo and throw it a kilometer, without even trying. his black hair a trait all dark elves possess and has deep blue eyes. He is also ridiculously and supernaturally handsome. I hope i awaken as an elf not a human, there is always a small chance that I could awaken as something entirely different from either of my parents races. The limo seats are made from the hide of a monster, known for its resilience despite being a fairly weak monster it is a nightmare to deal with. Due to how tough and resilient it is, it's skin makes the finest and most durable leather. The seats are cushioned with magical clouds making them in comprehensively soft, there's even a chandelier made from pure gold and diamonds naturally there's a wine fridge with wine glasses made of Ruby.

 I look out the window on the journey back to my house, no matter how many times I see it's truly amazing. The ugly skyscrapers are no longer there. There are now buildings of traditional Japanese style, traditional European style, ancient Roman style and there is what's called Natural Style which ranges, from tree houses to your house is literally a huge fucking tree.


The goal is to do at least a chapter a week, but I'll obviously try and do more than that. Editing takes a long time plus I suck at editing so any help with that is appreciated don't forget to show your support it's a huge motivation for me to continue.


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