
Avea Darling

Warning: Sex, Suicide, and violence. Will have scenes NFSW. What happens when a girl commits suicide but is brought back to life? Now smelling like a human, but part of the living dead Avea has to figure out what is going on and adjust to her new life. Can she trust the man that has changed her? Why does it seem like he is protecting her from something or someone? And what is this prophecy everyone keeps talking about in the shadows, where they don't think she can hear? Update Schedule: Every 2 weeks on Friday

ChicoryCat · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"It's never easy to accept your fate. It's even hard to predict your destiny, especially when every step you take in life can change everything. Everything is a possibility."

Ni landed on the ground lightly, making sure not to wake the sleeping girl in his arms. As his twin servants came to greet him, they stopped short at the sight of the sleeping girl. They bowed slightly and rushed into the castle to get one of the rooms ready for the girl.

His Master servant walked from the shadows and spoke quietly, "Sir, who is the girl. It's very rare to see you bring one home."

"Well, Ju, she's different. I changed her when she was dead." Ni said walking past him into the castle.

Ju stood there watching his Master, 'Is she the One?' he asked himself.

Khen and Chel worked quietly to get the room ready. They both bowed slightly as Ni walked into the room laid the girl on the bed. The twin servants bow again to Ni and quickly left the room. Ni shifted the girl slightly pulling off her clothes and putting on a nightgown. He pulled the covers from underneath her and covered her up. Ni brushed her bangs slightly to the side and sighed walking out of the room closing the door. He looked down the hall as an animal larger than a dog walk from the shadows.

'Would you like me to watch the door?' The wolf asked telepathically.

'Yes, I would. Make sure no one gets into the room or out of the room. If you hear her wake up come get me quickly.' Ni spoke to the wolf.

The wolf nodded his head and sat down in front of the door.

"Thanks, Oak," Ni said aloud walking down the hallway.

Ni stood in the study staring out the window when Ju walked in.

"Is she…" Ju asked looking at Ni.

Ni turned and looked at Ju, "I have a feeling that she is… I only changed her today so we have no idea if she is. The fact that I could change her when she was dead is one fact. We will find out if she is or not in time." Ni said turning back towards the window.

"The sun will be up soon, would you like something to drink before going to bed, Sir?" Ju asked.

Oak paced back and forth stopping once in a while to sniff the air. Oak has been with Ni since the night of his transformation from a human to a vampire. Oak is not only a wolf, he's a werewolf, the type to have only a human and wolf form. Oak stopped and looked at the door where the girl was still sleeping. He sniffed the air and listen to her breathing. She smelled like a human but she had the scent of death on her too. He yawned and started pacing back and forth again.

"Khen, do you think Lady is part of the prophecy?" Chel asked getting ready for bed.

Khen was already sitting in bed watching his sister.

He stopped to stare out the window before answering, "Sister, I have no idea. But one thing is sure Master Ni rarely brings home a woman…" Khen said rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling.

"She was very pretty… the peek that I took at her," Chel said sitting on the window ledge and brushing her hair. "She is a vampire I could feel it… but… she smelled human. Why is that?"

"Chel, you know that newly transformed vampires smell like humans for a short period. Stop thinking about it and go to bed." Khen said shortly.

Chel heaved a sigh and put the brush down; she blew out the candle and climbed out of bed. "She smelled more dead than human." She muttered.

"I know." Khen muttered back, "Just stop thinking about it."

The dark tall figure threw a book at the smaller figure, "Liten! You fucking fool! Now we'll never get her!"

Liten cowered in the corner and looked over at his Master with fear in his eyes. "Master, I'm sorry I didn't know Ni changed her," Liten said trying to make himself smaller in the corner.

The tall figure came towards him and picked him up by the throat, "You are a damned fool. You were hunting for her and you passed right by her and you let that goodie Ni get her." The tall figure threw him across the room growling.

Liten hit the floor and slide hitting the wall; Liten laid there whimpering. "But Master Mou, Ni was part of your clan before," Liten said.

Mou growled louder, "And look what he did to my clan. And now only a hand full are left, the rest have either gone to other clans or are apart of his now. He betrayed this clan!" Mou yelled turned and walked from the room leaving Liten on the floor.

The moon rose slowly and Avea woke with a start. She put a hand to her chest and panted staring around the room.

'Where am I?' she asked herself. 'The last thing I remember is…' images of sucking blood from the man and him sucking her blood flashed through her mind.

'Oh my…' Avea slid off the bed and walked towards the window. The moon made everything shimmer. The mountains with their snowy peaks and the raindrops on the grass below seemed to wink at her. She opened her mouth and touched her fangs lightly then screamed.

Ni burst into the room to find Avea on the floor crying. He stood there for a moment knowing this was how she was going to react in the first place. He walked towards her slowly.

Avea's head snapped up and she stared at him. She pushed herself back away from him as he advanced on her.

"Don't." her voice quivered.

Ni stopped and knelt on the floor. "I'm not going to hurt you, my dear." He said softly.

She stared at him; he was the one who prolonged the life she so desperately wanted to get out of.

"I'm supposed to be dead! I don't want to be alive!" she screamed at him.

Ni sighed softly, "My dear you are not alive." He said it so bluntly that Avea gasped and stared.

"You are part of the unliving dead, not alive but also not completely dead," Ni spoke softly.

Avea rushed at him tackling him and knocking him down before he could react, "I don't want my life. My life is full of anger, pain, and tragedy. I want it to end!" she spoke hissing.

There was a low warning growl behind Ni and Avea looked up and came face to face with a huge dog. Avea squeak and jumped off of Ni and backing away from them again.

Ni sat up and turned to Oak, 'Leave Oak, she won't hurt me. It's in her nature. She is only confused and angry.' Ni said patting Oak on the head.

Oak growled again at Avea turned and walked out of the room closing the door with his back paw.

Ni stood, brushing himself off calmly, and walked towards Avea, "Dear girl you don't have a life. The life you once knew is no more. Being a vampire is now your life, it's a chance to start a new." Ni said standing in front of Avea.

Avea stared at him as multiple thoughts ran through her head. 'Dead,' 'New Life', 'Chance,' 'Change.'

She nodded her head as she understood what he was saying. 'Will this new life be any different though,' she thought to herself.

"Good." Ni said stretching his arm towards her, "My name is Ni Ruse. What may your name be?"

Avea took his hand hesitantly, "My name is Avea Giglio." She spoke softly.

Ni smiled at her softly then turned and walked towards the door.

"Wait, Mr. Ruse," Avea said.

Ni turned and looked at her, "Yes?"

"Um… well… Do you have any clothes for me? Also… food?" Avea asked shyly.

Ni laughed softly, "I forgot to mention, Chel will be bringing clothes for you in a moment. When you're done changing she is going to bring you to the study to eat and meet everyone."

He paused a moment, "Also, just call me Ni, I'm don't like formalities." Ni said turning and opening the door.

He stopped for another moment and turned back towards her, "Miss Giglio, don't be scared you're safe here with us."

A girl that looked about ten appeared in front of him and bow to him slightly. "Chel you're here, make sure you make Miss Giglio feel comfortable."

Before Avea could tell him to call her Avea, because she didn't care for formalities either, Chel had nodded to him and walked into the room. Chel bowed to Avea as the door closed behind her.

Chel walked to a door next to Avea and opened it up showing her the bathroom. "I'll start the bath for you," Chel spoke softly.

Avea nodded towards the girl and said softly, "You can call me Avea if you want. You don't have to start the bath for me I can do it myself."

Chel looked up at the woman then quickly looked away, "Lady Avea I'm a servant girl this is my job and I take pride in it. Please let me do this for you. I'm directed by Master Ni to call guests Lady or Lord."

"Oh." Avea paused for a moment, surprised by the directness of this maid, but also the softness of how she spoke. She was a bit afraid she had insulted the child.

"Chel, would you at least not bow towards me, I have always found that awkward," Avea asked. " Or would look at me when speaking," Avea requested.

Chel looked up at Avea and smiled, "I can do both, Lady Avea. Master Nil has allowed those only if the Lady or Lord request them."

Chel walked into the bathroom and got the bath ready as Avea walked over to the bed and looked at the clothes that Chel laid out.

She picked up the shirt, which was long-sleeved Japanese style; it was black with a crescent moon tilted sideways with water dripping off the side. She set it aside and picked up the pants, they were plain black pants. Very form-fitting though and simple design.

Avea set the pants down and looked at them, 'Theses would look very pretty with a vine type pattern.' She touched the pants again and a golden vine pattern suddenly appeared. It appeared slowly, starting at the left hip and wrapping down around the leg.

Avea shook her head and stared. 'Well… all vampires have a power… maybe this is mine. Creating what's in my imagination.'

Avea looked at the shirt and shook her head, 'I need to change that pattern too… but I'll keep the crescent moon. If this is going to be my new life, there will be no more crying to the moon.'

Chel came out of the bathroom, "Lady Avea, the bath is ready." Avea looked up and walked towards the bathroom.

"I'll leave you be. I'll be back in 20 minutes to see how you're doing, okay?" Chel said to her.

Avea nodded and starting stripping off her clothes. Chel closed the door and walked over to the clothes looking down and gasping. She shook her head and stared at the shirt. It was still black with the crescent moon, but the dripping water was gone and golden vines came from the right shoulder, wrapping around the moon and reaching out toward the left hip. It was like the vines were trying to touch the golden vines that had appeared on the pants.

Staring at the vine pattern on the shirt and pants she stepped back and looked at the bathroom door in wonder.

'I must tell Master Ni!' Chel thought suddenly.