
Avatar: The Fire Demon

A man cursed and exiled from his village while still a child. His father, slaughtered before his very eyes, his mother and sister raped before meeting the same fate. He walks the road to the capital of the Fire Nation, and when he is on the brink of collapse is rescued by another. Now he must get vengeance on the village that killed his family and exiled him from his home, before rising up through the world and reaching the apex, even above the Avatar. “Old man, last night I had a very odd dream.” -I did not create the cover. -This is my second fanfic, and the uploads will probably be inconsistent until I finish my first one, check that one out if you want to. -I intend to have good grammar and story telling. -It has been years since I watched ATLA, so cut me some slack if I get some facts wrong. -Enjoy! :p

Sin_O_Sloth · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs


After his first failure at combustion bending, Xiao worked twice as hard. No because the failure motivated him, but because it proved that his theory was correct!

Xiao spent the next three months training the explosion, getting used to the feeling. He found that to explode something without hurting himself, there were a few requirements.

For one, if he needed to do a close-range explosion, he would have to create flame-armor to protect himself from the blast.

As for long-ranged attacks, Xiao had to keep a string of his energy connected as he threw a ball of energy outward. To change direction, he would have to cause small explosions that would change the energy ball's trajectory, resulting in small but extremely loud explosion that sounded like something was popping.

Upon. Mastering it with his right hand, Xiao did the same tattoo on his left hand, as well as his elbows, knees, and feet.

This had many uses. The main one being that these would provide specific 'focuses' for him to push his energy through. Without them it would be much harder to control the ensuing explosions.

The reason why he did it on not only his hands but also his elbows, knees, and feet is so when he is fighting in hand to hand combat, he could enhance his blows with small or large explosions.

It also made it easier to break out of any sort of bindings.

Xiao had Toph encase himself in stone, which she did gladly. Xiao then formed fire armor over specific areas of his body, before letting explosions out of every tattoo he had. The resulting blast left him sprawled on the tyrosine with burns covering himself.

"Wow Fire-boy! I didn't expect that!" Toph said, laughing at my face which was filed with shock.

"I mean… it worked, but I think I may need to make more armor." I said, sighing.

Toph laughed even harder, on the verge of crying from laughing so hard.

Lao Beifong and Poppy arrived back after six months, and with them their guard, leaving Xiao more time to train.

After five months of practice, Xiao was proficient enough in his flame-armor and combustion bending to use them somewhat effectively in battle.

The only problem was the energy consumption for short-ranged explosions. W lot of the exploded energy could not be reabsorbed by Xiao, and since it also destroyed a huge chunk of his flame armor, which costed an extreme amount of energy to create, Xiao was left pretty much spent after only a few uses.

Currently, there was only a day left until Xiao's contracted time ended with the Beifong family, upon which he would be leaving. For the Northern Water Tribe.

He was currently sitting with Toph in the garden, playing the flute as he lounged lazily on a branch.

Toph looked up at him. "You'll visit again, right?" She asked suddenly. Xiao laughed. "Of course! How could I leave my favorite earth-bender without a best friend?" He asked with a smile.

Toph smiled at his happy tone. "It will be so much more boring when you're gone. I won't have anyone to train with! Or talk to for that matter… it's nice being my true self." She muttered.

Xiao grinned. "I know you want freedom, so maybe later I'll come back and bring you to a few places later on! I bet your father would agree as long as I protected you!" He said, thinking back to his conversation with Lao the other night.

"Why don't you stay longer? Your reputation has started to scare off anyone from coming near the Beifong residence! My daughter would be ve rU safe with you around!" He had pleaded. Xiao smiled. "I would love to, but I still must finish my training." Xiao said with a wry smile.

Lao Beifong nodded. "Sorry. That wasn't very business-like of me. It's just when it comes to my family, I get a little overprotective…" he said with a chuckle.

Xiao snickered. "A little?" He asked. Lao Beifong smiled a bit. "I'm still your boss." He said. Xiao quickly shut his mouth. Lao laughed. "How do you feel about a sponsor?" He asked suddenly.

Xiao looked at him. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Lao say with his hands clasped, deep in thought. "Well, I will provide funds for your travels, however I won't do it for free. If I need you for something later, you must come and help me. An 'I owe you' of sorts." He said.

Xiao nodded. "Getting sponsored sounds nice. How often would I have to help you? And can I refuse a request if it goes against my morals?" He asked, remembering his political training with Iroh.

Lao laughed. "This is why I like you, Xiao. You're straight to the point and smart. Great potential for a business man!" He said, laughing. Xiao laughed along.

He was knocked back to the present when Ru Te knocked on the tree he was playing on. "Hey Xiao! Wan a have one last drink before you go?" He asked.

Xiao smirked. "Are you sure you don't Shute any one more free drunken night?" He asked. Ru Te rubbed his hands together. "That may have encouraged my decision…" he said.

Xiao laughed. "I knew it!" He said. Ru Te laughed and they went to grab the rest of the guard before heading to the tavern.

After a… few drinks, Xiao stumbled back to the Beifong residence and collapsed into his bed.

The next day, Xiao woke up to find his belongings already packed. He smiled wryly and showered, he stank from the other night.

He just wasn't great with alcohol.

Once he was cleaned up, he put on his normal Violet kimono and black clothes, before looking around the room, picking up his bag and sword, and walk out.

Xiao's sword now had red circles running down the otherwise black blade that were similar to the combustion tattoos.

He left the room and walked towards the exit. He had said all his goodbyes the day before and was leaving early.

When he got there, he saw Toph waiting for him. He sighed. "Young miss Beifong, why are you up so early?" He asked.

Toph smirked. "Wanted one last goodbye." She said, coming up and hugging him tightly.

"Oof!" Xiao exclaimed as all the air left his lungs.

"Too much!" He wheezed. Toph giggled and stepped back sheepishly. "My bad. I'll miss you." She said. Xiao smirked. "Is that so~" he teased.

Toph's face became slightly red. A pillar shot out of the ground and shot Xiao through the air and out of the front gates. "FUCKING BASTARD!" She screamed after him as he laughed and gracefully touched the ground, before starting to walk down the streets of Gaoling.

He bought a meat stick from his favorite stall and walked away, smiling contented as he munched on his breakfast.


Xiao x Toph????



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

A new journey is approaching!

Two years until cannon.