
Auto Cultivation

In a world where technology and the supernatural collide, and evolution reigns supreme, meet Aaron - a transmigrator who unlocks an incredible ability to cultivate. As he rises through the ranks, Aaron discovers just how far he's willing to go to seize his destiny in this unforgiving world.

Fairn · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Last week

Aaron held no fear for James and his influential family. The news of James's father being a soldier-level cultivator no longer impressed Aaron. In his eyes, it was no longer a significant accomplishment.

While it typically took talented disciples a year to break through to the soldier rank, Aaron had achieved the high-level disciple stage in just a couple of months. He now stood merely one level away from his major breakthrough, a feat that filled him with confidence and anticipation.

Currently, Aaron found himself at home, relishing the precious moments spent with his family. His mother's face glowed with pride as she showered him with congratulations, planting a loving kiss on his cheek. Meanwhile, his father animatedly chatted on the phone, his laughter and boastful remarks echoing through the room.

"Haha! My son has achieved the top scores in his school, and he has his sights set on Eswald's Academy," his father exclaimed, a maniacal smile adorning his face. "What about your son? Last time, you couldn't stop talking about his achievements. Now, it's my turn! HAHA!"

Aaron couldn't help but smile, a sense of calm and contentment washing over him. In this moment, surrounded by his happy and proud mother, and his father's infectious laughter, he cherished the blissful atmosphere. He silently wished for this idyllic scene to stretch on indefinitely, savoring the joyous moments spent together as a family.


"Hey Aaron, did you hear the news? The entrance exams for Eswald's Academy have been scheduled," read the message on Aaron's phone, sent by Michael. "Make sure to register and start preparing for it next week!"

A smile formed on Aaron's face as he quickly replied to the message before leaving his home. "The registration takes place at the association. I should take care of it today and resume my training. Hopefully, I can achieve the major breakthrough to the soldier rank before the exams." It may have seemed like an ambitious goal, even to himself, but Aaron was determined to give it his all. He aspired to dominate the exams with his newfound strength.

Sighing, Aaron sat behind the wheel of his car. "I hope my mom doesn't notice that tattoo," he muttered, recalling the intricate runic inscriptions on his upper arm, forming the shape of a fierce wolf's head. When a cultivator fused with a Beast Soul, it left behind a unique tattoo, or rather, a set of runic inscriptions on their body.

Arriving in front of the awe-inspiring Awakened Association building, Aaron marveled at its grandeur. It stood as a testament to the power and influence of the cultivators within.

"How can we assist you, sir?" greeted the robotic receptionist with a warm smile.

After completing the registration process swiftly, Aaron obtained his candidate ID card with a satisfied smile. Exiting the building, he hopped into his car and set off towards the Training Center.

"Pathetic cowards," Aaron muttered, his gaze sweeping over the fellow disciples around him. They all seemed to ignore his presence and his challenges. "Damn it, it looks like breaking through to the soldier rank will be a daunting task. I'll be fortunate if I even reach halfway into the 9th realm."

Regrettably, there were no more martial arts skills for him to learn at the Training Center. Disciples had limited options and little time to dedicate to martial arts training, as the majority of their efforts were focused on cultivation. Aaron had already acquired the necessary footwork through feline steps and had mastered the basics of swordsmanship, along with adept spirit energy manipulation. If he desired more powerful skills, he had to break through to the soldier realm, which served as the crucial first step for any true cultivator, encompassing thousands of skills and techniques.

Feeling annoyed and unfulfilled, Aaron decided to leave the Training Center. His hunting dimension remained his only reliable source of spirit energy, from which he garnered a substantial amount.


After five days of relentless grinding, Aaron had been engrossed in one hunting expedition after another. His only respite from the hunting dimension was to consume food and drink before diving right back in.

[Cultivation: 9th Realm (Unranked)] [3,412/10,000]

"Knew it," Aaron sighed, his disappointment evident. "I haven't even reached halfway yet! Perhaps it's time to pay a visit to the Training Center. With the entrance exams approaching, the hot-blooded teenagers there are likely stressed and, hopefully, easily provoked."

The doors of the Training Center swung open, revealing a sight of diligent disciples engaged in their training. A sinister grin spread across Aaron's face.

Aaron strode into the Training Center, His eyes scanned the room, searching for potential targets. He spotted a group of disciples engaged in intense sparring, their brows furrowed with concentration.

With calculated steps, Aaron approached them, his presence unnoticed amidst the hustle and bustle of the training hall. As he neared, he overheard their conversations, filled with competitive banter and boasts of strength.

"Who do they think they are?" Aaron muttered under his breath, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Time to shake things up."

He cleared his throat, capturing the attention of the nearby disciples. They turned their heads, curious eyes falling upon Aaron, who stood with a confident smirk.

"What's so impressive about all this?" Aaron challenged, his words dripping with sarcasm. "I've seen better swordplay from a blindfolded kitten."

The disciples exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and annoyance. One of them, a young man with a proud stance, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing.

"You dare insult our skills? Who are you?" he demanded, his voice laced with arrogance.

Aaron's smile widened. "Just someone who knows a thing or two about true strength," he replied cryptically. "But I suppose you wouldn't understand."

The young man's face reddened with anger. "Prove it then! Let's see what you've got."

Without missing a beat, Aaron unsheathed his sword, the blade gleaming in the training hall's light. He assumed a relaxed stance, his eyes locked on his opponent. The disciples around them formed a circle, eagerly anticipating the clash.

As the duel commenced, Aaron's movements were a blur of agility and precision. He effortlessly dodged his opponent's strikes, his footwork resembling a graceful dance. With each parry and counterattack, the young man grew more frustrated and desperate.

The onlookers watched in awe as Aaron's skillful swordplay outmatched his adversary's. His strikes were calculated and efficient, displaying a level of mastery that surpassed their expectations.

In a final swift motion, Aaron disarmed his opponent, leaving him breathless and defeated. The training hall fell into stunned silence as they witnessed the outcome.

With each victory, a string of spirit energy escaped from his beaten opponents, shimmering in the air. Aaron seized the opportunity, effortlessly absorbing the released energy, fueling his own cultivation.

The spectators watched in awe and disbelief as Aaron dispatched one opponent after another as more and more disciples jumped in after hearing his arrogant insults.

Some admired his skill, recognizing the relentless determination behind his actions. Others felt a tinge of anger, infuriated by his words and demeanor.

Though the bouts were intense, Aaron maintained control, never succumbing to the temptation to go too far. He had a purpose in mind, a goal to achieve, and he would not jeopardize it with unnecessary brutality.

Aaron, undeterred by the attention, continued his calculated assault, pushing his own limits while absorbing the remnants of defeated spirits.

In the midst of his relentless pursuit, Aaron remained focused and resolute. The entrance exams loomed on the horizon, a crucial milestone in his journey. He would face them with the same unwavering determination, ready to demonstrate his prowess and secure his place among the elite.

For Aaron, the Training Center was not just a battleground; it was a stepping stone on the path to greatness. And as he left his mark on the minds of his peers, he silently vowed to surpass even his own expectations, no matter the cost.