
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

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Pokémon Catching Hungry

"Deep in the dark Viridian Forest, Jessie spots a wild Caterpie out in the open and is now trying to catch it without weakening it. Will she make her second Pokémon catch?"

"Caterpie, get ready to be caught by me!" Jessie tosses the Poké Ball at Caterpie as it gets hit by the Pokéball and goes inside. The Poké Ball starts shaking as Meowth sharpens his claws as he watches it shake with Jessie and Domino waiting for the Caterpie to be caught. After a couple of shakes, the Poké Ball finally clicks, signaling a successful catch.

"That took so long, that I was about to leave to do something interesting." Meowth said.

Jessie slowly smiles at the fact she has caught her second Pokémon. "WOO, I DID IT GUYS, I CAUGHT CATERPIE! I did it all by myself, No battles, nothing at all! I'm definitely becoming the greatest trainer of all time!"

"It's just a worm! A worm has no arms to help break out of a Poké Ball or arms to punch with!" Meowth pointed out, thinking Jessie is over celebrating.

"He's right, you know? Plus Caterpies are weak, you really think you're gonna win with that dumb bug?" Domino added in with Meowth's statement.

"Both of y'all are really judging a book by its cover." Jessie picks up Caterpie's Pokéball and then she grabs Domino's arm and starts running in circles with excitement.

"HEY, STOP I'M GETTING DIZZY!" Domino shouted for Jessie to stop, but she just continued running in circles. Meowth rolls his eyes because he thinks that Jessie is acting dumb right now.

"Look out world, the number one trainer is here!" Jessie declared while pointing at the sky

The title screen shows.

"Pokémon Catching Hungry!"

Domino finally frees herself of Jessie's grip on her. "Jessie stop acting so-"

"LOOK!" Jessie interrupts Domino by shoving the Poké Ball in Domino's face. "This very special Pokémon Is my one-way ticket to becoming a Pokémon master!"

"IT'S JUST A WORM!" Meowth yelled out.

"You already said that Meowth, yes Caterpie might be just a worm, but it still can be strong!" Jessie replies.

"Yeah, when Pikachu flies," Domino said ironically with disbelief.

"Very funny." Jessie also replied, ironically.

"Just keep that thing away from me," Domino demanded while backing away from the Poké Ball containing Caterpie.

"Come on Domino, you're not afraid of little Caterpie are you? They won't bite at all. Besides, Caterpie is in its Poké Ball." Jessie pointed out to Domino.

"Bugs just freak me out, even when they're inside of a Poké Ball," Domino replied, still scared of Caterpie, however, she was oblivious that a yellow worm Pokémon is right next to Domino.

"Hey uhh… Domino." Jessie said, about to warn Domino about the yellow worm Pokémon next to her.

"What?" Domino replied.

"I think someone wants to be your friend," Meowth says, warning her instead as he points at the yellow worm Pokémon and smirks.

"Huh?" Domino looks down and sees the yellow worm Pokémon next to her and immediately screams really loud and quickly runs behind a tree.

"Yeah, just damage my eardrums," Jessie says while holding her ears, while Meowth starts laughing loud.

"I don't care, just get rid of it or something!" Domino demanded, harshly.

"Okay okay! First I gotta find out what Pokémon it is." Jessie digs into her purse and pulls out her Pokédex to identify this Pokémon.

"Weedle, the bug, and poison-type Pokémon. Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head."

"Weedle huh? Okay, Let's see what Caterpie can do! Caterpie I choose you!" Jessie sends Caterpie out. "Use String Shot!"

Caterpie used String Shot on the Weedle as it's now wrapped by Caterpie's String Shot.

"Poké Ball go!" Jessie throws an empty Poké Ball to the Weedle, it gets hit and goes in. The Poké Ball shakes for a little bit, then it clicks, signaling that the Weedle has been caught.

Jessie holds out two fingers in excitement. "Another Pokémon down! I'm gonna capture every single Pokémon in the world!"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Meowth immediately yelled out.


"What?" Jessie asked.

"You can't catch every single Pokémon in the world! Nobody has ever done it!" Meowth pointed out to Jessie.

"Until now, you're looking at her!" Jessie said, really confident about completing this tough goal.

"Dream all you want," Meowth replied, believing Jessie can't catch all the Pokémon.

"I agree with the cat," Domino added in, supporting Meowth's claim. "No way you can't catch every single Pokémon in the world, not even a Pokémon master can do that."

"How many Pokémon are there anyway?" Jessie asked. "It can't be that bad, right?"

"Well, there are one hundred and fifty-one known Pokémon in the Kanto region-"

"HA! You see, that's not bad at all!" Jessie said while interrupting Domino.

"HOWEVER-" Domino continues her sentence. "There are many other different regions filled with a bunch of other Pokémon."

"Oh… now that I think of it, Professor Oak did mention a region named 'Johto' to me before when I showed him Elekid." Jessie is starting to double-think about this goal.

"Elekid proves my point about Pokémon from different regions. Jessie, it's impossible to catch them all!" Domino said.

"And that's why nobody can't catch 'em all," Meowth added in.

"I see and that's why I have to catch 'em all!" Jessie says in confidence.

Domino facepalms hard. "You never listen to me at all! Okay, how about this, If you catch every single Pokémon in the world, you don't have to pay me back for that bike."

"I wasn't gonna pay you back anyway," Jessie said while crossing her arms.

"WHAT?!" Domino yelled out. "You owe me a bike whether you like it or not, Jessica!"

"How bold of ya Jessica. Really bold." Meowth chimed in.

Caterpie notices Domino while she stays silent as it starts crawling towards her while Domino screams in fear, Caterpie starts nuzzling her leg.

"Hey Domino, Caterpie really likes you," Jessie said with a smile across her face.

"Eesh, the more I look at Caterpie, the grosser it looks," Meowth stated.

"Get this disgusting thing away from me!" Domino crawls away from Caterpie. "Do not come any closer!"


"Wow, you bozos really think Caterpie is disgusting?" Jessie said, really disappointed in these two.

"A little bit. But I've seen worse. At least I'm not screaming like oblong pieces over there." Meowth glances at Domino.

Domino glares back at Meowth. "How about you be friends with that disgusting bug, and I'll be friends with Meowth!" Domino picks up Meowth.

"Hey!" Meowth shouted while being picked up.

"Meowth only likes me and will scratch anyone who dares to pick him up other than-" Jessie cuts off her sentence when she sees Domino petting Meowth and Meowth purring.

"Yeah, this ain't so bad. It's pretty good!" Meowth said, enjoying Domino's pets.

Jessie grits her teeth in anger from seeing this. "Meowth!"

"This is your sign to treat me like this! Do better!" Meowth responds.

Caterpie looks at Domino, expressing sadness. "It's so gross, Jessie put that disgusting thing back in the Poké Ball now! Bugs are one of the three disgusting things in the world!"

"Aside from you, what are the other disgusting things?" Jessie replies, insulting Domino in the process.

"Very funny! Carrots, peppers, and last but not least, bugs! Everyone has something they don't like and I don't like bugs at all!" Domino yelled out.

"Yeah? Well, carrots are good for your eyesight, peppers have vitamins A and C in them and not all bug Pokémon are bad!" Jessie responded, frustrated. "What I don't like is that you two keep hurting Caterpie's feelings with your dumb insults!"

"Okay fine. I'll be nicer." Meowth sticks out his tongue and frowns. "I hate being mushy…"

Jessie gets on her knee in front of Caterpie. "I don't think you're ugly or disgusting at all Caterpie, here climb on my shoulder."

"Caterpie?" Caterpie looks at Meowth.

Meowth looks back. "Geez I'm sorry, maybe you'll evolve into a butterfly or something and you are gonna soar high in the sky under da round moon."

"And you're not gonna scare Domino anymore," Jessie added in as Caterpie climbed up to Jessie's shoulder.

"What do you mean by that?" Domino questioned suspiciously.

"We'll continue our Pokémon journey without her!" Jessie begins walking off, leaving Domino behind. "Come on Meowth."

"Hmph. I was comfy in her arms." Meowth wiggles himself out of Domino's arms and follows Jessie. "Leaving her in this bug-infested forest is gonna give her a heart attack. But oh well."

"Oh yeah, I'll show you!" Domino aggressively responds.

Jessie and Meowth are walking, minding their own business as Domino is slowly following them from behind. Meowth looks back and notices Domino following them. "Hey, hey, Jessie."

"What?" Jessie asked.

"Domino wants to stick with us," Meowth replied.

Jessie looks as Domino quickly hides behind a tree. "Why are you following us?"

Domino peaks her head out. "My bike, of course, the one you destroyed! I'm holding you responsible for my bike!"

"Wow Domino, if you really loved your bike, I'm surprised you didn't marry it," Jessie replied.

"I thought you had that bike insurance for it." Meowth added in.

"For your information Ms. 'Pokémon Master' and' Meowth, if you didn't destroy it in the first place, I would've been out of this forest right about now! You're really a dumb Pokémon trainer!" Domino yelled back with an insult at Jessie.

"I told you I was going to repay you for that bike someday and if I'm so dumb, why are you following us?!" Jessie fired back at Domino.

"I'm not following you, this so happens to be the fastest way out of the forest," Domino explained.

"Fine, do whatever you want, I don't care." Jessie begins walking away.

"That's exactly what I'm doing!" Domino also walks away in the same direction as where Jessie's going.

The scene cuts to night with everyone about to go to sleep.

Jessie is seen in a sleeping bag. "You better get some sleep guys, tomorrow is another big day."

Meowth flops down next to Jessie, curled up in a ball as Caterpie nods.

"Well, we all could get some sleep if you would shut your stupid mouth!" Domino lays back down.

"How about both of you shut up?" Meowth closes his eyes and sinks his face into his fur.

Jessie groans in annoyance. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." Jessie lays back down and goes to sleep.

As Meowth sleeps, Caterpie crawls up to Meowth and starts making noises while looking at the sky. Meowth is purring super loudly while sleeping.

"Caterpie, Caterpie!"

(Translation) "Hey bro, are you still up?"

Meowth wakes up for one second. "Now what?"

"Caterpie. Caterpie."

(Translation) "I want to be a Butterfree one day. Maybe no one won't call me disgusting anymore."

"Huh. So you're taking what I said earlier about ya…" Meowth responds as Caterpie nods. "If you toughen up and go up a few levels, yeah you'll be a Butterfree. That's how it works."

Caterpie looks at Domino sleeping and frowns. "Caterpie."

(Translation) "Maybe she will actually like me now when I'm a Butterfree."

"So what do you wanna do? Train right now while those two are asleep?" Meowth asked, curiously.

"Caterpie, Caterpie."

(Translation) "Maybe later, tired.

"Yeah yeah. I'm tired too…" Meowth agrees as Meowth and Caterpie both slowly fall asleep.

The scene cuts to morning.

Domino slowly starts waking up only to see that Caterpie is sleeping right next to her. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Meowth immediately wakes up from Domino's scream. "GIRL, YOU WOKE ME UP!"

Jessie also immediately wakes up as well. "What's wrong, what's happening?!"

"What is this thing sleeping near me?!" Domino immediately questions in disgust.

Jessie chuckles. "Stop complaining, Caterpie wants to be your friend, that's all."

"If this thing wants to be my friend, it can stop bugging me already! Get out of my face and get inside that Poké Ball!" Domino demanded Caterpie as the Pokémon just looked down in sadness.

"Oh my god Domino, you are such a little bitch." Jessie said, getting frustrated about Domino's dislikeness with Caterpie.

"You know what? I agree with Jess. Stop being such a little bitch." Meowth added in, he remembers the convo he had with Caterpie last night.

"Exactly, I don't understand why Caterpie likes you, even Sherlock Holmes can't solve that mystery. Besides, Caterpie means no harm at all." Jessie says as she sees Caterpie crawling sadly to its Poké Ball. "Caterpie?"

Caterpie returns itself to its Poké Ball in sadness.

"Hey hold on, Caterpie!" Jessie looks at Domino with a glare at her. "Okay, you know what Domino, you owe Caterpie an apology, just because it's a Pokémon doesn't mean it doesn't have feelings!"

"Yeah, way to go Domino, this is all your fault!" Meowth added in.

Domino just crosses her arms and looks away.

Jessie looks at Caterpie's Poké Ball. "Come on Caterpie, don't worry we will show her!"

Domino feels bad now as she looks back until she spots something in the sky and looks up. "Huh?"

Jessie and Meowth also look up as well to see what it is with Meowth being confused. A Pokémon that looks like a bigger Pidgey flies in and starts pecking the ground.

"Are you kidding me? I'm already sick and tired of birds. I especially hate Spearow after that incident." Meowth says.

"Huh… this looks like Pidgey except it's really big." Jessie pointed out as she reached into her purse to pull out her Pokédex to identify this Pokémon.

"Pidgeotto, an evolved form of the Pidgey. It is armed with sharp claws and dives from the sky to capture its prey. Unlike the more gentle Pidgey, Pidgeotto can be dangerous, approach with extreme caution."

"Every bird Pokémon is dangerous, I swear." Meowth says.

"Would it be really cool if I'm able to catch that Pidgeotto?" Jessie wonders that into her mind.

"You couldn't even catch that Pidgey earlier. What makes you think you can catch basically a more powerful Pidgey?" Meowth questions Jessie.

"Like this." Jessie pulls out an empty Poké Ball from her purse. "Alright Pidgeotto, you're definitely mine! Poké Ball go!" Jessie throws her Poké Ball at the Pidgeotto but it swats the Poké Ball without looking while Jessie just stands there, embarrassed as Meowth facepalms.

"You don't get it, do you? You have to weaken a Pokémon first if you want to catch it, you can't just simply throw a Poké Ball and catch it. The only reason why you caught that spark plug Pokémon is because it's a baby Pokémon and that Caterpie was weak." Domino explained from watching Jessie's blunder.

Jessie just growls in anger. "I know what I'm doing!"

"That's the neat thing, you don't!" Meowth counters Jessie's statement.

"Will you both just shut your mouths?! And for you Domino, you better stop picking on Caterpie, okay? If you kindly keep both of your MOUTHS shut, you'll see how it's done! I guess Caterpie isn't really in the mood to battle right now, so… Weedle I choose you!" Jessie sends out Weedle to face the Pidgeotto as Domino and Meowth both gasp in shock. "See, I told you I knew what I was doing!"

"YOU DO NOT!" Meowth shouted.


"D-did I do something wrong?" Jessie stuttered in worriedness.

Pidgeotto is trying to eat Weedle as Weedle is crawling for dear life.

"WEEDLE!" Jessie yelled out.

Meowth facepalms hard. "Yeah. That Weedle is screwed."

Pidgeotto goes in the air for an attack, but the Weedle barely dodges it.

"Weedle Poison Sting!" Jessie yells out.

Weedle tries to Poison Sting, but Pidgeotto manages to hit Weedle before he could land the hit and gets flung into a tree. Pidgeotto is about to go for the final blow and possibly eat dinner.

"WEEDLE!" Jessie yelled out in worriedness.

"CALL IT BACK, NOW!" Domino demanded.

"WEEDLE RETURN!" Jessie immediately returns Weedle before Pidgeotto can deliver the final blow as it hits the tree and gets its beak stuck in the tree.

"Elekid, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Elekid.

Elekid pops out of its Poké Ball. "Ele!" Elekid starts to brush up against Jessie's leg as Pidgeotto is in the air now.

"Elekid, Thundershock!" Jessie commanded as Elekid Thundershocks the crap out of Pidgeotto after charging. Jessie quickly throws an empty Poké Ball at Pidgeotto, it gets hit and goes in.

The Poké Ball begins shaking on the ground and it clicks, signaling Pidgeotto has been caught.

"YES, I caught Pidgeotto!" Jessie holds up three fingers as she and Elekid celebrate after a successful catch. "I am the greatest!"

"You're the worst!" Domino countered back.

"The greatest at being the worst. Kinda. Meowth likes da effort."

"You have no idea what you're doing, it would be a long time until you're a Pokémon master, like a million years!" Domino yells, directly at Jessie's face.

"Look I'm trying to-"

"You should TRY to learn more about Pokémon! Pidgeotto is a bird, Weedle is a worm, birds eat worms, Ms. Pokémon Master!" Domino adds in while cutting off Jessie in the process.

"Well if you just try hard enough, things will work out, right?" Jessie replied to Domino from her statement.

"No, Jessie! I'm afraid things won't just work out like that! The Pokémon trainer's judgment is more important than everything else and unfortunately you, the trainer, have to have a brain!" Domino insulted while all up in Jessie's face.

"Not like you're any better, Ms. Oblong!" Meowth insulted back, Domino was almost about to punt Meowth from the insult until the three heard laughing in the distance.

"So we meet again!" A familiar female voice can be heard from our heroes.

"That voice!" Jessie pointed out the similarities.

"Ugh." Meowth groans.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people in every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

Mondo does a backflip out of the bushes and lands on his feet. "I'm Mondo! Alright!"

"Not this again! Look we're kinda busy-"

"Quiet little girl!" Cassidy demanded, cutting Jessie's sentence off. "We're not here to listen to you. We're here to steal your Pokémon!"

Team Rocket points directly at Meowth and Elekid.

"So hand over Meowth and the spark plug!" Butch demanded Jessie.

"Hey! I thought you guys said you weren't interested in Meowth. Besides, can't you just catch your own?" Jessie suggested to the criminals.

"We're only looking for the rarest, most valuable, and toughest Pokémon in the world, duh," Butch responded.

"And that special talking Meowth and spark plug is the Pokémon that we need!" Cassidy added in

"What she said!" Butch grinned.

"You guys! Stop giving away all our secrets!" Mondo pouted to Cassidy and Butch.

"Nobody asked you anything, Mondo!" Butch replied to him.

"Are my Pokémon really that special?" Jessie says, kinda actually shocked.

"Your Meowth's power has impressed even me! I really got a charge out of its incredible attack the last time we met. It can beat my Cubone and it can talk!" Mondo explained to Jessie.

"NOW YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S GIVING AWAY OUR SECRETS!" Cassidy yelled directly at Mondo.

Butch clobbers Mondo in the head. "Shut up before you tell them everything!"

"Yowch! Cut it out! I'm the one in charge!" Mondo tried to explain it to them.

"Just make things easier and hand over that Meowth and spark plug," Cassidy demanded Jessie.

"Screw off!" Jessie responded, resisting their demands.

"Then you leave us no choice, you spoiled little bitch!" Butch says, as Cassidy and Butch both pull out a Poké Ball.

"Pokémon battle!" Cassidy sends out Rattata.

"Go, Mankey!" Butch sends out Mankey.



"Hey two against one, that's cheating!" Jessie yelled at Team Rocket.

"As I say, it's all fair and love and war and Pokémon!" Cassidy responded.

"I say that saying is rotten and so are you!" Jessie fired back at them.

"Because we're the bad guys!" Butch explained to her.

"Well if they're gonna use two Pokémon, I don't see why you can't!" Domino pointed out.

"But I have never been in a two against two Pokémon battle before," Jessie admitted.

"Well if you don't, you're gonna lose all of your Pokémon!" Domino reasoned with Jessie.

"Mankey! Use Karate Chop on Meowth!" Butch commanded Mankey as it karate chops Meowth in his eyes so he can't see for a bit.

"AH-" Meowth screams as it gets Karate Chopped in the eyes.

"AH!" Jessie picks up Meowth. "If you think you're gonna use your dirty tricks on me, you're wrong!" Jessie turns to Domino, offering her to hold Meowth. "Please hold Meowth… they might try anything to get what they want, but I can't take the risk of them stealing Meowth. I can't let them have Elekid and Meowth, do you understand?"

"Oh, so that's the name of the spark plug." Cassidy pointed out.

"Domino, come on!" Jessie hands Domino, Meowth.

Domino is now holding onto Meowth. "But what about the others?"

Jessie turns to Team Rocket.

"So what's your big battle plan, little Twerpette?" Cassidy asked.

"I can't use Weedle, it's too weak from the last battle, Caterpie might still feel bad and Elekid is too busy crying," Jessie said in her thoughts as Elekid is secretly charging, but mostly crying. "Pidgeotto go!" Jessie sends out Pidgeotto.

"Mankey! It's scratching time!" Butch commanded Mankey.

Mankey tries to scratch Pidgeotto, but it dodges the move.

"Rattata go get that bird!" Cassidy commanded Rattata.

Rattata tries to bite Pidgeotto, but Pidgeotto also dodges that move as well. Mankey is getting mad that Pidgeotto keeps dodging their moves.

"Pidgeotto, Quick Attack!" Jessie commanded.

"Rattata, dodge it!" Cassidy commanded back.

Pidgeotto tries to go for a Quick Attack, but Rattata dodges the move as Pidgeotto stops itself from hitting the ground, oblivious that Mankey is behind it.

"Pidgeotto behind you, watch out!" Jessie tried to warn Pidgeotto that Mankey was behind it. Mankey goes for a Karate Chop, but Pidgeotto still manages to dodge the move.

"Oh come on, Strike 'em down!" Butch said in frustration.

Rattata tries to Bite Pidgeotto again, but Pidgeotto dodges again by flying in the air.

Team Rocket starts dancing with fans in their hands. "We're gonna get a Pokémon! We're gonna get a Pokémon! We're gonna get a Pokémon!"

Pidgeotto is in between Rattata and Mankey.

"Gust now!" Jessie Commanded Pidgeotto.

Pidgeotto tries to use Gust, but Rattata manages to tackle Pidgeotto from behind.

"Bullseye!" Butch shouted in excitement.

Pidgeotto also gets Karate Chopped from behind by Mankey.

"Pidgeotto return!" Jessie returns Pidgeotto and growls in frustration. "I'll show you!" Jessie starts running towards Team Rocket.

"Jessie!" Domino shouted.

Cassidy stops Jessie with just her hand.

Jessie starts throwing her fist around, ready to fight Team Rocket with her fist. "Alright let's go, put them up!"

"Hah! What a fool! In Pokémon battle, only Pokémon can fight each other." Mondo said with an insult.

"Buzz off." Butch flicks Jessie away.

Jessie gets flicked and rolls up to a tree.

"Are you alright?" Domino asked, a little concerned with Jessie being flicked.

"Guess you got no choice. Let Meowth and Elekid in and watch Team Rocket win!" Cassidy said with a confident smirk on her face.

Meowth is still blinded, while Elekid is still crying and charging.

"No Elekid, you can't battle in this condition!" Domino explained to Elekid.

"Ele!" It cried out.

Jessie pulls out two of her Poké Balls. "I know you might be weak from that fight with Pidgeotto and you might still be sad, but I need both of you! Alright Team Rocket, if you guys want a double battle? I'll give you one! Weedle and Caterpie, I choose you!" Jessie sends both Caterpie and Weedle out to battle them. Weedle however still looks a little weak while Caterpie has some water in its eyes.

"What the fuck are those?!" Butch asked.

"They're bugs. Measly little bugs!" Mondo answered with a chuckle.

Cassidy starts laughing and pointing at them. "someone better get the bug spray!"

"Ele!" Elekid cried out.

"Hang in there!" Domino said, responding to Elekid's cry.

Both Caterpie and Weedle start covering themselves as Rattata and Mankey are about to attack them.

Jessie growls. "Caterpie and Weedle, String Shot now!"

Both Caterpie and Weedle use String Shot on Mankey and Rattata as they are webbed up now. Caterpie uses Tackle and flings Rattata back and hits Mankey.

"KEY!" Mankey gets knocked over.

"HUH?!" Cassidy shouted out in shock.

"BEATEN BY BUG POKÉMON?! THAT REALLY BUGS ME!" Butch also shouted, but mostly frustrated.

"Now watch a real Pokémon in action." Mondo decides to send out Cubone, but Weedle and Caterpie just also use String Shot on Cubone as it screeches and gets webbed up as well as Mondo is just too shocked to say anything.

"It's time Team Rocket blasted off!" Cassidy says as Team Rocket grabs their Pokémon and they run away.

"You may have won this round, but we'll be back bozos!" Butch says while running away.

"Yeah, we'll be back! And you'll be sorry!" Mondo adds in, also running away with them.

"Come back anytime, we would be glad to beat you!" Domino sticks her tongue out at them.

"Meowth dat's right!" Meowth perks up, feeling so much better now.

Elekid stops crying. "Ele?"

"We did it! We stopped the villains from stealing our Pokémon! YEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!" Jessie cheered loudly.



Jessie picks both of them up. "I'm proud of you guys, we won!"

Meowth is still a little blinded so he bumps into a tree. "Ow!"

"I hope that isn't permanent…" Jessie says, a little concerned.

"Yeah…" Seems like hitting that tree made Meowth see again. "Hey, I have my sight again!"

"Sweet!" Jessie said.

"You guys look stronger than you look!" Domino says while looking at Weedle and Caterpie. They both seem happy to hear that from Domino.

"Well Domino, your opinion on Caterpie has changed, right?" Jessie assumed Domino.

"Well, I…" Domino replies, not sure about her opinion.

"Why don't you two try to make up and just pet them on the head and just say 'thanks?' Well you like Pokémon right? They saved us from getting robbed, they deserve some appreciation." Jessie tried to reason with Domino about Caterpie.

"Well, I guess you're right, Jessie. Okay, here goes." Domino was about to pet Weedle and Caterpie until the both of them started shooting a random web.

"AAAHHH!" Domino screamed, really frightened by what the Pokémon did.

"WOAH!" Meowth yelled in shock.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Jessie questions what's currently happening to Weedle and Caterpie, seeing this for the first time.

Elekid screeches and hides behind Jessie as she places both Caterpie and Weedle down. Both Caterpie and Weedle start glowing white.

"What's happening?" Jessie asked about this situation.

"They're evolving!" Domino immediately answered.

Meowth gasps at this.

"This is awesome!" Jessie shouted out in excitement, seeing her Pokémon evolving.

The white glow fades away as Caterpie and Weedle are both now cocoon Pokémon. Caterpie evolved into a green cocoon while Weedle evolved into a yellow cocoon.

Jessie digs into her purse and pulls out her Pokédex and uses it on the green cocoon Pokémon first.

"Metapod. Caterpie's next stage. It has encased its body in a hard shell. This specimen reached this stage faster than any previously discovered Pokémon of this variety."

Elekid pokes Metapod as Jessie now uses her Pokédex on the yellow cocoon Pokémon.

"Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokémon, the evolved form of Weedle. When it comes time for Kakuna to evolve, its body gives off heat that makes it warm to the touch. It remains motionless as it waits for evolution and often hangs from tree branches by a thread of silk, defending itself with poisonous barbs."

"Hey, that means it can keep on changing and go to the next stage right away! Nice to meet you, Kakuna and Metapod!" Jessie greets them as the newly evolved Pokémon just stay silent. "What, not in the mood to talk?" Jessie chuckles.

"Welp. I feel bad for them. I bet they can hardly move around." Meowth pointed out.

Elekid keeps poking at Metapod.

"Alright Elekid, return, you did awesomely!" Jessie returns Elekid. "Well, that's what Poké Balls are for, right Meowth?"

"Oh. Right. When are we gonna get out of here? It feels like years since I've last been in a building." Meowth says, wondering.

Domino said this to herself. "I never met anybody like her, she does love Pokémon."

Jessie returns Kakuna to the Poké Ball and holds Metapod near Domino.

"AHH!" Domino immediately screams after seeing Metapod.

"Domino, you two were about to be friends! You didn't forget, right?" Jessie reminded Domino that she was about to pet the bug Pokémon until they started to evolve.

"I didn't forget I-" Domino gets her sentence cut off as a bee Pokémon flies by her as she screams in fear.

"BAHAHA-" Meowth laughs at Domino's scream.

"I'll do anything, let's just get out of this forest!" Domino screams out as she wants to leave this forest immediately.

"NO WAY! There are still plenty of Pokémon to catch!" Jessie responded in excitement.

Meowth just blankly stares at what Jessie just said. "We're staying here?!"

Jessie sprints off in excitement to catch more Pokémon.

"Are we gonna be in this forest forever?" Meowth runs to catch up with Jessie.

"Hey wait for me!" Domino also starts running to catch up with them.

"The future looks bright for our heroes now, but the Viridian Forest is deeper and darker than they know, but there is a challenge that is dangerous waiting for them!"