
Attack on Titan: Mutant Systemmm

MC who was a highly-skilled Solider is reborn into the brutal world of Attack on Titan. He is reborn with a rare power and mutant system into a bloodline full of chaos. The Ackermen Clan.A war will begin. The end of the world is near. MC has prior knowledge of AOT events. [Warning] This fanfic contains spoilers to current manga chapters. Lots of R-18, Gore and Violence. The romance will build. There won't be R-18 content until later. [Extra Tags]: R-18, Incest, Advanced Technology, Spoiler Warnings,

HentaiGodZ · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Ackerman Blood [Spoiler]

"So my son is finally awake? Hm. He should with us," whispers a rough manly voice.

"Well he did ask for some time alone, after the incident,' I don't blame him, he almost died, I hope he is alright, there is actually something I want to talk you about," whispers my mother's voice.

"What exactly is it?" Mr. Ackerman said.

"Well, it's about Doctor Grisha and his son... You know what will talk about it after dinner... Mikasa and Ezekiel might be hearing us... Shouldn't Grisha be coming to visit us today?" my mother softly says.

"Yes, honey, now let's go see Mikasa she is still sick, can't believe she had enough energy to see her brother, such a strong girl," I can hear my father's and mother's footsteps echo away.

An incident? What happened to me in the past? I think to myself. Tch, I will think about it after I get some rest. I am feeling really tired. Tomorrow I will go around asking questions and start training and becoming powerful. I now close my eyes to go to sleep.

... I had a nightmare of the world on fire. People screaming and running for their lives. Then I hear a thundering hellish demonic roar Was it coming from me? Was I a monster? A Titan? This is just a dream! Blood splatters everywhere and I suddenly open my eyes wide and hear my mother screaming.

[ALERT!] -[Intruders!] [Hostile Threat!] My system alerts me. I jump off from my bed and run as fast as I can out of my room to see what just happened. Shit! What the hell is going on?! Why the hell don't I remember this? Wait a minute! Shit! Don't tell me I am too late! I gritted my teeth in anger, I can't let my family be slaughtered and let them kidnap Mikasa!

But it was too late for my father. I saw a knife stabbed right through his heart and blood splattering out from his back and mouth. My father starts coughing out blood, "RUN!" he screams out for his final words as his lifeless body falls down the ground, "NOO!" Screams out my mother and Mikasa, "FATHER!' cries out Mikasa. Two tall men hold bloody knives in their hands, "If the rest of you don't want to die then come us, no fighting back," The murders said.

FUCKING BASTARDS! I angrily gritted my teeth a surge of powerful energy flows throughout my veins. All my hate and rage for the men in front of me for killing my father in this new world and they were about kill my mother and Mikasa. I won't let it happen! My mother and Mikasa are crying over my father's lifeless bloody body. I tried to calm myself with my [Gamer Mind] skill and think sharply, but I couldn't I was filled with so much rage and hatred. Senseless slaughter all for what!?

Humans are all the fucking same! They deserve to all fucking die! I clenched my fists. I was going to unleash hell upon these bastards, my silver eyes begin to heat up and glow. No mercy for anyone.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. Don't worry I will make a pledge I won't drop this fanfic. And I will bring back my old fanfics. WN needs the God of R-18 back, no more NTR trash or pussy hero MC. MHA Villain System coming back with new chapters sorry for the fans! This AOT fanfic will have Anti-Hero MC adding new tags now. THIS FANFIC WON'T BE DROPPED.