
Attack on Titan: Mutant Systemmm

MC who was a highly-skilled Solider is reborn into the brutal world of Attack on Titan. He is reborn with a rare power and mutant system into a bloodline full of chaos. The Ackermen Clan.A war will begin. The end of the world is near. MC has prior knowledge of AOT events. [Warning] This fanfic contains spoilers to current manga chapters. Lots of R-18, Gore and Violence. The romance will build. There won't be R-18 content until later. [Extra Tags]: R-18, Incest, Advanced Technology, Spoiler Warnings,

HentaiGodZ · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Mutant System 

A/N: Slight spoiler this chapter]

I see that the blue holographic screen in front of my eyes begins to glow and numbers and stats begin to appear. The RPG-like screen was kind of like AUD, reminds me of the Manwha the Gamer where the MC gets a Gamer System in which everything he does turns into skills! Interesting! Let's look deeper into the system.

[Mutant System]

Lvl: 1

Name: Ezekiel

Age: 6

Bloodline: Unknown [So it is not %100 sure that I am an Ackerman like Mikasa's father or like her mother [SPOILER] who is part of the Azumabito bloodline, which is an influential family that descended from Hizuru's former Shogun clan [Asia/Asianbasically in the AOT world]

Skills: [Reincarntor Lvl1]: Past knowledge of your world, and some knowledge of the AOT world such as Survey Corps combat skills and thinking, as well as how to maneuver [ODM Gear] skillfully, slightly know future events however not fully, you will gain more knowledge as you level up and grow up. [No one likes a weakling, so grow up and grow strong mortal,] 'This system really is a bastard who mocks humans, I wonder who created this system? So it seems I know only a fraction of the future events of AOT. I have to level and grow stronger in order to gain more knowledge and power in this world.]

[Warrior's Mind]: Increase of all strength and stamina as well as combat strategy, you excel in all types of combat, hand to hand, swords, guns, any weapon used to kill enemies.

[Gamer Mind]: Fast and sharp thinking, the ability to create anything into a skill and see life as a game to be won. Increase in all stats.

[No more skills. Create more skills and explore this world! You gain skills by leveling up and living your everyday life! Anything you will turn into a skill so be aware at what you create as skill].

[NO SHOP]: [You expect free powers and wishes from a stupid god? This is not a DxD harem trash world. In AOT there are no shortcuts.] 'This system really is a jerk, don't make fun of harem worlds even though they are the ones with least plot, some anime fans are 'cultured' '

Powers: [Super Soldier]: You are at the peak of human potential. This means that the individual is stronger, faster,and more durable than the finest human athletes in the world. You are capable of lifting around 800 pounds over their heads, running at speeds of 30 mph or possibly more, and due to the Super-Soldier Serum's ability to counteract the lactic acids in the muscles that cause fatigue, allowing individuals to maintain strenuous physical activity for up to 12 hours on end before tiring after training. However, this power is at Level 1 as the other skills, meaning you must train and level up everyday!

[Unknown Mutant Power]: Unknown.

[Stat numbers will be shown when you reach Level 2] -[Attributes]


This was a lot to take in. But now I know for sure that I am a Super Soldier! Damn there is much that I have to take in. All the potential I can do right now! But I wonder what is my Unknown Mutant power? After all this is a Mutant System? Does it have something to do with being a Titan? Now that I think about it... I look at the mirror in my room and see that I have long black and sharp cold silver eyes, I kind of looked like Eren Yeager but when he was older... Does this mean I am Eren's brother or Mikasa? Things are getting confusing I have to get to the bottom of this. For now, I need some fucking rest.


Outside of the Ackerman house...

"So this is where they live? Good, let's make this quick, make this bastard pay," A man holds a knife in his hand and looks over to another man who nods his head.

Darkness looms across the thundering skies.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. So it is about to happen poor Mikasa's mom, next chapter will get crazy, anyways let's see what happens. Thanks for the reviews. More chapters coming today. My plan is daily chapters but there might be a mass release on Sunday if we reach top rankings! Don't worry there will be more mutant powers if will have to with the system of course and something else AOT related.

NOTE: This won't be a stat heavy fanfic like a gamer one, so don't worry about useless stat pages filling up the word count. And yes I copied the Super Soldier serum info from Wiki, I am lazy :]