
Astroth: The Last Dragon

He was reincarnated in a fantasy world! As a human? -No! Vampire? -No! Dragon ??? One day a magic circle appeared in Kazuma's classroom which activated when he was half inside the circle. The moment it activated, he couldn't endure the splitting pain of transporting and lost his life. Fortunately a black magician summoned him to the dead body of a baby dragon, however he chained Kazuma with soul binding. Kazuma gets reincarnated in this world as the last dragon, 'Astroth', but he has no idea about his existence. Here we see his search for survival and truth, his retreat from the black magician, his curiosity about the world. As he explores this world, he makes new friends and gains strength. His animosity towards his own fellow classmates and some tyrant nations, may lead him down the path of world’s greatest enemy of all times. Closely watch this thrilling journey of Astroth, the last dragon. Note: the cover art is not my creation, its credit belongs to its respective creator.

Vks_sh · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Dungeon (3)

Kazuma wriggled and squirmed around, slithering his way through their appendages. He crept behind them and took a deep breath before the ants could again try to trample him. He attempted to concentrate on his back while narrowly dodging their pounding strikes.

The ants crackled together as if talking their way to each other. Those sounds clutter Kazuma's head, forcing him to lose focus. Gradually, he had to concentrate on only defending rather than flying.

However, the ants strategized a way to encircle him and jumped around, trapping Kazuma in between the two of them. Their enormous legs resembled a large cage, built for rhinos or something.

Kazuma swallowed as his mouth dried due to fear. Now all his progress has been halted by those giant beings. Continuing down Kazuma's path, they again crackled in loud noises, as if mocking the tiny reptile to crawl and beg for its life.

Meanwhile, Kazuma felt his head blank in those bustles. His life was nearing its end, whether he would beg or slither anymore. Kazuma cast a sly glance at Zoukar, hoping for a reaction, but he remained in his previous position, unfazed and aloof.

"Well, I wasn't expecting him to do shit for me anyway," Kazuma snorted at Zoukar's inaction. Still, he had to ponder something if zoukar had no intention of providing any support.

When no other option was left, Kazuma concentrated his mana around himself and focused on the only spell he learned. With churning in his mouth, gradually a warm feeling rose in his stomach. He chanted, "[Fireball]", targeting both of the monsters before him.

Suddenly, two fist-sized fiery fireballs gushed out of his mouth. Those destructive flames had a blazing hot temperature and landed successfully on one of the ants, smoldering it into a mass of fire.

The ants danced around the scorching heat and gradually incinerated while the flames smothered everything but the ashes left on the ground. However, Kazuma's aim, or to say, luck, wasn't on his side all the time.

The second narrowly escaped that fireball with a high leap into the air. It shrieked and swelled at the sight of that magic displayed by that tiny reptile it tried to belittle until now. The ant landed near its partner, who got incinerated into nothing but smoke.

That ant's attention turned to the reptile once again, but this time it had mixed emotions of rage and caution. Anyway, it wanted to strike at once on Kazuma, yet it backed off since its instinct warned it that way.

The ant crackled in rage and ruthlessly struck repeatedly to pounce Kazuma into a mesh of flesh. Those thorny feet of the ant stomped lots of holes into the ground when Kazuma dodged most of them.

Watching the swift attacks coming towards him, Kazuma felt his blood suddenly cold and his body stiff from the intense killing intent directed at him. Nonetheless, he developed some bravery while avoiding those sudden and nimble assaults.

Although his attempt was commendable, the attacks of that giant being were imminent, at least from Kazuma's perspective. He had to fend off a creature multiple times his size and massive strength.

Unfortunately, some strikes of that ant scratched or carved narrowly into Kazuma's body. He writhed in agony and squealed in intense spasms. Somehow, his scales didn't allow his flesh to be punctured, but the torment he felt was similar to it.

He tumbled due to that pain and fell near the ant while attempting to dash away. With a sinister cry, the ant shrieked and crackled derisively. That loud noise resounded in the cave and was even more bitter and extreme than Kazuma.

The ant again stroked to end the reptile before it in a single clean attack. Kazuma saw that slash towards him and closed his eyes in dismay. His despair had no bounds, watching his next life end in vain.

At that moment, his apprehension intensified, but a surge of calm and composed emotions took over his head. His heart poised and in a tranquil state, he fell into enlightenment. That fleeting and serene emotion grew something within him.

When he gradually opened his eyes, an astonishing view welcomed him to that overwhelming scene. He was amazed by the fact that he was flying above the ants. Through that enlightenment, he somehow learned to use his wings.

Kazuma let out a heartfelt laugh and squealed with delight.

While flapping those scaly wings, he dived through the air and glided around the giant ant. Meanwhile, the ant didn't watch the play with content; it raged at the reptile mocking the ant. Its aggression resurfaced when it observed the reptile evading its strikes.

However, Kazuma left all the fear and anxiousness behind when he felt the ecstasy of diving in the air. Those wings of his granted him another form of courage and gallantry. He snickers at the frenzied and tries to eliminate it.

Kazuma swirled around in circles and again concentrated on the mana in the atmosphere. His body felt the mana warming as he again chanted, "[Fireball]". He launched a series of fireball attacks on the ant while circling the ant.

The devastating flames smoldered the ant exoskeleton and turned it a dark red while gradually incinerating it into ashes. The flames left not even a carcass behind and smothered the air.

Kazuma let out a sigh of relief. He was excitedly overjoyed at his first battle and two kills put the cherry on top. Suddenly, laughter resounded behind him. Kazuma turned around and noticed Zoukar laughing hysterically.

"Hahaha... my, my! I felt you were amazing, but to this extent I never imagined. I watched my investment prove its value in many folds. With more exercise, you can hone your skills with these astounding instincts of this divine body you have,'' Zoukar acclaimed.

"Rather than complimenting me, you could have at least helped me in my dire need, when my life was about to leave the world again, you bastard of a mage!'' Kazuma spat inwardly.

Yet it was a fact that he might die someday if he was neglected during a battle like this one. This concern hovered over his head for a brief moment.