
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

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66 Chs


on The Underground Parking Lot

The underground parking lot is dimly lit, with rows of neatly arranged vehicles, each carefully spaced. The ceiling is low, and the concrete pillars that support it cast elongated shadows. The ambient hum of ventilation and the distant echo of footsteps create an eerie atmosphere.

Guard Posts: The parking lot entrance and exit are guarded by vigilant Semus security personnel. They wear sharp, black suits with discreet earpieces, and their expressions are stern and watchful. Each guard is positioned at a security booth, equipped with surveillance monitors.

The Driver: Alex, disguised as a maintenance worker, approaches the Semus vehicle. The driver, seated in the front, is engrossed in a newspaper, oblivious to his surroundings.

Alex's disguise is a testament to his skill. He wears a well-fitted maintenance uniform, complete with a cap and a nametag that reads "Carlos." His face is smudged with grease and dirt, and he carries a toolbox as if he belongs in the maintenance crew.

"I am on Position, Back to you"

"Okey Alex, we start right now", Mira reply

Mira, known for her agility, wore a sleek, Dressed in a sleek, black bodysuit that accentuated her athleticism, Mira also carried a backpack, giving her the appearance of a traveler or an innocent bystander.

Near the Semus vehicle, the guards remained watchful, and it was then that Mira found herself in the vicinity, appearing lost and out of place. She seemed like a traveler who had taken a wrong turn.

One guard couldn't help but notice her presence and leaned toward his companion, his tone low and threatening, "Hey, do you see that girl over there? She looks lost."

His partner replied, equally menacing, "Yeah, she's definitely not supposed to be here. We should keep an eye on her."

Approaching the guards with an innocent demeanor, Mira spoke, "Excuse me, sirs, I seem to have lost my way. Can you help me find the exit? I'm a bit disoriented."

The first guard, his suspicion evident, inquired in a harsh tone, "What are you doing here, miss? This is a restricted area."

Mira, trembling with fear, responded, "Oh, I didn't realize. I just followed the signs, and now I don't know how to get out. Can you please show me the way?"

The second guard, still suspicious and trying to appear tough, refused to help but didn't resort to extreme threats, "We won't help you. Get out of here now, or it won't end well for you."

"wait no need to be so fierce" Mira trembling

"I count to three or i will shoot you",

"One, two,", before the guard shoot suddenly

"Okey okey I leave"

Mira, her voice shaky and eyes darting nervously, nodded and quickly complied, hurrying away from the guards. As she made her exit, Alex seized the opportunity to stealthily enter.

Tension filled the air as the guards, though less fierce, kept a watchful eye on the situation, ready to respond to any potential threat. The suspense remained as the scene unfolded.

Seizing the distraction provided by Mira, Alex, in his maintenance worker disguise, takes advantage of the guards' diverted attention to move closer to the Semus vehicle. This diversion allows him to reach the vehicle and execute his plan without raising suspicion.

Mira's role not only adds depth to the team's dynamics but also showcases her unique skills as an agile and graceful member. Her distraction becomes a key element in facilitating Alex's covert operation in the underground parking lot, adding an element of style and intrigue to the narrative.

Alex, skilled in the art of blending in, uses his surroundings to further enhance his disguise. He casually dips his fingers into a nearby bucket of motor oil and smears a bit on his uniform, adding to the authenticity of his maintenance worker persona.

With his disguise perfected, Alex slowly approaches the guard post between him and the Semus vehicle. He maintains a casual and nonchalant demeanor, shuffling tools in his toolbox and occasionally glancing at his surroundings as if inspecting the area.

Alex skillfully navigates around the guard post, maintaining a safe distance from the vigilant guard. His disguise as a maintenance worker allows him to blend into the environment seamlessly, making him appear inconspicuous. Alex manages to bypass the guard undetected and continues toward the Semus vehicle. He keeps his senses sharp and his disguise intact, ready to intervene when the critical exchange of the Whispering Key and the secret code takes place.

The scene unfolds with Mira's exit, and as Alex takes control of the situation, the tension gradually eases. Alex, now in control of the vehicle, reassures the driver:

"Relax, my friend," Alex murmured in a tone that was both soothing and authoritative. "You're in good hands now. Just keep quiet, and everything will be fine."

The driver, struggling to regain his wits, could only manage incoherent mumbles in response. His bewildered nod, however, indicated reluctant agreement to the unforeseen turn of events.

As Alex smoothly and surreptitiously exchanged places with the driver, their roles effectively switched. Meanwhile, in the intricate dance of espionage, Henderson was immersed in his own mission. Communicating with Alex through a secure channel, he reported his successful completion of the initial phase.

Davidso's voice crackled over the comm, carrying an undertone of satisfaction, "I've completed the mission, Alex."

Acknowledging the report, Alex responded with a sense of readiness for what lay ahead, "Good work, Davidso. Now, let's get to the next phase."

With unwavering determination, Davidso, an expert in the art of digital infiltration, redirected his focus toward a new target—the mall's lift system. This task required precision and skill, and he approached it with a single-minded dedication.

"I'm on it," Davidso declared, his voice focused and resolute. "Hacking into the lift system now."

The ambient sounds of the bustling mall outside faded into the background as Davidso delved into the intricate web of digital security, seeking to manipulate it in their favor. The tension in the air was palpable as their covert operation continued to unfold, one meticulously orchestrated step at a tim

As davidso works his digital magic, the plot thickens, setting the stage for the next thrilling phase of the operation. The team's synchronization and skills are vital as they navigate through the high-stakes mission.

In the Hotel Lobby

"Hello, Miss," he began, his voice laced with a refined eloquence that masked the shrewdness beneath. "My name is Edward Semus, the second son of the Semus family."

Zelda, maintaining her facade as Yoris Ramos, responded with a poised smile. "Mr. Semus, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard much about your family's esteemed reputation."

Edward acknowledged the compliment with a nod, his eyes never leaving hers. "Likewise, Miss Ramos. Your family, the Ramoses, has long been a respected name in our world."

The conversation flowed smoothly, but an undercurrent of tension hummed beneath the polite exchanges. In this clandestine gathering, words held power, and every utterance was weighed with the knowledge that alliances could shift with the slightest misstep. Yoris/Zelda and Edward Semus danced through the verbal intricacies, each seeking to discern the other's motives while concealing their true intentions.

As the room buzzed with discreet conversations and hushed negotiations, the meeting auditorium became a battleground of diplomacy and deception, where words were as lethal as any weapon in their possession.

Edward, his demeanor calm yet subtly demanding, leaned slightly closer to Yoris and inquired, "Where's the item, Miss Ramos?"

Yoris, maintaining her composure, replied evenly, "Not so hasty, Mr. Edward. Can you show me the code first?"

Edward, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, hesitated for a moment. The code was a well-guarded secret, known only to the Ramos family for generations. He took a deep breath and finally handed a small slip of paper to Yoris.

With a quick glance at the code, Yoris began to reach for the item in her possession, but Edward's hand intercepted hers. Their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"Ms. Ramos," Edward said with a hint of steel in his voice, "the artifact first."

Hans, Yoris's loyal companion, stood nearby, ready to execute her orders. His hand moved discreetly toward a concealed compartment in his coat, where the precious artifact was securely stowed.

Yoris nodded to Hans, her signal to proceed. "Hans."

Hans nodded in acknowledgment and smoothly opened his coat to reveal the artifact—a small, intricately designed box made of polished silver. Its enigmatic appearance belied the immense power it contained.

Edward's eyes widened in recognition as he beheld the artifact. It had been the target of the government security for weeks, and its importance had been extensively discussed in previous chapters. This mysterious box, known as the "Whispering Key," was rumored to hold secrets capable of changing the course of history.

The artifact was adorned with intricate engravings and a series of tiny, seemingly random holes, all contributing to its cryptic allure. Its origins were shrouded in legend and myth, with stories of its creation dating back centuries.

As Hans carefully presented the artifact, the tension in the room escalated. Edward's desire to obtain the Whispering Key was palpable, but Yoris maintained her cautious stance. She knew that this artifact held a power that needed to be handled with extreme care.

The hotel lobby, with its ornate furnishings and subdued lighting, provided a dramatic backdrop to this clandestine exchange. The fate of the Whispering Key, the code, and the secrets it held now rested in the balance as Yoris Ramos and Edward Semus stood at the precipice of a high-stakes negotiation that would shape the future of their world.