
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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66 Chs

Secrets at the Summit

In the dimly lit and discreetly monitored restroom on the tenth floor of the Rindan Hotel, the covert team huddled together, their voices hushed as they strategized.

Zelda, disguised as the unconscious Yoris Ramos, spoke into her transmitter. "Copy team, I fear I might get exposed due to my transmitter. I don't have time to change clothes with her."

Alex furrowed his brow, concern etching his face. "Why is that?"

Zelda's gaze darted to the unconscious woman beside her. "I can't change outfits with her without raising suspicion."

Mira, the tech expert, immediately went to work. "I'll set off the lights on the tenth floor of the Rindan Hotel."

Alex nodded, his trust in his team unwavering. "How long will it take?"

Mira's fingers danced across her keyboard as she responded, "Thirty seconds. Please hold on, Zelda."

Zelda couldn't help but feel the pressure of time bearing down on her. She knew that Hans, a seasoned assassin, wouldn't hesitate to notice any discrepancies in their clothing.

Outside the restroom, Hans grew increasingly suspicious. He called out, "Miss, I'm coming in."

Zelda knew she had to act fast. With a swift and practiced motion, she activated her voice change technique, altering her tone to match that of Yoris Ramos. "Miss, are you all right?"

Hans's hand rested on the door handle, hesitating for a moment as he assessed the situation. The restroom remained quiet, the tension palpable, as the team waited with bated breath for his next move.

Hans's knuckles turned white as he gripped the door handle, determination etched on his face. He couldn't afford any mistakes, not when the stakes were so high. He had been entrusted with the safety of the Ramos family's eldest daughter, and any mishap could lead to dire consequences.

"Wait a minute, Hans," Zelda's voice quivered with anxiety, trying to buy herself some precious time.

Hans's suspicions grew with each passing second. He knew he couldn't delay any longer. The longer he hesitated, the greater the danger to Yoris Ramos.

His fingers tightened on the handle, ready to push the door open.






Just as Hans prepared to enter, the room plunged into absolute darkness. The sudden blackout sent a shiver down his spine. Panic gripped him as he fumbled for his flashlight, desperately trying to regain control of the situation.

"What is it, Miss? Where are you?" Hans called out, his voice betraying his anxiety.

In the pitch-black restroom, Zelda's quick thinking had saved them for the moment. She swiftly changed her attire with Yoris Ramos, swapping their clothes in the darkness.

The tension in the room was palpable as they waited for the blackout to end, both aware that Hans was just outside the door, growing increasingly frantic by the second. It was a game of nerves, and in this shadowy world of deception and espionage, only the quickest and most resourceful could hope to survive.

"I am here, Hans. Please keep your distance," Zelda's voice quivered with feigned fear as she continued her quick attire change.

Hans, now more bewildered than ever in the pitch-black restroom, could only comply with her command. "Yes, milady," he replied, struggling to maintain his composure. He took a step back, creating some space between him and the source of his anxiety.

The blackout seemed to stretch on endlessly, the darkness enveloping them like a thick shroud. It was in moments like these that the clandestine world of assassins and spies revealed its most perilous nature. Invisibility was their greatest weapon, and now, amidst the darkness, Zelda and her team clung to it desperately.

Finally, a faint glow pierced the obsidian veil as the emergency lights flickered to life. The restroom was once again bathed in dim illumination, revealing Yoris Ramos standing before Hans, her clothing now matching that of Zelda.

Hans's eyes darted between the two women, uncertainty etched across his face. He couldn't put his finger on what had just transpired, but he knew something was amiss.

Yoris, her act perfected to the finest detail, spoke with a trembling voice. "Thank you, Hans. I... I don't know what happened. It was so dark, and I got disoriented."

Hans nodded, still shaken by the inexplicable blackout. "It's all right, Miss. These things happen sometimes. Let's get you back to the meeting."

As Hans escorted Yoris Ramos out of the restroom, Zelda watched them go, relief washing over her. The blackout had bought them crucial time and, for now, had averted disaster. But in the world they inhabited, danger lurked in every shadow, and the game of deception had only just begun.

"let's go to the meeting auditorium shall we", yoris/zelda diaguies comes out and want to go to the the meeting room hans try to inspect the toilet room, he try to check one by one room

In fact, Unconsious yoris is on the third room,

hans walk to the room one,… empty,

and then room two,,, also empty

then hans walk to the third room, Zelda heartbeat can be heard,

when hans was about to open room 3,

"I said hans, let's go, or my dad will kill you if we're left"

"yes miss", hans go back to Zelda side

zelda sigh a sign of relief,

In Auditorium

Intricately designed and grand in scale, the auditorium where the clandestine meeting was set to take place exuded an air of opulence and secrecy. The room was a marvel of architecture, with polished marble floors that shimmered under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers overhead. The walls were adorned with richly woven tapestries, depicting scenes of historical significance to the Ramos family, their vibrant colors contrasting with the otherwise muted tones of the room.

Rows upon rows of plush, velvet-upholstered seats fanned out from the center stage. Each seat bore the Ramos family crest, an emblem of authority and power within the clandestine world of the metropolis. The stage itself was an expansive platform, its dark wood polished to a high shine.

At the center of the stage stood an imposing, intricately carved podium, the symbol of authority for whoever had the privilege of standing behind it. A concealed door, well-concealed in the grandeur, provided an unobtrusive entrance and exit for the family members and their trusted associates.

The lighting was carefully orchestrated, casting a soft, ethereal glow that lent an air of mystique to the proceedings. The room's acoustics had been finely tuned, ensuring that even the most hushed conversations could be heard from the stage. Hidden surveillance cameras discreetly observed every corner of the room, a testament to the Ramos family's commitment to security and control.

As Zelda, disguised as Yoris Ramos, and Hans entered the auditorium, they were met with the hushed murmurs of the attendees, each one a player in this elaborate chess game of power and intrigue. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the secrets concealed within the walls of this opulent chamber seemed poised to unravel at any moment.

Edward Semus, the second son of the prestigious Semus family, exuded an air of sophistication and authority that demanded respect. He appeared to be in his late forties, his features matured by years of navigating the treacherous waters of the clandestine world. Edward's well-groomed salt-and-pepper hair framed a chiseled face that spoke of intelligence and cunning.

His piercing blue eyes seemed to miss nothing as they swept across the room, assessing every detail with a keen, calculating gaze. Edward was dressed in a tailored, charcoal-gray suit that emphasized his lean, athletic build. The suit was impeccably crafted, a symbol of his family's affluence and influence in the secret society.

Edward's demeanor was composed, his every movement deliberate and measured. He exuded an aura of confidence and self-assuredness, the hallmark of a man who was accustomed to power and command. His voice carried a tone of authority, yet it was tinged with a diplomatic finesse, a skill honed through years of negotiation and intrigue.

Flanking Edward were his two imposing bodyguards, each one a formidable presence in their own right. Their attire was understated but marked by the telltale signs of concealed weaponry and combat training. These two loyal sentinels, like shadows, remained at their master's side, their vigilance unwavering.

Edward Semus was a man who held the keys to secrets that could change the course of nations, and in this high-stakes game, he was a player to be reckoned with. His entrance into the auditorium had a palpable effect on the room, as those in attendance knew that his family's interests and influence reached far and wide in the clandestine world.

Edward Semus, with his dignified bearing, approached Yoris/Zelda, his two formidable bodyguards trailing behind him like silent sentinels. His presence commanded attention as he extended a polite greeting.

"Hello, Miss," he began, his voice laced with a refined eloquence that masked the shrewdness beneath. "My name is Edward Semus, the second son of the Semus family."

Zelda, maintaining her facade as Yoris Ramos, responded with a poised smile. "Mr. Semus, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard much about your family's esteemed reputation."

Edward acknowledged the compliment with a nod, his eyes never leaving hers. "Likewise, Miss Ramos. Your family, the Ramoses, has long been a respected name in our world."

The conversation flowed smoothly, but an undercurrent of tension hummed beneath the polite exchanges. In this clandestine gathering, words held power, and every utterance was weighed with the knowledge that alliances could shift with the slightest misstep. Yoris/Zelda and Edward Semus danced through the verbal intricacies, each seeking to discern the other's motives while concealing their true intentions.

As the room buzzed with discreet conversations and hushed negotiations, the meeting auditorium became a battleground of diplomacy and deception, where words were as lethal as any weapon in their possession.