A skilled but unfortunate modern-day assassin was killed in a freak accident. However, he soon found himself summoned to another world by an evil wizard, who had him possess the body of a boy as an experiment. After successfully planning the evil wizard's downfall, he used the wizard's body as a springboard to gain influence and power in his new world.
Anfey had been in Mormatch more than two weeks, but no new mercenaries arrived after that. Alice theorized that it was getting too dangerous to travel and the Transverse Mountains had been lost to necromancers. This left Moramatch surrounded by enemies.
Immediately after Alice told him her theory, Blavi hurried in and told them about the presence of creatures of death around the town.
The mages in Moramatch would regularly use Eye of the Sky to patrol the area surrounding the town. If a lone zombie wandered too close to the city, the mages might miss it. However, they would not miss large hordes of zombies.
Anfey arrived at the mage tower and was soon joined by Alice and Suzanna. Christian and Elizabeth were chatting with intently. Christian turned and waved at Anfey as he approached. "Come here and look at this," Christian said.