
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 13( Short chapter): A Vampire.

Shawn then turned to look at Sten.

" You are here again!" Shawn shouted at Sten.

" You thought I wanted to be here? No!This mage over there almost killed all my disciples and yet he didn't compensate me." Sten defended himself as he pointed his finger towards Larry.

" Now you destroyed about a hundred houses because of something so petty!" Shawn said as he suppressed his anger, the air around was frozen forming ice flakes that laid around him.

" You could have taken this matter to the supernatural court but yet you didn't do that. You came over here and destroyed innocent people's houses." Shawn added.

" I am sorry and I will compensate for your loss." Sten said, surprising Asher, it seems other mages have great respect for Shawn.

" Good." Shawn said and he turned to face Larry that remained silent the whole time.

" Larry, what happened?" Shawn asked with a soft voice, he knew that Larry wouldn't fight if his life wasn't threatened. And everyone obviously saw that Larry didn't fight against Sten, he just protected himself by avoiding Sten's attacks.

" I truly tried to hurt his disciples but It was a misunderstanding and I already apologised but Sten didn't listen and he chased me here." Larry explained.

" I will share the compensation with Sten so you don't have to worry." Larry said unhurriedly. Although Larry looked so humble and soft, he had lived for at least three hundred years and he had killed a lot of enemies in his lifetime. Especially demons and dark witches and a few werewolves. Sten is also a strong mage but he is not as old as Larry. Although he is stronger than Larry because of his special talent, that doesn't necessarily mean he would defeat Larry in a fight. Larry has lived much longer and he is a space mage. Space mages are powerful mages with strange abilities that enable them to evade any attack and escape most battles if they couldn't handle it.

" Great… I will be expecting. Deadline is tomorrow morning." Shawn said and Larry disappeared after a bow, Sten frowned at Shawn before flying away. Sten didn't like Shawn and they didn't get along well, Shawn saw Sten as being impulsive and Sten saw Shawn as an annoying old man.

Shawn sighed and he went around comforting the victims of the battle before he finally left with Asher.

" I didn't know you were this strong." Asher blurted when they got back to Shawn's house.

" That doesn't matter right now." Shawn said as he stared intently at Asher.

" We don't know why you can't access magic and we have to find out why before you leave today." Shawn added. 'Although it's night time.' Asher added in his head.

" So we considered some reasons why you can't access magic but we don't know the exact reason but I am going to conduct a ritual to determine if you belong to the human race or another race." Shawn said and Asher's heart leapt, he wasn't sure if he's human and the ritual might just bring out the truth. Shawn might just kill him without giving second thoughts, he had a bad temper.

" I don't think we should do that." Asher said but he was cut short by Shawn before he could finish.

" Don't worry, you will be safe, it's going to go perfectly fine." Shawn assured Asher.

" Deem heyr yerds." Shawn casted a spell and Asher was surrounded by a bright light that made Asher cover his eyes with his hands.

" Now I want you to relax your mind and rid yourself of thoughts." Shawn instructed and Asher followed his instructions.

" Asher, you are not human!" Shawn suddenly exclaimed after a few minutes.

" What?" Asher whispered.

" You are a vampire." Shawn added and Asher's heartbeat raced.

" A vampire?" Asher repeated and a vision suddenly flashed into his eyesight, he saw himself dressed in a regal robe, like a royal. He sat on a chair and a man knelt before him, the man looked exactly like Shawn. He saw himself stand up then walk towards the man that knelt on the ground, he then ordered him to stand up. The man stood up and he looked into his eyes then he exclaimed.

" You are a vampire!" The man exclaimed with fear and Asher in the vision broke his neck before sinking his fangs into the man's neck. He sucked the man's blood for minutes before the man fell to the ground, dead.

The vision cleared and he saw Shawn looking at him with a frown.

" You didn't know about this?" Shawn asked as the ritual ended.

" I didn't know." Asher responded after a few seconds.

" You dare to lie to me!" Shawn shouted before dashing towards Asher then he lifted him off the ground.

" I am not lying." Asher managed to say as Shawn squeezed his neck. Shawn didn't respond as he threw away.