
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 14: Boyfriend

Asher expected something like this to happen but he really hoped Shawn would hear him out before killing him in cold blood (no pun intended).

" Shawn please let me down." Asher pleaded as he struggled to breath properly. Shawn took a deep breath as his scary aura disappeared then he let Asher down, Asher fell to the ground before coughing violently.

" Stay here! I want to get something that will confirm your words." Shawn said then he walked into his house, a few minutes later he appeared with a magic tool. The tool looked like a rusted wheel with sharp edges but Shawn just held it normally as he walked towards Asher that was already standing on his feet. Asher looked at Shawn solemnly as he activated the tool by inputting his mana into the tool.

" I will ask you a question and you answer truthfully." Shawn said slowly and Asher nodded affirmatively.

" Did you know before today that you are a vampire?" Shawn asked.

" No." Asher responded and the tool beamed a green light before dimming after a few seconds.

" You are telling the truth." Shawn said and the tool disappeared from his hand.

" I am sorry for what I did." Shawn apologised.

" I am leaving." Asher said then he walked away. Shawn sighed deeply as he watched Asher walk away, this is the first time he would be seeing a vampire. He didn't know that vampires existed in the first place, no books ever recorded the existence of vampires, no mage or witch recorded seeing or fighting any vampire. Well the fantasy stories that a lot of teenagers read have vampire characters but they were made up, Shawn didn't think something some best-selling authors crafted in stories really existed.

" This is strange." Shawn muttered before walking into his house. He planned on contacting a powerful mage he knew then ask the mage some questions about vampires and what they can do.

Asher took a shower after getting home then he walked to the living room where he saw Lauren laughing as she watched a funny video on YouTube.

" Lauren, I have to tell you something." Asher said as he sat beside Lauren. Lauren immediately stopped watching the video and she turned to face Asher.

" What's that dear?" Lauren asked with a smile still lingering on her face.

" I can't bring myself to keep this from you, after all you have done for me but I hope that this doesn't change the way you treat me." Asher started.

" So I started my training with Shawn but we discovered that I can't access mana so he conducted a ritual to confirm my humanity. He did that because only humans, mages and witches are capable of using mana. So after the ritual ended, we discovered that I am not human." Asher stopped for a second and he saw that Lauren didn't change her facial expression then he continued.

" He said that I am a strange creature named a vampire." Asher said but Lauren's face didn't change for seconds before she laughed loudly. Asher was bewildered that Lauren was laughing, he thought she would become scared then kick him out of her house, he was ready for any reaction from Lauren. But he didn't expect Lauren to burst into laughter.

" You are very silly." Lauren said as she laughed.

" You just wanted to say that and you dramatised everything like you wanted to tell me you are a demon. If you tell me that you are a demon, I will call my son immediately to come with his men and kill you." Lauren said after laughing, Asher was still bewildered. Is Lauren drunk? According to his visions, vampires looked scary, just like demons but Lauren is right here treating him like a normal human.

" You said this yourself, vampires are strange creatures and we don't know about them, vampires might just be beautiful creatures." Lauren added and she went on watching videos.

" Thank you so much for everything Lauren. I will repay you in folds." Asher said firmly and he meant it.

" Whatever." Lauren said without turning to face Asher, he just smiled and he walked into his room. He planned on sleeping early so that he would wake up early the next day, like they said, early to bed early to rise. Asher laid on his bed with closed eyes, minutes later he was almost asleep before he felt something creep under his shirt. He quickly shot up with alarm on his face and he grabbed whatever crept under his cloth. He grabbed a slender hand then he looked up and he saw Toni staring at him with a mischievous smile on her face.

" What the f*ck are you doing here?" Asher whispered as he pulled Toni closer.

" I obviously came here to see you." Toni responded as the smile still lingered on her lips.

" Oh yes, you are seeing me now." Asher said as Toni sat beside him on his bed.

" No, that's not what I meant and you also know that." Toni said.

" So what do you mean?" Asher asked, feigning ignorance.

" This." Toni said before grabbing his collar then she pulled him closer before kissing Asher. Immediately her lips touched Asher's lips, her tongue forced its way Into Asher's mouth.

" How did you get out of your house at this time?" Asher asked as they kissed.

" I am not a kid, my parents are just overprotective." Toni responded as she breathed against Asher's face.

" And this is not the first time I would be doing this?" Toni added and Asher stopped the kiss immediately.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Asher asked slowly but Toni didn't respond, she didn't understand the question.

" Are you kissing anybody except me?" Asher asked.

" No." Toni responded with a slight smile on her lips.

" Good, I don't want to see you with anybody." Asher said before grabbing both of her hands and he pinned her to his bed.

" Now let me take the move." Asher said before he kissed Toni, the kiss was a manifestation of wild passion. Asher stopped the kiss then he took off his shirt displaying his rock hard chest. Asher smiled widely before taking off Toni's top, displaying her full breasts that took Asher's breath for seconds. Asher reached for her left breast and he stroked her breast slowly before placing a kiss on Toni's neck. He suddenly moved his hand towards her nipple then he pinched her nipple and Toni whimpered as she felt pleasure and pain course from her chest to her core.

" Do you like that?" Asher asked.

" Yes I do." Toni responded in-between gasps.

" Good." Asher said before he cupped her right breast with his hand then he bit her neck.

" Oh God." Toni muttered as she felt pain then pleasure after a second, Asher traced her chest to her hip with his tongue before pulling down her trousers. He removed her trousers completely then he got in-between her thighs then he suddenly heard someone walk towards his door.

He quickly got up, surprising Toni.

" What's wrong?" Toni asked.

" I didn't lock the door and Lauren will walk in without knocking." Asher said but before he could reach the door, a knock was heard.

" What do you want?" Asher asked.

" Shawn is here to see you." Lauren said.

" Come meet him quickly, he looks worried." Lauren added before walking away. Asher turned to face Toni then he walked towards her before staring intently into her eyes.

" Toni, I can't describe the way I am feeling towards you with words but I really feel good around you. I love you." Asher said as he looked into Toni's eyes.

" I guess the feeling is mutual." Toni responded after a few seconds.

" So will you be my girlfriend?" Asher asked immediately.

" I don't know." Toni responded, flustered.

" I want you to decide now, you can decide when you want but you have till tomorrow." Asher said firmly before wearing his shirt then he walked out of his room.

Getting to the living room, he saw Shawn sitting on a couch as he tapped his feet on the ground, he looked worried.

" Where have you been?" Shawn asked when he noticed Asher's presence in the room.

" I was sleeping before you arrived." Asher responded as he found a seat close to Shawn.

" I did a quick research and I found a few things about vampires." Shawn said and Asher got curious immediately he heard what Shawn said.

" What did you find?" Asher said impatiently.

" Vampires are not strange creatures meaning you are not the first vampire on this planet. Vampires are creatures kept away from the books and any information about vampires is known by few people, the reason for this I don't know. I also stumbled on the information that they are creatures that feed on human blood and they are powerful creatures capable of rivalling demons because they live a long life." Shawn said unhurriedly and Asher took a deep breath as he took the information in.

" But the most important information I want to tell you is that my source told me that vampires are elusive and rare creatures. What I mean is that any race that gets its hands on you will treat you like a lab experiment so you should protect yourself." Shawn added.

" Thank you so much Shawn." Asher said.

" Do you know where my daughter is?" Shawn asked but before Asher could respond, someone else appeared in the room.

" I am here." Toni said.

" Why are you here?" Shawn asked firmly.

" Asher is my boyfriend." Toni announced and Asher's lip curled into a smirk.