
Ashen Eclipse

[Mature Content] Humanity finds itself trapped underground due to the misgivings of hundreds of years of mistreating the planet. Now with no way of returning to the surface the only solace for humanity is a new immersive game. With the game Ashen Eclipse, the world has found a new place to live their lives and dreams.

ForLorn_Conclusion · Spiele
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22 Chs

Character Pictures:  

Character Pictures:

Auxiliary Chapter:

Drow Woman (Name: Amelia Lor) –

Masked Man (Name: Gareth ?) –

The Silver Wyvern (CH 14) –

Red Cat (Name: ?) –

Treant Man (Name: ?) –

Frogolians (The one MC fights in CH 17) –

Rat Man (Name: Louse Cil) –

More to be added as their characters are released…