
Ash The Dark Brother

Ash and his allies go through multiple heartaches and challenges fighting for revenge against a god. Ash's main goal is unchanged from start to finish but his allies' goal turns towards him and his mental strength. Will Ash break letting loose all his powers, destroying the world in the process, or will his revenge be fulfilled. The experiment that Ash was subjected to caused a great deal of pain every second of his life, both mental and physical pain. How long will it take until he finally snaps?

DominaterRaider · Fantasie
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4 Chs


In the fifth century, there were four brothers, they were very different. The most powerful brother is Ash, he is strong, fast, silent but easy going with the people he knows, also ruthless to strangers if they bring harm to people he cares about. Ash has a short temper when it's dealing with people who have a one-track mind. His eyes are covered with a black blindfold. The blindfold itself was just to help with the harsh sun but the runes help with something else entirely. He has light tan skin with hair that is black as the night sky. Plus scars all on his back from grueling battles. He wore a pure black drifter outfit with red outlining that had aura inhibitors runes etched into them which made the clothes have a black glow to them and help control his power and hide it. Ash has a katana that his father makes. It is pure black with runes encrypted into it. The katana itself was able to stop tornadoes with a single slash and that is just from the material it was made out of which is called abyss ingot (to get just a piece of the ore you will have to be teleported in a big circular room and fight endless waves of monsters until he killed 100,000 monsters). A brother with issues that need resolving and a temper that is hindering him in more ways than it is helping.

His brother King, is always by Ash's side even if sometimes he doesn't want him by his side. He is a little too relaxed when he is having fun with his brother (not the other two he hates them) and bloodthirsty, well that is when some are at least decent at fighting. He enjoys fighting a lot, it gets him really excited when there is a fun battle going on but he won't hesitate to kill his opponent or be stopped by Ash because he loves him too much to not listen to him. King's love for fighting comes from his father's side, he also got his hair from his father. Its color is red as the sun with a little glow hinting at who his father is. He has darker skin than ash and is carrying around a sword that contains the souls of all he killed, even children and women (the sword is made out of demonite ingots, and in order to get the ore you have to go to the pits of the underworld and rip out demon's hearts to combine it with the stone in hell). The sword itself is a Gladius sword, usually a one-handed weapon that is great with a shield. Those two are called the dark brothers because what they do is usually illegal but they do help the weak until one of the weak pisses off King (last time that happened a whole empire was literally burned to the ground.) King is the second strongest out of the four brothers but compared to Ash it might as well be krill to a whale.

Now the light brothers are on the side of doing things right but are no match for Ash even working together they can't stop him nor can King. Grim is one of the light brothers who loves his other brothers (even if some of them hate him) and always acts like the older brother even though Ash is older than him by a few centuries. He is always antagonizing his brothers which pisses off everyone with his little jokes. He wears black pants with a grey belt with pouches clipped to them (gift from Creed). The top is skintight and black with long sleeves and a strap over his left shoulder, which holds his bow. Grim has Brown hair and a light tan skin color that everyone wants but no one can have also not to forget but has a big scar on his cheek (that was from King for messing with him). Grim carries a bow that turns into a spear that absorbs light to power it (he got his bow from Zeus; it was a gift for helping the gods so much).

The last brother is a calm and peaceful brother who dislikes killing and if possible avoids it. He is more into being in the background and not attracting attention to himself. Creed wears a dark blood red meteorite suit that has speed runes enchanted into the chest piece. It is like a samurai's armor and has a helmet that looks like a red wolf, it forms on his head when a battle begins and it helps his sight (when the sight power activates the eyes turn red). Creed likes to be careful when it comes to people getting hurt which sometimes leaves him open for attacks. He has grey hair that looks silver and skin color that matches Ash's. His weapon is the Excalibur, a holy sword given to him by a god named Apollo. The two light brothers are on par with each other but still, Ash's might is stronger than most gods and is trying not to fall under the pressure of his power which can wipe out the whole world and very much more. Somehow the light brothers keep things under control even when they know they can't do anything to stop Ash.