
Ash The Dark Brother

Ash and his allies go through multiple heartaches and challenges fighting for revenge against a god. Ash's main goal is unchanged from start to finish but his allies' goal turns towards him and his mental strength. Will Ash break letting loose all his powers, destroying the world in the process, or will his revenge be fulfilled. The experiment that Ash was subjected to caused a great deal of pain every second of his life, both mental and physical pain. How long will it take until he finally snaps?

DominaterRaider · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 The Dark Brothers

Ash is silently walking through the forest with his talkative brother beside him talking his ear off: "Let's get something to eat. I am starving~ maybe we can have fun and relax. Come on, you are always quiet, you have to have something you like to do. Hmm, maybe you like someone to take care of your needs. Or do you want to cause mischief?"

Ash immediately responds to shut him up: "Do you have anything else to do besides pestering me! I still have to focus while just walking or I might splatter your insides against the tree then turn the turn into ash."

King says jokingly to Ash bumping his shoulder, a burst of fire scorches the adjacent tree. Ash turns slowly to him, giving the scariest glare: "You wouldn't kill your brother would you. I know I know, your father is the reason your eyes are like this but I am just trying to have fun."

Ash kept quiet while King continued to talk until they arrived at a small town filled with hardworking people. The town looks rundown but not abandoned, roads lacked traders but had small stores with little wooden signs. One little sign hanging from the top of a door reading 'tavern and beds for rest' moved in the wind. A ghost town in all terms except literal, Ash notices a small flash of power coming from the outskirts of town.

King without a thought: "Obviously we are going in there."

He didn't even ask Ash to go, he just went into the tavern and got drinks. Right, when they went in, Ash immediately felt something weird but didn't react, if he moved too violently he could tear down the whole tavern, he turned to King. Talked over his shoulder to hide his mouth.

Ash whispered: "Hey King, are we wanted by anyone."

King answered with alcohol on his mind: "Yeah but I didn't think it was that big. (forgetting about the whole empire he erased) Well, I wouldn't mind blowing off some steam if any of them want to throw down but I know you can't even dodge without blowing up something."

His carefree attitude really ticks off Ash sometimes: "Alright let's get drinks I think everyone in here isn't that stupid."

Ash moved on from the subject, not wanting to be reminded of the rest of their problems.

King nods and Ash sits at a table trying to hold his power down as much as he can, a spark creeped out of his blindfold. Anybody with at least basic skills and an aptitude for magic can see how much power is seeping out of him. It shows who his dad is just by the color of his aura. King got to the table after ordering the drinks, some drunk bumped into him, King didn't react because he could feel Ash's eyes burn into the back of his head. He let the drunk pass by, stumbling out the door.

They enjoyed their drinks which soothed Ash and helped him keep the pain of his power under control while King was a bubbling mess.

King slurs his words: "Ehh Ash, I love you l-like a brother *Hick," he leans closer to Ash practically in his ear, "Don't tell Ash but I think he is scary."

Ash, being able to control his power more, stands up, towering over King, he puts him to sleep with a swift chop to the neck. The two were the only ones left beside the nice owner of the tavern and her teenage daughter.

Ash with a sack of money: "One room for two please."

Renting a room for them to sleep, Ash lifts his brother up the stairs to their room for the night.