
Ascendant System

In a world where the strong devour the weak, a young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and dominance. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates and get his revenge. Along his journey, Ryker encounters formidable foes, loyal allies, and a few captivating love interests who add complexity to his cold-hearted quest for vengeance and power.

Little_fa · Spiele
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48 Chs

The System's Gift

Ryker stood at the cave's entrance, taking in the sight of the dense forest that stretched out before him. The air was fresh and crisp, a stark contrast to the oppressive atmosphere inside the cave. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, his determination solidified by the system's guidance.

He had learned the basics of the Ascendant Path System, but he knew there was much more to uncover. The translucent screen reappeared, displaying his current status and the rewards he had earned.

[Current Status:]

[Level:] 2

[Grade:] Novice

[Experience:] 0/200

[Skills Unlocked:] Basic Cultivation Technique

Ryker focused on the new skill, allowing the knowledge to flow through him. The Basic Cultivation Technique was a starting point, a foundation upon which he could build. It would enhance his physical abilities, speed up his recovery, and allow him to harness spiritual energy.

He took a deep breath, feeling the energy coursing through his body. It was a subtle but profound change, a reminder of the power he had once wielded. Ryker set off into the forest, following the path highlighted on the map. His first objective was a nearby village, a place where he could gather information and plan his next moves.

The journey through the forest was uneventful, the tranquillity of nature a stark contrast to the chaos and violence he had just escaped. Ryker moved swiftly, his senses heightened by the system's enhancements. He avoided unnecessary confrontations, conserving his energy for more significant challenges ahead.

As the sun began to set, the village came into view. It was small and rustic, with wooden houses and fields of crops. The villagers moved about their evening routines, casting curious glances at the newcomer. Ryker ignored their stares, heading straight for the largest building, which he assumed was the village hall or an inn.

Inside, the atmosphere was warm and bustling. Villagers shared food and stories, the scent of hearty meals filling the air. Ryker approached the counter, where a middle-aged man greeted him with a welcoming smile.

"Welcome, traveller. What can I do for you?" the man asked.

"Food and information," Ryker replied. "I'm new here."

The man's eyes flicked over Ryker, noting his ragged appearance and the intensity in his gaze. "We've got both. Take a seat, and I'll have something brought out for you."

Ryker found a corner table, keeping his back to the wall. He observed the room, noting potential threats and allies. As he waited, a young woman approached, carrying a tray of food. She had striking green eyes and a gentle demeanour.

"Here you go," she said, placing the tray before him. "My name's Liara. If you need anything else, just ask."

Ryker nodded, his eyes lingering on her for a moment. There was something about her that felt familiar, but he couldn't place it. As he ate, he overheard conversations about local factions, rogue cultivators, and the ever-present threat of demons emerging from gates.

Liara returned, curiosity evident in her eyes. "You seem different from the usual travellers. Are you a cultivator?"

Ryker met her gaze, deciding how much to reveal. "I am. I'm looking for information about the local power structures and any significant threats."

Liara hesitated, then leaned in closer. "There's a lot you should know. The Iron Claw Gang has been causing trouble, and there are rumours of a powerful sect nearby. And...there's talk of an ancient artifact hidden in these parts."

Ryker's interest piqued. "Tell me more."

Liara glanced around to ensure no one was eavesdropping before she continued. "The Iron Claw Gang is ruthless. They've been extorting money from villages and destroying those who resist. They're well-organized and dangerous. As for the sect, it's said to be a remnant of an ancient order, guarding secrets and powerful artifacts. They operate in the shadows, but their influence is considerable."

Ryker leaned back, digesting the information. His path was becoming clearer. The gang's activities were a blight on the land, and the sect's secrets could be invaluable. He needed to address both threats, starting with the Iron Claw Gang.

"Thank you, Liara," Ryker said. "This information is invaluable. I'll deal with the Iron Claw Gang first."

Liara nodded, her eyes reflecting both hope and concern. "Be careful. They're not to be underestimated."

The next morning, Ryker awoke to the sound of bustling activity outside. The village was alive with the energy of a new day. He dressed quickly, his mind already focused on the tasks ahead. He had learned much from Liara the previous evening, and now it was time to put that knowledge to use.

He stepped outside, the morning sun casting long shadows across the village square. Villagers greeted him with a mix of curiosity and respect, his presence already causing a stir. Ryker headed towards the outskirts of the village, where Liara had told him he could find a blacksmith.

The blacksmith's forge was a modest setup, with an anvil and a roaring fire. The blacksmith, a burly man with a thick beard, looked up as Ryker approached.

"Morning, traveller. What can I do for you?" the man asked.

"I need weapons and Armor," Ryker replied. "Something durable and reliable."

The blacksmith nodded, gesturing for Ryker to follow him into the forge. As they walked, Ryker noticed various weapons and pieces of Armor in different stages of completion. The blacksmith handed him a well-crafted sword, its blade gleaming in the light.

"Try this," he said. "It's one of my best works."

Ryker took the sword, feeling its weight and balance. He swung it a few times, impressed by its craftsmanship. "This will do," he said. "I'll take it."

The blacksmith smiled. "Good choice. And for Armor, I have something that might interest you."

He led Ryker to a set of lightweight yet sturdy Armor, designed for mobility and protection. Ryker donned the Armor, adjusting it to fit his frame. The blacksmith handed him a pair of matching gauntlets.

"Perfect," Ryker said, flexing his fingers. "How much do I owe you?"

The blacksmith shook his head. "Consider it a gift. I've heard about the trouble you've had, and I want to help."

Ryker was taken aback by the man's generosity. "Thank you. I'll make sure to put these to good use."

As he left the forge, fully equipped, the Ascendant Path System activated again, displaying a new set of notifications.

[Current Level: 2]

[Grade:] Novice

[New Mission: Investigate the Iron Claw Gang]

[Reward: Enhanced Physical Abilities]

Ryker smiled, his path becoming clearer with each step. He had a mission and the tools to accomplish it. With the system's guidance and his newfound strength, he would uncover the secrets of the Iron Claw Gang and continue his journey toward ultimate power.