
Ascendant System

[WSA ENTRY 2024] ____________________ A young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and revenge. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates. Ryker: "Alright, Liora, ready to tackle this Legendary Grade thing?" Liora: "You mean the thing that only a handful of people in history have ever achieved? Sure, no problem." Ryker: "Hey, with my power and your... uh, well, your company, we've got this." Liora: "Your confidence is overwhelming. Just try not to get yourself killed this time." Ryker: "Details, Liora, details. This time will be different." Liora: "Famous last words." With determination, sarcasm, and a bit of humour, Ryker and Liora embark on their epic journey to power and seek revenge.

Little_fa · Games
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56 Chs

The Hunt Begins

With the sun climbing higher in the sky, Ryker set out from the village, his new Armor gleaming and his sword at his side. The weight of the weapon felt right, balanced, and ready for the battles ahead. The path to the Iron Claw Gang's hideout was treacherous, winding through dense forest and rocky terrain. According to Liara's information, the gang had taken over an old fortress, turning it into their base of operations.

As Ryker walked, the Ascendant Path System activated, displaying new notifications.

[Current Level: 2]

[Grade:] Novice

[New Mission: Investigate the Iron Claw Gang]

[Reward: Enhanced Physical Abilities]

The system's updates provided a clear direction, reinforcing Ryker's resolve. He would take down the gang and claim any resources they had amassed. His thoughts drifted to his next steps, and he decided to review his status and inventory.

[Status: Ryker]

[Level:] 2

[Grade:] Novice

[Experience:] 0/200

[Skills Unlocked:] Basic Cultivation Technique

[Weapon:] Novice-Grade Sword

[Armor:] Novice-Grade Light Armor

The sword was solid but basic, crafted for durability rather than finesse. The light Armor offered protection without sacrificing mobility, essential for Ryker's combat style. Both were suitable for his current level, but he knew he would need to upgrade them as he progressed.

After a few hours of trekking, Ryker reached the edge of the forest. Ahead lay the ruins of an old fortress, now repurposed by the Iron Claw Gang. He crouched behind a tree, observing the structure. Guards patrolled the perimeter, their movements indicating a high level of discipline and training.

Ryker's mind raced with possible approaches. He could try a frontal assault, but that would likely draw too much attention. A stealthier approach would be wiser. He circled the fortress, looking for a weak spot in their defences. His patience paid off when he found an unguarded section of the wall, partially crumbled and overgrown with vines.

Using his enhanced physical abilities, Ryker scaled the wall with ease. Once inside, he moved silently through the shadows, avoiding patrols and keeping to the less travelled paths. The interior of the fortress was a stark contrast to its dilapidated exterior. The gang had fortified the structure, adding barricades and setting up various defences.

He needed to gather more information before making his move. Ryker found a vantage point overlooking the main courtyard. There, he saw a group of gang members sparring, honing their skills. One man stood out, his presence commanding respect from the others. This was likely the gang leader.

As Ryker watched, the Ascendant Path System activated again.

[New Objective: Defeat the Iron Claw Gang Leader]

[Reward: Intermediate Cultivation Technique]

The system's guidance was clear. Taking down the leader would cripple the gang's operations. Ryker waited until nightfall, when the fortress would be at its most vulnerable. He spent the time meditating, using the Basic Cultivation Technique to centre himself and replenish his energy.

When the moon was high in the sky, Ryker made his move. He navigated through the fortress with precision, taking out isolated guards silently. His movements were fluid and deadly, a testament to his training and the system's enhancements.

Finally, he reached the gang leader's quarters. The door was guarded by two heavily armed men. Ryker took a deep breath, then sprang into action. His sword flashed in the moonlight, cutting down the first guard before he could react. The second guard managed to raise his weapon, but Ryker was faster, disarming him and delivering a swift, fatal strike.

He pushed open the door and stepped inside. The gang leader was looking outside the window, He was a tall, imposing figure, with bulging muscles showing from his back. His presence radiated confidence and power.

"who are you? how did you come in here" the leader said, his voice a low growl. 

Ryker didn't respond. He focused on the leader, analysing his stance and looking for weaknesses. The leader drew a weapon, a massive battle axe that seemed too heavy for a normal man to wield.

[Weapon: Apprentice-Grade Battle Axe]

[Description:] A powerful weapon with significant destructive capability. Requires enhanced physical strength to wield effectively.

The Ascendant Path System provided the information Ryker needed. The axe was dangerous, but it also meant the leader would be slower and less agile.

The leader charged, swinging the axe with deadly force. Ryker dodged, feeling the rush of air as the blade passed inches from his face. He countered with a swift strike, but the leader's armor deflected the blow.

[Armor: Apprentice-Grade Heavy Armor]

[Description:] Provides substantial protection at the cost of mobility. Ideal for withstanding powerful attacks.

The fight continued, a deadly dance of steel and skill. Ryker used his speed and agility to stay ahead, striking at the leader's exposed points. The leader, for all his strength, was starting to show signs of fatigue. His movements became slower, his attacks more predictable.

Finally, Ryker saw his opening. He feinted to the left, drawing the leader's guard. Then, with a burst of speed, he moved to the right and delivered a powerful strike to the leader's unprotected side. The leader roared in pain and rage, dropping his axe and falling to his knees.

Ryker didn't hesitate. He moved in for the final blow, ending the fight with a swift, decisive strike showing his skills from his previous life. As the leader fell, the Ascendant Path System activated, displaying new notifications.

[Mission Complete: Investigate the Iron Claw Gang]

[Reward: Enhanced Physical Abilities]

[New Skill Unlocked: Intermediate Cultivation Technique]

[Current Level: 3]

[Grade:] Apprentice

[Experience:] 50/400

Ryker felt a surge of energy as the system rewarded his success. His physical abilities were enhanced, and the knowledge of the Intermediate Cultivation Technique flowed into his mind. He took a moment to catch his breath, then began searching the leader's quarters for anything of value.

He found a stash of weapons and armor, along with several maps and documents. These would be useful in his quest to uncover the secrets of this world. Ryker gathered what he could carry and prepared to leave the fortress.

As he stepped outside, the first light of dawn was breaking over the horizon. The fortress was quiet, the remaining gang members either dead or fled. Ryker felt a sense of accomplishment, but he knew this was just the beginning.

The path ahead was long and fraught with danger, but with the Ascendant Path System guiding him, Ryker was ready for whatever came next. He set his sights on his next objective, determined to grow stronger and uncover the truth behind the gates and the demonic invasion.