
Ascendant System

In a world where the strong devour the weak, a young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and dominance. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates and get his revenge. Along his journey, Ryker encounters formidable foes, loyal allies, and a few captivating love interests who add complexity to his cold-hearted quest for vengeance and power.

Walid_Alkayed · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Alistair’s Plot

he academy was a hive of activity, but beneath the surface, dark machinations were at work. Alistair sat in his private study, a room filled with books, ancient scrolls, and magical artifacts. His normally composed face was twisted in anger as he stared at the artifact in his hand—a small, intricately carved stone that pulsed faintly with a dull red glow. It was tied to his son's life force, and its fading light confirmed his worst fears: Marcus was dead.

Alistair's hand tightened around the stone, his knuckles whitening. "Ryker," he growled, the name leaving his lips like a curse. He had underestimated the newcomer, but that mistake would not happen again. He knew the principal would never allow him to take direct action against a student without concrete evidence, but Alistair had other ways.

He rose from his chair and strode out of his study, his mind racing. He needed to gather his subordinates, plan his next move, and ensure that Ryker would not escape unscathed this time. As he walked through the grand halls of his estate, he called for his most trusted aides.

Within minutes, four figures stood before him, each one a seasoned warrior with eyes that betrayed their readiness for violence. Alistair looked at them, his gaze hard and unforgiving.

"Ryker is responsible. We will avenge him."

The leader of the group, a burly man with a scar running down his face, stepped forward. "What are your orders, Master Alistair?"

Alistair's eyes gleamed with a cold, dangerous light. "Make sure the others still keep him in their watch. The academy is holding a tournament soon. It will provide the perfect cover for us to strike. Ryker will enter the gate, and when he does, we will follow. This time, we won't leave anything to chance."

The scarred man nodded, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Understood. We'll be ready."

Alistair dismissed them with a wave, turning back to his thoughts. He had to be careful, precise. The principal might be one of the most powerful beings in the world, but even he couldn't protect Ryker forever. Alistair would wait, watch, and strike when the moment was right.

Ryker and Liora continued their routine in the academy, ever vigilant and aware of the danger lurking in the shadows. They had sensed a shift, a tension in the air, but the specifics eluded them. Ryker, now accustomed to the subtleties of academy life, noticed the wary glances and hushed whispers that followed him.

In one of their training sessions, Ryker overheard a conversation between two senior students. "Did you hear? The tournament this year is supposed to be tougher than ever. They say the headmaster himself will be overseeing it."

Liora, practicing her elemental magic nearby, caught Ryker's eye. She nodded subtly, a silent agreement to stay on high alert. Their goal was clear: win the tournament, gather as much information as possible, and prepare for whatever threats might come their way.

During a break, Ryker spotted Alistair in the distance, speaking with the principal. The man's intense gaze never left the principal's face, and even from afar, Ryker could sense the barely contained fury. It seemed the headmaster was mediating a discussion, likely about Marcus's death.

Later that evening, Ryker decided it was time to act. Under the cover of night, he followed Alistair, who seemed to be heading towards the principal's quarters. Using his stealth abilities, Ryker moved silently, keeping a safe distance.

As Alistair entered the principal's office, Ryker found a hidden vantage point where he could listen in on their conversation. The principal's voice was calm but firm. "Alistair, I understand your grief, but we must follow the academy's rules. Without evidence, we cannot accuse anyone."

Alistair's response was heated. "Evidence? My son is dead, and you speak of evidence! Ryker is a threat to us all, and you are protecting him!"

The principal remained steadfast. "I am protecting the integrity of the academy. If Ryker is guilty, he will face justice, but we must follow the proper channels."

Ryker's heart pounded in his chest. He knew that if Alistair found any opportunity, he would strike without hesitation. It was only a matter of time before the façade of peace shattered.