
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · Games
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71 Chs

The Attack

"Ryker, do you know someone named John?" Alistair's voice cut through the air like a knife, his tone sharp with suspicion as he studied Ryker's face for any flicker of reaction.

Ryker's expression remained impassive, a mask of calm that betrayed nothing. "John? No, I don't, Mr. Alistair," he replied evenly, meeting Alistair's gaze with unwavering composure.

Fury and frustration boiled within Alistair, his patience stretched to its limit. In a sudden surge of rage, he lunged towards Ryker, his hand crackling with potent arcane energy. Ryker instinctively braced himself, muscles tensed for the impact, but before Alistair could reach him, the principal intervened.

With a swift gesture and a commanding voice, the principal cast a barrier spell that shimmered into existence, intercepting Alistair's attack mid-air. The magical barrier repelled Alistair with a forceful push, sending him stumbling backwards in surprise and thwarting his assault.

"Enough!" the principal's voice thundered, resonating with authority in the confines of his office. "This is not how grievances are resolved at this academy, Mr. Alistair."

Alistair's glare burned with intensity as he turned towards the principal, his rage barely contained beneath the surface. "You protect him," he accused, voice tinged with accusation and frustration. "But I know he had something to do with my son's death. Mark my words, I will uncover the truth, and when I do, there will be no mercy."

With those chilling words hanging in the air, Alistair spun on his heel and stormed out of the principal's office, his footsteps echoing down the corridor in a resolute cadence. Ryker watched him go, the weight of Alistair's accusations lingering in the air like an ominous cloud.

After Alistair left the room, the principal broke the silence and said "I protected you just now because you are a valuable asset to this academy and this world. However, if he has evidence even I won't be able to protect you."

Ryker nodded respectfully, meeting the principal's gaze evenly. "Yes, Principal. Alistair's accusations are unfounded, and I assure you, I had no involvement in his son's death."

The principal studied Ryker for a moment, his expression unreadable. "I understand, Ryker. Alistair is understandably distraught, but his actions cannot be taken lightly. I urge you to remain vigilant."

Ryker nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of gratitude washing over him for the principal's support. "Thank you, Principal Aegis. I will heed your advice."

Outside the academy, beneath the canopy of stars and amidst the cool night air, Alistair's mind churned with a tumultuous blend of anger and determination. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he walked briskly away from the imposing structure, his every thought consumed by thoughts of Ryker and vengeance.

He cast one last, seething glance back at the academy, its silhouette against the night sky a symbol of everything he loathed and coveted. "Enjoy your safety for now, Ryker," he muttered through gritted teeth, a promise woven with venomous intent. "But know this: I will be watching. Waiting for you to slip up, and when you do, your life will be mine."

"I want you to keep eyes on him, if he ever leaves this academy even for 1 second I need you to notify me, and here take this beacon. I will be able to teleport immediately to you if you notify me."

10 silhouettes appeared behind him, and said "Yes Sir!!".

Meanwhile, inside the academy walls, Ryker and Liora continued their training with renewed vigilance. The encounter with Alistair had escalated tensions to a dangerous new level. They knew that Alistair's departure was not the end but the beginning of a relentless pursuit.

As they sparred late into the night, their movements were precise, their senses heightened. Each strike, each spell cast was a testament to their determination and unity. They were not just allies but confidants, bound by a shared purpose and an unspoken understanding of the dangers that lay ahead.

Together, they prepared for the challenges that awaited them, knowing that they must stay one step ahead of Alistair's relentless pursuit. In the quietude of their training, amidst the echoes of their footsteps and the crackling of magic, Ryker and Liora forged a bond that would be their strength against the storm that threatened to engulf them.