
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 105: The Jewish Connection

ICM's chairman Marvin Josephson and CAA's chairman Michael Ovitz, who were typically rivals, sat at the same table, calmly discussing their respective clients.

"Isn't Arthur being a bit too much? Publicly beating and insulting Mel Gibson? He's just a newcomer in Hollywood!" Marvin Josephson was visibly displeased.

Michael Ovitz smiled, "He may be a newcomer, but he's now the boss of Orion Pictures. He's still young, only 22. Being impulsive and quick to anger comes with being young. If Mel Gibson wants to sue him, it could indeed cause some trouble. But don't forget, what Mel Gibson did tonight is more than just a minor trouble, and that's our main point of discussion!"

Michael Ovitz took a sip of his drink and looked at Marvin Josephson. "I'm not here to discuss their little fight. Mel Gibson threw the first punch. If he can't win against Arthur, that's his own fault. Tonight's incident, if we can't satisfy Arthur, we both know what the consequences will be."

Marvin Josephson sighed and rubbed his face. "Mel was just drunk. I'll make him apologize to Winona, and we'll consider this matter settled. Arthur has vented his anger. Is that acceptable? Mel Gibson isn't a minor figure. Arthur has just taken over Orion. He wouldn't want any negative news about himself to come out, right? This is the best compromise. If Arthur pushes too hard, Mel's fiery temper won't let it slide easily."

While Marvin Josephson and Michael Ovitz were negotiating, Arthur had returned to Winona Ryder's home in West Hollywood.

"Arthur, you were too impulsive. You shouldn't have been so direct," Winona Ryder said, still nervous. "Could we be sued?"

Arthur sat calmly on the sofa and smiled. "Don't worry, he won't dare. I'm not a nobody now. There are things he can't touch. You know how powerful the Jewish community is in Hollywood. Mel Gibson isn't stupid; he'll want to downplay this."

Nicole Kidman added, "But Arthur, won't this make Mel Gibson your enemy and cause trouble for you later?"

"Trouble? He's a big star in Australia, but this is Hollywood. How does he think he can challenge me?" Arthur shook his head.

"In the future, it won't be about him causing trouble for me but whether I allow him to continue. Action stars are easy to cultivate. And besides, I'm not a dollar bill; not everyone has to like me."

Arthur then turned to Jessica James, who was sitting nearby. "Tomorrow, thank Michael Ovitz for me. Just have Mel Gibson apologize to Winona in person. Also, I don't want to be indebted to CAA. Hasn't Michael Ovitz been struggling to find investors for Steven Spielberg's project Schindler's List? Tell him that Galaxy Pictures will invest in Schindler's List."

Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese had swapped projects, resulting in Scorsese's Cape Fear being released this year while Schindler's List struggled to find investors.

Even Spielberg's long-time ally, MCA Universal, wasn't willing to support it.

As one of CAA's top directors, Michael Ovitz had to fulfill Spielberg's wishes, much like he had secured funding for Scorsese's controversial The Last Temptation of Christ years earlier.

But now, the topic of Schindler's List, about Jewish concentration camps, scared away investors due to its perceived lack of commercial value.

Arthur looked at Jessica James, who seemed confused. "Just tell him that Galaxy Pictures will invest in Schindler's List. Michael Ovitz will understand."

"Okay," Jessica James agreed, still not fully comprehending the significance.

"And remind him to look after Winona Ryder and Nicole Kidman," Arthur said, pointing to the two women. Helping Michael Ovitz appease Steven Spielberg was a huge favor, and Ovitz wouldn't refuse this small request.

Arthur had planned to get involved with Schindler's List anyway, knowing it would win much favor from the Jewish community. Tonight's events presented a perfect opportunity. Schindler's List was bound to be a success, and getting involved would be immensely beneficial.

In the future, when the script for Jurassic Park was finished, Universal would support Spielberg in exchange for directing it. But Arthur's direct investment in Schindler's List now would earn him significant goodwill and possibly high returns.

Later that evening, after Jessica James and Nicole Kidman had left, Winona Ryder showed her gratitude to Arthur in her own way. 

Arthur lay in bed, enjoying Winona's attention, while his mind was occupied with the thought of whether he had indeed latched onto the powerful Jewish influence in Hollywood.

Arthur intended to hold onto his capital advantage, regardless of any obstacles.

