
ART IS ___

Otaku who want to be reincarnated in the world of One Piece, hm. Trying to go on an adventure in his second life, hm. Enjoy everything in the new world, hm. This is a synopsis, hm. Hm, that's it. ------- ^_^ ------- I am a beginner writer so don't expect too much. English is not my native language. This novel is just fan fiction and the only thing that comes from me is all the new characters and places that I have added. Cover is based on [ K - Yashiro Isana ] and [ Akatsuki no Yona-Kija ], I got the images from google and merge it. Just a try at the suggestion of my friend to create a ko-fi account and this is a pure donation without additional chapters. I want this fan fiction to be completely free, so it's really for those who want to donate to me. ko-fi.com/elpe_x

eLPe_X · Anime und Comics
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175 Chs

Vol. 04 Ch. 02 – Sea of Death

Arthur had been on the island of Kuraigana for three days. During this time Arthur continued to fight with Hancock and Robin because they knew that if they returned to the ship they must continue to be vigilant with the dangers that could suddenly arise. But they also do not forget their daily exercise routine. Arthur also fought with Mihawk every day during his stay on the island of Kuraigana. During the battle, they still had time to talk.

Arthur: "So what is your decision?"

Mihawk: "I will accept the offer of the World Government to become a Warlord."

Arthur: "So you refused to join me?"

Mihawk: "Too troublesome."

Arthur: "Ahh ... it's true that if you become a Warlord the marine won't look for problems with you."

Mihawk: "When did you leave for North Blue?"

Arthur: "Since you already answered, tomorrow morning we will begin sail to North Blue."

The next morning, Arthur and the others were ready to sail. Athena was at its best condition, provisions were more than enough, the direction of the sail was also certain so they did not want to delay their adventures.

Baby-5: "Young master Arthur, everything is ready." Baby-5 reports on their status.

Arthur: "Thank you, Baby-5. Mihawk, with this we will go. "

Mihawk: "Yes, I will wait for our next battle."

Hancock: "Spread the sail of the ship, the next destination, North Blue."

Hancock began to control Athena and sailed towards North Blue through the Calm Belt. This trip is very boring for them, besides chatting and practicing, there is nothing else interesting. The pirates and marine who saw the emblem of the ART pirate immediately avoided them. Without having the power of a level of Admiral or above, they only commit suicide if they dare to fight Arthur.

Hancock: "Jet Dial, active." Hancock activated Athena's jet dial system after reaching the Calm Belt so they could cross the sea without the waves and the wind.

Robin: So do you know which island is our first destination? I want to look for Poneglyph immediately." Robin is read her book in the wheelhouse with everyone gathered.

Arthur: "After I found the island then it was your turn to look for Poneglyph in North Blue. But I did not see any islands along the direction the compass was pointing at. Do you know if there are islands that are not recorded on this map? " Arthur opened the map of North Blue on the table in front of them all.

Robin: "There are indeed some uninhabited islands which are not recorded on this map but none of the islands that I know are in the direction you mentioned." Robin who has gathered information she can get reports to Arthur.

Hancock: "But there is one place in that direction." Hancock spoke while pointing to a place on the map with his index finger.

Arthur: "There's nothing there, just the ocean even though there is close with the Red Line." Arthur, who did not understand Hancock's words, was confused.

Robin: "Ah ... you mean North Blue's the sea of death." Robin understood what Hancock meant.

Arthur: " North Blue's the sea of death?"

Robin: "Just like the Maubeugemour sea, some areas of the blue seas near the Red Line always have irregular conditions even though not as strong as the Maubeugemour sea. Nobody dares to check this ocean so no one knows if there are islands in this region. "

Baby-5: "It seems like we already know our destination." Baby-5 got into the conversation while bringing cold drinks to all of them.

Because they already know the exact next destination, the sea of death, the sea area that is always avoided by all residents. Arthur was very excited on this trip, not because he was getting closer to his destination, but an adventure to a place that had never been visited or heard by people. After several days of sailing, they finally arrived near the sea of death, where they could see the Red Line and the ocean with very chaotic waves.

Arthur: "So this is the sea of death?"

Hancock: "Roll the ship's sail, the jet dial is activated." Hancock drove Athena skillfully through the waves.

Arthur: "Turn the ship 45 degrees to the right." Arthur who checked with his compass pointed in the other direction so he asked Hancock to change their direction.

After getting an order from Arthur, Hancock immediately turned the steering wheel towards the direction Arthur indicated. Not long after, Arthur could see an island surrounded by storms and whirlpools so it would be difficult for a ship that wanted to pass there, but that didn't apply to Athena. With the jet dial and Hancock's ability to navigate the ship they easily reached the island and they anchored Athena at the river mouth they found. After tightly tying Athena's mooring rope, the four of them immediately went down and headed for the place indicated by the compass in Arthur's hand.

Hancock: "So where is the girl you want to save from this island?"

Arthur: "Eh? When did I say that I wanted to save a girl? "

Robin: "So it's more than one girl." Robin concluded after hearing Arthur's words.

Arthur: "Why did it add up?"

Baby-5: "Young master Arthur doesn't deny it."

Hancock: "A very bad place to stay." Seeing the village before her eyes made her easily conclude.

Robin: "What else can they do? They cannot get out and a ship cannot enter easily. "

Baby-5: "Their eyes look very dangerous, they like to want to devour the four of us." Baby-5, who paid attention to the villagers in the village, felt very strange about the gaze she received.

Hancock: "We better get out of this island quickly after finding the girls you want to meet." Hancock began to speed up his pace following Arthur.

Robin: "If possible, I would like to know if there are historical sites that record stories about this island. Baby-5, please ask the trees and animals on this island whether there is such a place. "

Baby-5: "All right." Baby-5 walked to a tree and put his hand on the tree and then closed his eyes.

Arthur: "Then you two go find out about this island. I and Hancock will continue my search. "

Robin: "Take care of Arthur and check if she is fit to join us, Hancock."

Hancock: "Of course, believe me."

Arthur and Hancock continued their journey in the direction indicated by their magical compass. They both felt that this place was a bad place to live, Arthur could not understand how she had lived here for the past 17 years. On the edge of the village, Arthur with Hancock arrived in front of a house that might be more accurately called a hut. After confirming that this was the right place his compass point to, Arthur immediately opened the hut door, with the loud noise produced by the door making two green-haired sisters avert their gaze towards Arthur. The two green-haired sisters, who the older sister looked like she was 17 years old and the younger sister looked 8 years old, they both looked very thin and unwell.

Arthur: "From our appearance, surely you know that we are not residents of this island, I came to pick you both up, do you two want to come with me and become members of my crew?"

???: "As long as you can get us out of this place, I will obey all your commands, young master."

I write in my free time. I use Google translate and Grammarly free version.

Keep your clean and healthy lifestyle, minimize mobility. If anyone feels unwell, stay calm and immediately consult the nearest health facility. God bless you all.

Keep ongoing the story, happy reading ^ _ ^

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