

In the virtual reality world of ARISE VRMMORPG, p5dn, an experienced player, finds himself drawn back into the competitive realm of the game following the announcement of "The ARISE International 12." This annual event has captured the attention of players worldwide, offering unparalleled challenges and a staggering grand prize. However, p5dn decides to embark on an extraordinary quest: to conquer the game's most challenging areas and defeat the final boss entirely on his own. While the standard squad for such endeavors typically consists of 5 to 10 players, p5dn is determined to prove his exceptional skills by undertaking this feat solo. Driven by a mix of ambition and nostalgia, p5dn immerses himself in the game, pushing his limits and honing his strategies to overcome formidable obstacles. He navigates treacherous dungeons, engages in epic battles against powerful monsters, and delves deep into uncharted territories. Throughout his solo journey, p5dn encounters various trials that test his ingenuity and resilience. He faces intense battles that require meticulous planning, swift reflexes, and resourceful thinking. Despite the absence of teammates, he strives to adapt and excel, using his extensive knowledge of game mechanics and years of experience to his advantage. As p5dn progresses, his quest captures the attention of other players and the wider gaming community. Some admire his determination and skill, while others doubt his ability to achieve the seemingly impossible. Nonetheless, p5dn remains steadfast, driven by his desire to prove that a single player can triumph against overwhelming odds. Along the way, p5dn forms unexpected alliances and encounters rival players who both challenge and inspire him. These encounters test his resolve and force him to reevaluate his approach, while also providing moments of camaraderie and shared experiences amidst the competitive atmosphere. As "The ARISE International 12" draws closer, p5dn's journey intensifies. He faces the daunting final boss, a monumental challenge that has proven insurmountable for many. With determination burning in his heart and the support of fellow players rallying behind him, p5dn enters the climactic battle, ready to demonstrate his prowess and complete his solo quest. Will p5dn succeed in his audacious endeavor, defying the game's conventions and rewriting the rules of competition? The world watches as he seeks to leave an indelible mark on ARISE VRMMORPG and inspire others to embrace their own dreams within the virtual realm.

c1f2 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Deal

〈 AREA10 〉

July 31, 2035 03:30PM

〈 Dragon Jaw Mountains Peaks 〉

The 〈 Dragon Jaw Mountains Peaks 〉, a treacherous and foreboding expanse, stood tall amidst the perilous landscapes of AREA10. Jagged peaks, sharp as the fangs of a dragon, pierced the sky, casting long, eerie shadows on the rugged terrain below. These peaks were known to be one of the most dangerous parts of the entire region, a challenging test for even the most seasoned players.

The air in the Dragon Jaw Mountain Peaks was biting cold, and a chilling wind whistled through the narrow gaps between the towering rock formations. The slopes were steep and unforgiving, making every step a calculated risk. Loose stones and gravel threatened to send unwary adventurers tumbling into the abyss below.

The Dragon Jaw Mountain Peaks were home to fierce and relentless monsters, their presence felt in the bone-chilling growls that echoed through the canyons. Vicious beasts, bred by the unforgiving environment, roamed these treacherous heights, ever watchful for unsuspecting prey. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, a testament to their untamed power.

" Ting! You have slain an Lvl 78 Abyss Wyvern! "

Amidst the cold mountain was a player. A veteran player who has been playing this game for a decade.

IGN: p5dn.

He has arrived in this area an hour ago and relentlessly killing monsters inside the mountain.

" Ting! You have slain an Lvl 78 Abyss Wyvern! "

"Phew… that's the last one."

The lifeless body of the Abyss Wyvern lay sprawled before p5dn, its blood-soaked form serving as a testament to his victory. With a gaze fixed upon the fallen beast, p5dn observed as it slowly disintegrated into particles.

"I see, I see," a voice murmured.

"So this is how my top regular customer works on his hunts, huh?"

As the frigid wind sliced through the stillness, a melodious voice pierced the air, breaking p5dn's reverie.


A grin spread across the newly arrived person's face as p5dn called her name, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Ya-hoo~ p5dn!"

Emerging into view was none other than a15ha, adorned in a flowing white lab coat that billowed in the mountain breeze. Beneath it, she donned a practical ensemble of gray shirt and pants, a testament to her dedication to her craft.

"Glad you arrived here safely," p5dn greeted her.

"Ahahahaha, thank you~~~~... That's not what I wanted to say, you jerk!"

With an unexpected left jab, a15ha shattered the pleasant atmosphere, her frustration evident.

Her breath materialized into a small cloud in the frosty air as she huffed, her words laced with annoyance. "You made me climb up this treacherous mountain, and then we'll see if you'll be glad. It's been a nightmare just getting here, you know!"

With a playful shrug, p5dn turned to face her, his eyes brimming with confidence. "Come on now, a15ha, it can't be that bad. I've cleared out the entire area. You won't find a single monster in your way."

She crossed her arms, her narrowed eyes betraying her skepticism. "Oh, really? Then maybe I should be thanking your squad for clearing the area for me, huh, hahaha~"

As she uttered the sarcastic remark, a15ha scanned the peak of the mountain, hoping to catch a glimpse of p5dn's companions. Yet, to her dismay, there was only the snow-covered expanse that met her eyes.

"Where's your squad?" she inquired, her tone laced with hesitation.

"I'm all alone here," p5dn replied nonchalantly.

"Hahahaha... Dragon Jaw Mountain Peak is one of the top ten most dangerous places in AREA10. And you're saying you cleared out all the monsters here by yourself?" a15ha's eyes widened in disbelief.

"As unbelievable as it may sound, it's the truth," p5dn replied.

a15ha has still her skeptical look. "Al….right….", but she is still skeptical.

A skeptical frown creased a15ha's forehead as she folded her arms, studying p5dn intently. "I've known you for three years, and this is the first time you've ever requested my delivery service. When I saw the coordinates for the delivery, I thought it was just a prank."

p5dn looked at her eyes straightly, "Me? A prank?"

"That's what I'm also going to say! That's what I also thought! Since when did my top regular customer, p5dn, pranked me?", a15ha exaggeratedly explained as she grinded her fingers at her temple making it look like she is remembering something.

"Nein! Zero! Nil! Never in our entire business interaction have you pranked me!"

a15ha let out a sigh, her skepticism slowly giving way to a mix of exasperation and resignation. "It's not that I doubt your intentions, p5dn. But these coordinates… this place… the risks involved... You have no idea how important my reputation is in my business. Canceling this delivery would be disastrous for me."

"Somehow… I'm sorry. I'll just triple the delivery service to compensate…"

"Ahhhh! No need for that! Let me just give you your potions!!", a15ha quickly cut-off him as p5dn seems like interacting with a virtual window.

Soon, a15ha has took out five High Grade-Lvl10 Potion that was red in color and a vial that is shaped like a softdrink bottle.

As the conversation continued, a tense silence settled upon the Dragon Jaw Mountain Peaks.

"Say… is it just me or it is getting chilly here?" a15ha asked as she placed down the last vial on the floor.

Suddenly, the air grew heavy with an ominous presence, and a low, guttural growl echoed through the canyon.

Without warning, a long, slithering shadow loomed over a15ha. Before she could react, a set of razor-sharp fangs descended upon her, seeking to sink into her flesh.



But in a split second, p5dn sprang into action. A sword suddenly materialize before his hand.

With lightning reflexes, he intercepted the monstrous attack, parrying the oncoming strike. The clash of steel against fangs reverberated through the mountain peaks, sending tremors through the ground. Sparks flew as the two forces clashed, the powerful jaws of the bared in a ferocious snarl.

" WARNING! A 〈 MONARCH 〉has appeared! "

"Level 90 Lower Monarch: King of Wyverns: Drakulon the Eternal Wyrm. "

Bunch of notifications messages appeared before p5dn and a15ha.

The beast's crimson eyes burned with unbridled fury, its scales glistening with a deadly sheen. It towered above them, its wings spread wide, ready to unleash a barrage of devastating attacks. The danger they faced escalated exponentially with the arrival of this formidable foe.

p5dn's grip tightened around his weapon as he stared into the eyes of the enraged wyvern. "We have a problem, a15ha. It seems we've attracted the attention of a Level 90 Wyvern. And a 〈 MONARCH 〉to be specific"

a15ha's eyes widened in both fear as she comprehended the magnitude of the imminent battle. "A 〈 MONARCH 〉you say? Do you know what a 〈 MONARCH 〉is huh, p5dn? It is just the fucking boss level of every area!! We can't handle this on our own, can we?"

P5dn's expression hardened with determination. "We don't have a choice. Our backs are against the wall, and we must fight for our survival. Together."

As if responding to his words, the wyvern let out a thunderous roar, its wings beating with fierce intensity. The mountain peaks reverberated with the sound, echoing the imminent clash between the two players and beast.