
Arcane Secrets

most characters start alive. Mine is dead and has been reincarnated as a vessel for the strongest Arcane user in history. Forgot to say if he dies the world and everything with it dies along with him new chapters released every day!

Aidrus_Tono · Fantasie
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27 Chs

the decisive battle!

"But here is the catch" said hakairo "you will only be able to use this power for a single minute before your body collapses"

"HELP"said souran


"Aren't you just a one trick pony" said the dragon before he redirected it away.

He used his sonic screech to blow me away.

So I used a all or nothing attack…


Although souran, sayoka, giron were all in the area I narrowed it down to a atomic level so it wouldn't hit them.

During a time stop the bodily function all stop essentially making you a corpse.

So in 0.2 seconds

I used a maximum arcane chronic slash which not only destroyed the area but the time I stopped.

The dragon was stained by my hands and due to me exceeding the limit I passed out.

I was awaken with souran sayoka giron all next to me.

Needless to say I got complimented by them all.

"I would have beaten it without your help you know".

Sayoka was the stubborn one. just because she was blessed with a strong arcane she thinks she is strong.

I mean she is.

But she has too much of a ego

Sayoka was arcane 2

Giron and souran was semi arcane 2

And the most newly promoted arcane user(me) is now a arcane 3

"Congratulations on your promotion" said Siro ( I know he didn't mean it)

He said that we would be the next generation of arcane sorcerers.

But between me souran sayoka and giron we could barely beat the arcane 2 dragon.

*during class*

"Class is so boring" "it's just Siro rambling on and on about arcane magic" I muttered

Sayoka was the nerd of the group. Taking notes, asking questions but in all fairness she was pretty strong.

*in an abandoned area*

"Did you here kenzo hakairo is back" (mysterious voice)

"With him we can bring an era where only true arcane users can live (mysterious voice 2)

"Calm down calm down as long as Siro is there, we can't do anything"

That kid is under protection by Siro."

"We have to lure him in and forcefully remove him out of the kid" (mysterious voice 3

"How strong is this Siro guy"? (Mysterious voice)

"It doesn't matter I will kill him myself"!

"Ok but if you die don't come crawling back to me"

*near a river*

*ground shakes*

Good evening Siro


"Wait so even monsters can use maximum outputs"?

"I can eat these cupcakes later" said Siro

"Let's play"


"I thought you were better than this Siro"


"you humans disgust me and now you can burn till your bones turn to ash".


Aidrus_Tonocreators' thoughts