
Arcane Mage Wants to Date Giantess Warrior

Arcane Mage Rufius has always saved frail and dainty girls, and he thought that was his type. Until he met a female warrior whose forehead always hit the doorways and her size was double the average man. "You don't understand," Rufius breathed in, filling his chest to its capacity, "GIANT WOMEN ARE GREAT." Will Rufius finally get his skull crushed by the thighs of the giantess he has fallen for? This unexpected love story between an arcane mage and a larger-than-life female warrior is about to turn the world of magic and romance upside down. Join Rufius and his newfound appreciation for the big and beautiful as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, where size is just a number and love knows no bounds.

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5 Chs

A Big Beauty

Fae Banba stood in her room, her gaze fixed on the dress laid out on her bed. It was a beautiful garment, a gift from her best friend, Charlotte. The fabric was rich and elegant, a deep shade of blue that complemented her striking features. However, there was a problem—the dress didn't fit quite right, and a gaping rip ran along one side where the stitching had come undone.

With a sigh, she reached down and picked up the dress, examining the tear with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. She had cherished it, and the fact that it didn't fit properly left her feeling a bit disheartened.

Determined not to let it ruin her day, Fae Banba decided to take a walk through the town. As she made her way down the cobblestone streets, people couldn't help but steal glances at her immense presence. Her tall stature and formidable figure were impossible to ignore, and many onlookers whispered to one another in hushed tones.

Despite the attention she garnered, Fae Banba moved with grace and dignity, her stride unwavering. Perhaps, it was because she barely noticed it.

As she continued on her way, her thoughts drifted back to the ill-fitting dress. Lost in her contemplation, she approached the entrance to the dressmaker's shop without realizing it. Without the usual habit of placing her hand on top of the doorframe to check for clearance, she collided with the wooden frame, her forehead making a solid thud against it.

This earned a gasp from a nearby bystander and drew the attention of those passing by. Fae Banba, however, remained composed, despite the minor discomfort of the collision. 

She was embarrassed.

She stepped back from the doorway.

Fae Banba entered the dressmaker's shop. The dressmaker, a skilled artisan with years of experience, looked up from her worktable and met Fae Banba's gaze. There was a knowing look in her eyes, an understanding that transcended words.

Without a need for explanations, Fae Banba approached the counter and gently placed the torn dress on the wooden surface. She gave the dressmaker a nod of gratitude.

The dressmaker, her hands deft and practiced, picked up the garment and examined the gaping rip and the areas where it needed adjustment. She then turned her attention to Fae, her eyes assessing and thoughtful. With a knowing smile, she gestured for Fae Banba to step forward.

The dressmaker's tape measure glided over Fae Banba's form with precision. This was the eleventh time this happened this month. She was now a regular.

With the measurements taken, the dressmaker assured Fae Banba that the dress would be resized to fit her perfectly. Fae Banba nodded in appreciation. The dressmaker gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Needless to say, she had a reputation among dressmakers in the area.

The sun bathed the city's streets in a warm, golden glow. The scent of freshly baked spiced bread wafted through the air, tugging at her senses. It was her favorite treat, and she couldn't resist following the tantalizing aroma.

She made her way through the bustling market, her towering presence catching the eye of every passerby. As she approached the source of the heavenly smell, she found herself looming over a small baker's stall. The baker, a plump and rosy-cheeked woman, looked up with wide eyes, taken aback by the immense figure before her.

Fae Banba ordered ten pieces of the aromatic spiced bread, her deep voice carrying a gentle deepness. The baker quickly complied, wrapping the warm, freshly baked loaves in a cloth and handing them over to the giantess.

With her precious cargo in hand, Fae Banba strolled to the nearby park, where a grand fountain stood in the center. The serene sound of flowing water mixed with the chatter of people enjoying their day, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Fae Banba found a shaded spot near the fountain and settled herself down, her imposing presence momentarily softened by the beauty of the park. She unwrapped one of the spiced bread loaves and took a generous bite. The combination of flavors, the warmth of the bread, and the aromatic spices filled her senses, bringing a sense of contentment she rarely allowed herself to indulge in. Paprika, cumin, cinnamon, and nutmeg danced on her tongue as she let out a squeal of delight.

After devouring the first piece, Fae Banba realized she still felt hungry. She chuckled softly to herself, wondering if the delicious spiced bread had simply whetted her appetite rather than sated it.

With a determined look in her eye, she continued to enjoy the rest of her treats, savoring each bite. Once she had finished all ten pieces, she wiped her hands clean and stood up, her towering form casting a shadow over the park.

Though her hunger remained, Fae Banba was content for the moment. She decided to take a leisurely walk through the city, allowing her imposing presence to grace the streets once more. It was a simple pleasure in a world filled with complexities, and she relished the opportunity to savor the small joys life had to offer.

A small child, no taller than her knee, looked up at her with wide eyes filled with wonder. In a voice filled with innocent amazement, the child exclaimed, "Big!"

Fae Banba's cool gaze softened as she peered down at the child, her lips curving into a gentle smile. She crouched down, her immense form dwarfing the child even more as she knelt beside them. With great care, she extended a hand, her fingers large and gentle.

The child, emboldened by Fae Banba's warm presence, reached out to touch her fingertip. It was a simple gesture, a connection between two beings of vastly different sizes.

It was a brief encounter, but one that would stay with the child for years to come, a core memory of the day they met the gentle giantess who graced their city.

Her towering presence caught the attention of two neophyte mages, clad in their red training robes. The pair, their eyes wide with wonder, paused in their steps to behold the imposing figure before them.

"Would you look at that! She's like something out of a legend," exclaimed one of the students, his voice filled with awe.

"I've never seen someone so... grand," replied the other. He then passed a bag of potato chips to the other.

Their gaze followed Fae Banba's graceful movements.

"I wonder what kind of magic she wields," he said, taking a chip into his mouth.

The other made a thoughtful sound. "Aren't giants immune to pure magic?"

"Hey, have you noticed Professor Varis has been absent a lot lately?" said the student, a note of worry creeping into his tone.

"Yeah, it's been worrying me," confessed the second. "We're supposed to be preparing for our final exams, and yet he's nowhere to be found."

Their voices lowered, tinged with apprehension as they broached the subject that troubled them most.

"Do you think it's because of those rumors about the forbidden magic he's been researching?" 

"I wouldn't be surprised," conceded the second, his expression mirroring his companion's unease. "But it's not just that. Without him, how are we supposed to learn everything we need to graduate safely?"