
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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-265- Powder's assault!

"Powder, where's your sister?"

In Councilor Linwin's office, a girl with beautiful blue hair sat on a chair, leaning back, looking at a sketchbook.

"Vi? Didn't she go out?" 

"Where?" Linwin sat on a small stool, looking at the girl who stole his chair, and asked.

"Silco asked her to pick someone up. Wait, wasn't it your request?" Powder put down the sketchbook, revealing a delicate and charming face.

She had applied light makeup, with purple lipstick on her naturally tempting red lips, and thick shadows on her petite and delicate nose, making it look disproportionately high, with a hint of pink eyeshadow in the corners of her eyes.

Powder actually looked a bit weird!

Linwin had wanted to tell her that she didn't need makeup at all. Whether it's a man or a woman, makeup can indeed make a significant difference in temperament and spirit.

But... the problem is, Powder doesn't know how to put on makeup!

She could handle all kinds of weapons effortlessly, but asking her to put on makeup like an ordinary girl... well, Powder just had a huge addiction to it, making herself look ugly day by day.

She's so cute when she doesn't wear makeup.

"Ah, she's gone to pick up Seraphine, right?"

"Not sure, she just said she won't be home for a few days and that she's going to pick someone up." Powder raised her hand again and looked at the sketchbook.

"Have you been living together with Vi recently?" Linwin tapped his cheek and asked.

Putting down the notebook again, Powder casually threw it onto the table, stretched her slender legs and placed them on Linwin's desk. She leaned back, her hands behind her head, stretching. In this position, her slender body didn't reveal any attractive curves...

Sure, Powder didn't have a big chest, but who said a woman's beauty could only be shown on her face and chest?

Aside from her chest, Powder was perfect in terms of her face, height, and everything else.

Although her weight wasn't over a hundred pounds, with Powder stretching extensively, the chair still made a "creak, creak, creak" sound, and Powder made a comfortable sound of "mmm" after stretching.

After stretching her body, Powder lazily replied, "What about it? I want to live with you, but do you dare?"

Linwin showed a embarrassed expression, and Powder looked at the expression on Linwin's face, snorted with her small nose, and puffed her non-existent chest, "You coward."

Saying this, Powder was actually quite angry!

She had offered herself up like this, what more did he want from her?!

Would he want her to strip naked and lie on Linwin's bed?

Damn it, if that were the case, she wouldn't have any dignity left!

And Linwin, on the other hand, pretended not to understand.

Recently, Powder's desire to attack had become stronger and stronger.

It was the same with her makeup. She probably thought, if I could look even more beautiful, then... then Linwin couldn't resist me, right?

But how could that be possible?

And this idiot, Powder, didn't she know that this makeup actually had the opposite effect on Linwin?

To be honest, compared to the cold and elegant appearance of Kaisa, the jumpy and cute appearance of Powder actually had at least three times the desire towards Linwin!

My dear Powder, she's too powerful!

Although Linwin hadn't told Powder, in fact, Linwin was very pleased. Very pleased indeed.

It's one thing to get along with Kaisa, and another thing to get along with Powder.

These were two girls with completely different personalities.

Their approach to love was also different.

Kaisa silently accompanied you, her love was clear but not weak, strong but not flashy. She would be an excellent wife.

And Powder?

A beautiful and excellent girl devotedly loving you, she was constantly expressing her love for you. This kind of girl, who revolved around you, treating you as her whole world, and had eyes only for you, could indeed make a man more confident.

"Don't joke around. Me? A coward? Ask the Noxians if I'm a coward, ask the Bilgewater folks if I'm a coward," Linwin retorted.

"Aren't you? I've done all this, and you're still playing dumb? Isn't that being a coward? If I hadn't seen it before, I'd really doubt if you're functioning properly!" Powder sneered, then extended her hand, separating her index finger and thumb, mocking Linwin with a weird measurement gesture.

"!" Linwin's face immediately turned red with anger, loudly protesting, "You! I'm not that short!"

"But what I've seen is like that!" Powder thought for a moment, then spread her thumb and index finger a bit wider, squinting and teasingly said, "So, is it this long?"

"That was before, back then he wasn't fully grown, he wasn't fully developed. Now, he's doubled!" Linwin defended, concerning his dignity as a man.

At this moment, there's no talk of manners, although Linwin is still a virgin and discussing this topic with the girl who used to be treated as a "little sister" is very embarrassing.

But at this moment, the man's soul made Linwin stand up!

Facing Powder, Linwin stretched out his hands, pulling out a long distance with his index fingers, loudly saying, "Listen to me, Powder, he's that long."


"Tsk." After staring at Linwin's face for a moment, Powder suddenly rolled her eyes, turned her head, and impatiently clicked her tongue.

"Why are you tongue-tied! I'm telling the truth, he really is that long!" Linwin got louder.

"Did I strike a nerve?" Suddenly her eyes turned mischievous, Powder provocatively said, "You say you're big, do you have evidence? Yes, that's right, what I saw was when we're little, but now you're saying you're that long, you have to prove it to me."

Linwin's hands pressed against his belt, saying while loosening it, "I'll show...."

But seeing Powder covering her face with her hands, her fingers wide apart, eyes fully exposed, Linwin calmed down.

Damn it, Powder's trick almost made him take off his pants to prove his innocence!

Linwin remembered, last time he was forcefully kissed by Powder right in this room, and the next day the whole Twin Cities knew about it. It spread like wildfire, and because of it, Silco and Vander have been looking at him with extremely unfriendly eyes lately.

Jayce and Viktor, on the other hand, looked at Linwin with eyes that said, "Bro, you finally get it."

So Linwin immediately stopped.

Although he didn't know how it got out, after all, there was no one around when it happened, but anyway, he couldn't take off his pants. If this got out, Linwin's reputation would be completely ruined.

"Haha, you just want to provoke me, I won't fall for it," Linwin breathed a sigh of relief, calmly responding.

"Tsk, I knew you were only this long." Powder put down her hands covering her face, gave Linwin a disdainful smile, then sat up straight and reached for the sketchbook on the table, saying, "Actually, it's not a big deal. I've read those books. Don't treat me like a kid. Most of the girls back in the black ally marry at fourteen or fifteen."

In the chaos of Zaun in the past, many children lost their parents at a young age. Those who left the orphanage in their teens, surviving alone on the streets, either joined gangs or committed crimes.

So now, every Zaunite is guarding this beautiful place they've build.

Linwin felt a bit emotional, then heard Powder say again, "Although it's a bit short, but you have no other choice."

"Nine..... milli..." Before the word "meter" could come out, Linwin quickly reached out and pressed his hand against Powder's mouth, stopping her from saying anything further.

Then, with a smile that was more threatening than friendly, Linwin leaned over and said, "That's.... enough."

Such a beautiful girl, talking about that thing in her mouth.

Although Linwin guessed Powder's little tricks now, he couldn't help it.

Powder blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering like a little fan, and squeaked, "Lin... mm... Nine... mm..."

"." Linwin's temples twitched. No man can accept being discussed in this way, no!

Especially... by a woman!!

Doubled up in anger!

With no other way, Powder wouldn't believe, proving innocence by taking off pants was impossible. It's daytime now, and even if it were night, it wouldn't work. Wait for another year, wait for another year to deal with this girl.

Linwin could only prove his innocence in the third way, so he said to Powder, "Stop messing around, Powder, if you still don't believe me, you can go ask Kai'Sa, she knows!"

Linwin spoke loudly, and then...

The two pairs of eyes locked in a stare, one gradually becoming angry, the other showing panic.

"Don't bite, don't bite me, be careful with your teeth!"

"Okay, okay, I'll let go, don't bite, please stop biting, what if your teeth break?" At the moment he let go, Linwin disappeared in front of Powder and reappeared outside the window.

"Listen to me, Powder, things aren't what you think they are."

"Nonsense!" Anger appeared on Powder's makeop-filled little face. She ran two steps to the window, and Linwin immediately backed away a bit, saying helplessly, "Calm down, we really haven't done that yet."

"Then why does she know your size?"

Can she believe it? Of course not!

Powder happened to see little Linwin back when they shower together as kids, but Kai'Sa?

How long has she been here? One year!

But Powder didn't know, Linwin was telling the truth.

He mentioned Kai'Sa knowing because she helped Linwin bathe after his battle with Sion, so...

But who is Powder? With a hot head, boots stepping on the windowsill, Powder opened her arms wide and jumped towards Linwin several meters away from the window.

This is the seventeenth floor!

Seeing this, Linwin exclaimed, quickly flying over to catch Powder.

Princess-carrying Powder in mid-air, Linwin looked up at the sky, feeling helpless.

Dealing with Powder, this little troublemaker...

Linwin was in pain but also somewhat happy.

And at this moment, the girl in his arms was holding his neck with both hands, opening her mouth to bite his cheek, as if she wanted to eat Linwin's face.

"It's really a misunderstanding."

And, Kai'Sa, if you don't come back soon, I'll really have to succumb to Powder's assault!



After a super weird sneeze, Kai'Sa rubbed her nose several times. Ha, was it because of the sandstorm?

Shaking her head, Kai'Sa looked at the desert port city in front of her—Nashramae.

The Mist Organization had already given her the news that a strangely dressed man had appeared in Nashramae and not only sold many strange things but also bought various items.

There were cursed ancient artifacts, large animal bones and blood, as well as all kinds of weapons.

After receiving this news, Kai'Sa immediately thought of what Linwin had said.

"My father is collecting all kinds of items to enter Icathia to find you, so if you hear about a man collecting strange items, it's likely him."

After walking for five days in the Great Desert, Kai'Sa finally arrived at Nashramae. Along the way, she encountered dangerous situations, such as... bandit groups.

But when Kai'Sa took off her hood, revealing her face, and covered her body with Void skin, those guys immediately scattered.

Desert bandits know better than ordinary people who they can't offend. In the land of Shurima where monsters roam, their crisis awareness is extremely high, often recognizing when things are not right and immediately backing off.

Kai'Sa is not a bloodthirsty person, but she knows that if she lets these bandits go, they will harm more people later.

She heard from Linwin that there were cannibals among these guys.

Therefore, Kai'Sa wiped out three bandit groups along the way, killing a total of forty-three people.

And now, this "harmless" woman walked into Nashramae with her head down.

Just entering the bustling port city, Kai'Sa noticed that several people were watching her.

After entering an alley, Kai'Sa quietly turned around.

Behind her, there were several tall, fierce-looking people.

"Why are you following me?" Kai'Sa asked aloud.

"Boss, it's us."

"We've found his trace, he's in the Ancient Bazaar now, should we go over?"


"Let's go, take me there."