
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-264- Cithria and Garen

"How far are we from the capital?" 

A small head wearing a hood peeked out from the noble carriage adorned with the Sri family crest, and Cithria, sniffing, looked at the soldier riding on horseback beside her and asked.

"We're almost there."

"Will I have the chance to meet Marshal Tianna?" Cithria asked softly.

"Sorry, I don't know," the soldier replied, not turning his gaze away from the front. Cithria quietly stared at his profile.

After a moment, he sighed as he held the reins, "But I don't think so. Marshal Tianna is always busy; she has no reason to appear before you."

Cithria sighed and sat back, feeling somewhat discouraged.

Then, after a while, she peeked out again, the linen-colored hood trembling as a cluster of brown hair mischievously emerged. She asked, "Then, is there a chance to meet Lady Fiora?"

"The Grand Duelist?"

"Yes!!!" Cithria became excited, exclaiming, "It's her! Mother told me her stories, said she became a great duelist at a very young age."

But the soldier who was questioned by Cithria remained silent.

He gripped the reins tighter, and Cithria could tell. She didn't understand this.

Did she say something wrong?

Why did Uncle Aaron suddenly fall silent? It seemed like he was a little angry too.

As for how Cithria saw this,

It was because of Cithria's eyes, her pair of azure blue almond-shaped eyes, could see things that ordinary people couldn't.

Vianca said it was her innate talent, even through thick armor, Cithria could see things through it.

The opponent's breath, grip, gaze.

And on the other side of Cithria, a soldier suddenly said, "Lady Fiora is indeed a renowned challenger throughout Demacia, achieving a hundred consecutive victories in the arena. She's truly a formidable opponent, living up to her title as the Grand Duelist."

"Cithria, don't worry, Aaron isn't angry with you."


"Aaron once dueled with the Grand Duelist, and in just three moves, Aaron lost to her."

"You talk too much!"

"Really? Uncle Aaron, you dueled with Fiora?" Cithria immediately turned to look at Aaron, who hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"At that time, the Grand Duelist was only a thirteen-year-old child." Aaron tightened his grip on the reins, his lips under the helmet pursed, and said helplessly, "Isn't it embarrassing? An adult lost to a child."

"Aaron, it's not embarrassing. Many people lost to that child at that time."

"I really want to see her." Cithria's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Even if I can only see her from afar."

Aaron heard Cithria's words and suddenly spoke, "No, Miss Cithria, please don't underestimate yourself. I've seen you practice swordsmanship these days, and I can feel it when I spar with you."

"What you lack is just a strong physique and experience in dueling." Aaron said seriously, "In my opinion, Miss Cithria, your future may not be inferior to Fiora."

"Hey hey hey, Aaron, aren't you exaggerating?" Another soldier on the other side spoke up.

Cithria blinked her eyes, her eyes filled with anxiety.

Aaron shook his head helplessly when he saw the way Cithria looked, knowing he couldn't explain it all.

The future.

If he could live that long.

Aaron believed that he would witness the transformation of this child.

"Ah, we can see it now!"

"Look, Miss Cithria, it's the walls of the capital!"

"Ah, what's that giant statue? Is that, is that the Galio you and Vianca talked about?" Cithria looked towards the other side, where a white giant statue stood out on the plain.

"Huh? It really is Galio." Aaron, looking puzzled, furrowed his brow. "But why is Galio here? Did we see Galio the last time we came to the capital?"

"No, that's impossible," another soldier said solemnly.

Why would Galio be here?

Meanwhile, Cithria continued to look, and then, with her excellent vision, she suddenly widened her eyes, her azure blue eyes sparkling. Cithria exclaimed, "Wait, Uncle Aaron, look, isn't there someone on Galio!?"


Aaron immediately looked, but before he could react, there was a rumble, and the colossal statue, which shouldn't have been able to move, spread its wings and soared into the sky.

Under the blazing sun, the Colossus of Justice extended its giant hand, making a strange gesture.

At this moment, Aaron could only see the huge silhouette of Galio, as they were dozens of miles away from him!

If it weren't for the plain and Galio's astonishing size, there would be no reason they could see this statue.

"Hey, it seems to be a girl with golden hair."

Cithria's eyes felt a bit sore. She blinked, rubbed them, but when she opened them again...


The giant had already flown into the sky.

And Cithria saw it.

A pair of long legs swayed, and the girl sat on Galio's shoulder.


"Is there a war happening?"

"No, it's impossible for Galio to be mobilized for war without us knowing."

"Then why can Galio move?"

Listening to the soldiers' discussion beside her, Cithria's eyes sparkled with little stars after the initial shock. She had just left Cloudfield, and she had already seen the legendary Colossus of Justice!

"Enough, let's continue on."

"Cithria, we're almost there."

"Welcome to the Royal Capital."

"Yes!" Cithria, excited, nodded vigorously and tightened her grip on her wooden sword.


"Cithria, go on in, we won't accompany you any further."

Inside the great city of Demacia, Aaron stood in front of Cithria, took off his helmet, and looked calmly at the girl in front of him.

It took them five days to accompany this girl from Cloudfield to Demacia.

And during these five days, Aaron gradually grew fond of this lively and lovely little girl.

She was very timid, so timid that she could jump up with a sword in hand at the slightest sound at night. But she was also very brave, brave enough to go find the source of the noise even though she was trembling.

It's really funny.

The same was true during their duels and sparring sessions. Actually, Aaron knew that Cithria could beat him, but she actually held back.

Does Vianca know about this? Aaron suddenly became curious.

"Thank you very much."

Cithria bowed ninety degrees, holding her wooden sword and lowering her head.

"Go on, follow this road, and you'll reach the military camp. If anyone stops you, show them the letter Baron Sri gave you."

"I-I understand." Cithria patted the pocket of her cloak.

"Alright, farewell, Cithria." Aaron gave a faint smile.

This was probably the first time he smiled since retiring due to injury.

Because he saw an immeasurable future star.

Cithria would definitely become an outstanding soldier; Aaron firmly believed that she would become a member of the Dauntless Vanguard in the future.

"Ah, Uncle Aaron, you actually smiled!" Cithria exclaimed in surprise.

"Go on." Aaron immediately withdrew his smile and said coldly.

After speaking, he pulled the man beside him, and then, both of them turned away.

"Thank you for helping me!"

Cithria waved loudly.

Then, as she calmed down, she immediately noticed the gazes around her.

They were all dressed so nicely!

They wore clean and luxurious clothes, even the children were clean and neat.

Cithria immediately lowered her head and looked at herself.

She was wearing a somewhat worn-out ranger hooded sleeveless coat, with two patches sewn on it, and many yet-to-be-repaired holes. A dirty leather belt was tied around her waist, and her lower body was clad in a tight black training pants with loose threads at the thighs.

Carrying an old traveler's backpack, tied with old-fashioned braided hair, her hands wrapped in gray linen bandages.

In an instant, Cithria suddenly felt embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry!"

She shouted loudly to the people around her, then quickly adjusted her backpack and hurried towards the location Aaron mentioned.

In the Demacian garrison area, a man with a heavy sword and a group of men wearing silver armor, surrounding a man in a blue cloak, walked on the main road.

The soldiers stationed around spontaneously made way, looking at them with respectful eyes.

"We will depart the day after tomorrow. The mission of this trip is very simple, which is to protect the prince and keep an eye on him. It's His Majesty's order. Without the approval of Councilor Linwin, the prince is not allowed to leave the Twin Cities."

The only man among them, without a helmet, with regular features exuding integrity, said loudly.

He held a huge sword in his hand, with a wide and long blade, and the hilt was made of special golden ore, resembling spread wings, with a blue gem embedded in the center of the wings.

"We understand, Knight-Captain Garen."

Garen nodded, and when he turned his head, he noticed a timid figure beside him.

Furrowing his brow, Garen looked at the person and quickly followed.

Although he wore heavy mithril armor and was tall, Garen silently approached her.

He reached out his big hand and placed it on her shoulder, speaking in a low voice, "Hold on."


She quickly turned around, her head hidden under her hood revealed, only reaching Garen's chest. Startled and panicked, her long braids swayed and hit her face. "Uh..."

With a groan, Cithria covered her face and looked up at the man in front of her.

He was like a small mountain blocking Cithria's path, blocking the sunlight.

"Are you in the wrong place? Common folks are not allowed beyond this point" 

"Wait, I-I am called Cithria, I have a letter from Baron Sri, I'm not a spy, I didn't take the wrong path."

Cithria quickly dropped her thick wooden sword and pulled the bag on her back to the front, then began to rummage through it while lowering her head.

Garen looked at the girl in confusion but relaxed his guard.

She didn't seem like she was lying, so... was she joining the military?

Another recommendation from a noble from a remote area?

"Here you go, sir."

Cithria handed over a letter with both hands.

"Can I open it?" Garen took the letter, but instead of reading it, he looked at Cithria and asked, "Did the person who gave you this letter tell you who it's for?"

"No." Cithria shook her head. "Baron Sri told me to hand over the letter if someone stopped me."

"I understand."

Garen nodded, opened the letter, and looked down at it.

Cithria stood nervously in front of Garen.

She looked at the tall man in front of her, at his silver armor shining brightly in the sunlight, at his handsome blue cape, and Cithria felt extremely envious.


"Yes, sir!" Cithria stood up straight.

Garen placed his hand in front of him, cleared his throat, and said, "Nice to meet you, Cithria. I am Garen Crownguard, the Knight Captain of the Dauntless Vanguard."


Garen was taken aback, looking at the girl in front of him who took five or six steps back in confusion.

Then, Cithria stomped her feet and walked back to Garen's front.

"You, are you a soldier of the Dauntless Vanguard?" Cithria's eyes gleamed.

The Dauntless Vanguard!

Vianca has talked countless times about the most powerful legion in Demacia!

The soldiers who can enter the Dauntless Vanguard are all heroes!

"Yes, Cithria, you will participate in the exchange program." Before Garen could finish his words, Cithria exclaimed loudly again:

"M-May I ask what is your relationship is with Tianna Crownguard?"

Garen looked at Cithria, puzzled.

Cithria met Garen's eyes, slowly calmed down, swallowed her saliva, and timidly lowered her head, whispering, "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

In front of her was a soldier of the Dauntless Vanguard, and he was also the Captain!

And he's a noble!

She... she was so rude.

"No, it's okay."

But Garen shook his head. After all, she would travel with Garen to the Twin Cities.

"Tianna is my aunt."


"Also, Cithria, I am also one of those heading to the Twin Cities on this trip."

Garen reached out his big hand towards the careless girl, and said solemnly, "Pleased to meet you."

Cithria looked at Garen's hand, then immediately wiped her small hand behind her back and reached out to shake Garen's hand.

"I-It's good to meet you too."


At the same time, in a smelting factory in Demacia.

Orianna held the Hextech phone in her hands, surprised, "No, um, Councilor Linwin, don't I still have time?"

"No, Orianna, you must come back."

"May I ask why?" Orianna looked at Lorana, who was also confused.

It's... Councilor Linwin!

Councilor Linwin himself called Orianna on the Hextech phone!

"Students from Demacia will arrive in the Twin Cities soon, and there will definitely be conflicts on both sides."

"Orianna, as the Ninth Councilor, I order you to serve as the first president of the Twin Cities University Student Council."

"You will have the authority to control the students."

Orianna heard Councilor Linwin's laughter from the other end of the phone, "So, Miss President, you must come back."

Orianna held the phone dumbfoundedly: "."

She didn't even know about this!


After hanging up the phone, Orianna looked at Lorana.

"What did Councilor Linwin say?" Lorana asked excitedly.

Councilor Linwin, oh, that's Councilor Linwin!

The greatest hero of the Twin Cities!

There's not a single Piltover person who would refuse to admire Linwin.

"He asked us to come back as soon as possible, and... and asked me to be the president of the student council."

Lorana: "?"

"And, you're the vice president."

Lorana: "???"