
Nothing Else to do but Work


It's weird being able to hear other people talking while you're knocked out. Somehow Chase managed to be up and ready to go. Meanwhile, all I can do is listen to him and Bones talk in front of me.

"Are you leaving?" asks Bones

"I don't know why Sable took Pip's tiara or why Sid cares about Daimyon's growth so much and at this point, I don't really care. They almost took everything from me in the space of a breezy afternoon and even worse they're coming back. So, yeah I'm leaving. There's nothing else to do but work."

It's even weirder for him to be completely fine and I can't even be conscious. To be fair I got hurt way worse than he did. Still, it's best to at least ask Daigo.

"Daigo, why can't I wake up?"

"Kid, you were hurt badly so they sedated you. Your wounds are technically healed but Ligaiya said the trauma and pain still take time to pass."

"Honestly, that might be a good thing. It's crazy to think how close we were to actually dying. Using the Skywave canon nearly cost me everything."

"I don't know kid, it may not have completely worked out but, was there really a better option? Chase must have thought it was a good idea to stake everything on you and generally I agree with his judgment."

"Yeah, sure."

It takes two weeks total for me to finally awake. A simple 2-day vacation turned into a 14 day stay in the infirmary. I get up and I'm greeted by an empty room. I was hoping that someone would at least be here out of concern when I woke up. No Kiyonna or Chase or even Bones. Might as well not dwell on it. Making my way out I throw on a left out uniform and my shoes. On the other side of the door, Bones was waiting and he did not look happy with me. Could be my imagination since it's not like Bones's face is any different just his general vibe.

"Follow me." he commands. I'm probably in it bad enough as it is so I hurry behind him. He leads me to the training grounds and takes a seat. Patting the ground next to him he signals me to do the same and I comply. There's silence and it's unbearable. I have to break the ice.

"Bones I know I-"

"To heal you I had to use an extremely rare item called Phoenix Tears. These tears can heal almost any wound in an extremely short period of time. The reason they're rare is because I'm the only one who can make them and the effort required is immense. Normally, I wouldn't waste them on students since most of you are worthless to me. But, if I hadn't you'd still have no arms.

"The reason I'm telling you this is twofold. The first reason is so you understand that recklessness costs and the second is so you understand why your training is going to be hell from here forward. I probably won't be able to produce any more tears in time and that means even more so than before you need to be ready. So you don't get to hit a wall anymore, you only get to progress."

What he just told me is scary. Still, there's really only one question on my mind. Turning my head to face him I ask.

"You're not mad?" He meets my gaze and lifts his shades to make eye contact.

"No, I'm indifferent."

"It had crossed my mind that you might not want to train me anymore."

"I didn't "want" to train you in the first place. Your training is a means to an end. Out of the both of us you should get that the most."

I'm not exactly feeling confident in my abilities right now. But, I muster as much confidence as I can; ultimately responding with a half-hearted.

"Right." I think he noticed my lack of enthusiasm.

"Trust me. I get it. Blowing off your arms would shake the confidence of any rational naturalist. You need to understand that you don't have time for doubt. It's probably a good thing for you to have a little fear though. It makes you consider the consequences of your actions. When Chase left the infirmary he said "all that's left to be done is the work" and he's right. You'll build your confidence back through competence and you'll gain competence through training."

"What if it comes down to it and I can't do the Skywave Canon?"

"Then the sacred six girl will get kidnapped and you'll probably die. We have 11 months to make sure that doesn't happen and I'd prefer we spend it training."
