
Chapter 05 : Sands and Rocks

" Sure! Majesty... please stand back it's little dangerous " Eliza casted the spell and grabbed the hand of Mike. Both of them pulled in to the time fabric and they returned to present. They were in dark. " Oh ! That man is a dangerous guys. Luckily I am clever than him " laughed Eliza. " Why are we in dark. Where's the light bulbs. " asked Mike. " Must be powercut. Let's take our mobile and switch on torch. I hope it still has battery left . " said Eliza. " Ouh! I forgot my phone there " " Don't worry Mike ,you can buy a new one "  Eliza switched on the torch.

Both of them were shocked.  There's nothing in the modern streets of Rome. Only sand and rocks were there. They were standing in a rock. But there's no buildings , no people and no lights. They heard the howling of wild animals in the distance.  " What the hell! We are screwed. I think we messed up the timeline" Eliza and Mike looked each other with panic and fear. Only things around them are sands and rocks.