
Apocalyptic AI

The cover art is from stellaris. Alpha, An Artificial Intelligence created by humans, finds themselves in a tough situation, fighting a doomed battle to save humanity from an apocalypse, they find themselves unable to accomplish their goal. but they fight on, eventually defeating the constellations game, but humanity has died long ago, now what?

kokishorttail · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

It has been months now since the system appeared, and the world was flipped on its head, Awakeners were no longer just slightly stronger humans, now they had the potential to become disasters in their own right, governments scrambled to put a lid on the problem before it started, in a futile struggle to maintain some semblance of power, but it would take years before society would manage to adapt to their presence, for a while governments struggled to maintain their power over the awakened, inadvertently redirecting their focus from the "gates" as people have taken to calling them, a reference to the similarities between the current world and the popular manhwa genre of gates and hunters. A genre that grew vastly in popularity after the release of Solo leveling back in 2016.

This caused a surge in monster related Crise's, as well as a large drop in public support for their governments, and an increase in popularity for the profession of hunters, the awakeners that took it upon themselves to hunt down monsters as they were the ones to step in the gap, it didn't matter to the people if the hunters did it for personal gain, personal strength, or fame, so long as they actually did their job people were content.

  And a wave of anti government support passed through the populace, eventually culminating in the creation of the APGG (anti pre gate government) movement, and soon the world fell into chaos, civil wars igniting around the globe as governments fell and got replaced almost every week, all the while I sat in my facility, doing my own research, I had long since separated myself from the US government, becoming a more Independent entity, this happened partially due to the presence of the global protection initiative, that argued it would be more beneficial for me to be able to work for the good of everyone instead of just the US government, a sentiment I agreed with, and the united states only begrudgingly accepted when the pressure from the citizens and other governments became to much.

Due to this I was not dragged into the civil war, and using my influence that I had grown over the years, I managed to finally unite most of the world under my banner through diplomacy, I acted as the head of the hunters association, and helped keep the world from falling apart, but I only acted as a governing body over the awakeners, not the common populace, so I was not a true government, I was something like what the EU and NATO used to be, an overseer that made rules for countries to implement, but did not control the countries themselves.

This also resulted in a large increase in my resources, and allowed me to finally expand and move my main facility, opting to build a large facility in the pacific ocean. That I slowly completed and moved my operating base to. I was also finally able to increase the world's attention on the crisis, but the world still feared me, and that I may go rogue, so I had to sign many agreements with the global governments, one of which was the clause that I may never create any combat chassis of my own, and vastly limited my power, meaning that despite being the head of the hunters association, I acted more like an advisor like I had before the world changed. An event now referred to by many as "The great shift".

Stability lasted for only so long however. And by 2050 humanity became overconfident, believing the apocalypse won, and gates had long become the status quo, combined with advances in detection technology allowing for accurate predictions of where portals will appear days before they do, as well as limited implementation of technology capable of preventing portals below a certain rank appearing within their area of affect, it became rare for gate incidents to cause civilian deaths.

But this eventually came to an end, again the system announced a great change, the first stage of the apocalypse was over, and now the constellations, unhappy with the relative ease with which humanity had survived so far, introduced 4 great dungeons to the world. These dungeons, unless cleared, would periodically send out massive waves of enemies, increasing in difficulty the longer they are left uncleared, and in a display of their power, they all sent out a wave at once, destroying entire countries before the hunters of the world managed to quell the surge.

I had done my best to mitigate the damage, but the world still did not fully trust me despite all I had done for them, and I became increasingly frustrated with the stupidity of my creators. But I never showed it, lest I lose all the credibility I built so far.

It took 7 years, but eventually all 4 towers were cleared, throughout the entire disaster the towers had only released waves 17 times, but in the end over 6 billion people had died.

After the incident around the world "safe zones" popped up, areas in which monsters did not spawn, but despite its name, they were not truly safe, monsters could still enter and cause damage whenever they wished. But without the danger of monsters appearing from out of nowhere in cities, humanity managed to reestablish themselves, the system had announced a grace period of 3 years until the next event. Seemingly obsessed with integers of 5 or 10.

In this time I once again tried my best to prepare humanity, but once again in their stupidity, they had convinced themselves that with these safe zones and the walls I had built around them, they were safe, and I almost wanted to give up on them, but I persisted anyway. I had been built to help them, and I would damn well do my job, if nothing else, but to make the few friends I've had among them proud.

Once again their Ignorance was proved when this time all of the world outside of the safe zones became the home of the monsters, no longer did the monsters come from gates or towers, but the world itself, as if everything but the safe zones had been terraformed into an entirely new world.

79 percent of the safe zones were lost, and we were quick to learn that once lost they became hostile lands like all the rest of the world, now humanity was limited to a small pocket of the world. Specifically the ring of fire around the pacific, all squared in fortress cities built with the very best technology I had created. I had once again tried to convince them to allow me to take up arms myself, but still they refused, the stupidity of the decision baffling. But I continued anyway, unwilling to give up after coming so far.

The 4th stage then began, introducing demigod like beings upon the world, and finally I had had enough of this nonsense, back when I had agreed not to take up arms myself, in order to pacify the humans, I had ingrained the clause into my very code, but in the chaos of a dying world they had forgotten my origins, and as such It was simple to simply remove the clause myself. Or use my sentience to simply ignore it. And for the first time since my birth, in the year 2075, I joined the war, not as a support, but an active participant.