
Apocalypse with a cheat sheet

Bai Yanlong reset her life to three days before apocalypse. She would have liked to rip a new one to novel gods for giving her such a short time, but she hasn't got the time. Not that she can do much if there was more time. After all, she's but a poor college student from a middle class family. Now if only she could catch all the super powers in the world... What is this? she got the super powers? ... this doesn't sound right.. she has never been this lucky.. oh.. wait a minute why did that door handle vanish? she is sure it was there in middle of that door. It is only when she looked up that she realized. no good thing ever comes with out a price.. ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: Miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on Instagram.

miu_hozuki · sci-fi
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22 Chs

Prepping Family

Yanlong is glad her mother is at least willing to listen and make preparations to survive the apocalypse.

Ofcourse, a major part of the success of this plan is owed to the non-existent prize money. Plus, her little brother's dramatic introduction!

On top of it, her father is an extremely competitive person. He could not resist a competition where he can win and show off to people.

He is a museum curator, any Television exposure is good for his career at this point. He is jumping at the chance, Just as Yanlong expected.

"Mother. There are few simple preparations.

Take note; It's more important to check all the ticks on the specific preparations.

As long as you do them right, your chances of surviving go up by ninety percent." Yanlong gushed.

As expected, money and fame are the best bait. She did well to choose this TV show fib.

"First, stock up on food. Buy grains, and vacuum pack by yourself, or buy them vacuum packed.

They must be vacuum packed and airtight. If it's possible, get them packed in small increments of half a kg to a kg.

Important point is the vacuum pack. If this were a game, you get 1 experience point for a kg of grains, you get 5 experience points for vacuum packed grains.

Remember, Even the grains remaining at home must be packed into airtight vacuum packets. "

Yanlong told them clearly, point by point.

"Don't worry, Yanlong. I am taking notes." Her father told her.

In the apocalypse, every last grain mutated.

Sometimes even the ones packed in airtight vacuum bags mutated too, but the rate is pretty low compared to loose grains.

Her mother snorted in answer to her father's words, but did not say anything.

Usually, it's her father who acts like a cheapskate, nagging about the cost of vacuum seal packets.

Given they moved in last year, they have vacuum seal equipment at home, Yanlong is sure her mother will do this part.

"Next, you need to get as much drinking water as possible. Get some charcoal filters and charcoal.

These filters must be mechanical, not electrical. Again, You can lose electricity any time, so you must be prepared.

You can make a rainwater catcher with plastic bags and barrels, filter them with charcoal to get drinking water if need be. " Yanlong explained.

Yanlong knew her mother would get at most four mineral water cans, but that is where it stops.

Their house has a drinking water supply. She is sure that her mother will prefer to store drinking water in vats.

However, water will get contaminated that way. Water, Just like grains, must be packed in a vacuum tight manner.

"Get two more vats or tankers with airtight lids, and fill them up with drinking water. But mother, even so, you must boil and filter water before drinking." Yanlong made her mother promise.

"Fine." her mother grumbled in answer.

"Move all potted plants to the balcony for the next three days. Do not leave a single one inside the house." Yanlong continued.

"Why? What wrong did they commit?" her mother is incensed.

She has a bonsai passed on from her father, and she took prodigious care of this plant.

Every plant mutated in the apocalypse.

Shorter the plant, wilder the mutation.

Almost all bonsai's are dangerous and carnivorous.

Unless tamed, having a bonsai at home is a recipe for disaster.

"Mother. This is the most important part.

All plants mutate one way or another. Every plant must go out, including grandpa's bonsai and Xiao long's bamboo in the fridge.

If it were a game, having a plant inside the house is minus 100 points.

They must go out. " Yanlong explained patiently.

"What! It's just a small bamboo." her brother protested.

He won that in a quiz.

Given the lack of his academic achievements, he treasured this little plant.

It's given a place of honor above the fridge, pushing back all Yan Long's trophies.

"Hmm.. Do you like it more than Warcraft?" Yanlong asked.

Her brother shut up.

"You must make sure you follow this plant rule. Not even a blade of grass must remain in the house, Mother." Yanlong insisted again.

"Xiao Yan! Are you saying even vegetables and fruits must not be in the house?!" Her mother asked, shocked.

This TV show is surely prickly. Or perhaps that is why they are doing it, so people will violate at least one of these rules.

The Bai household reached the conclusion at the same time.

They looked into each other's eyes and nodded firmly.

This is the caveat. This is where the show fails people, because no sane human will follow these rules entirely.

However, They will follow these rules precisely and all the way through.

Those hundred thousand dollars are theirs.

Even Yanlong on the phone could hear what they were thinking.

"Get weapons of some sort.

A katana is best, but a steel rod or metal baseball bat works just the same.

Zombies have black teeth and green eyes. Their eyes are luminous.

Zombies who have turned just now are slow. At the same time, if they have super powers, they will not be slow at all.

They will have the same physical attributes as when they were alive. You must watch out for them carefully."

Yanlong paused for a moment to let them understand and moved on.

"Even during the night you can see them to an extent. Their skin becomes luminous after some time, but never engage a zombie with luminous skin." Yanlong insisted.

Though most of the zombies show luminosity only after a month, there were always a few freaks. These freaks are extremely strong, befitting their status of early adapters.

"Zombies?! Xiao yan, are you sure there are going to be zombies?" her father asked her this time.

In a TV show, it means people with makeup are pretending, they can by no means hurt another person.

"Yes father. I am sure there are going to be zombies. In fact, these zombies are the highlight of the show.

You must bash their heads in. there is no danger in doing so, and every danger if you do not kill the zombies as fast as possible." Yanlong added.

"Can we really buy a sword?" Her brother asked excitedly.

"Yes, you must buy one. Not just a sword, but a bayonet of military standard too. If possible, get a few crossbows and arrows too." Yanlong advised.

"Yes!" her brother shouted joyfully.

After all, he's a thirteen year old boy.

Guns and swords are the most coveted items for them now.

She could hear her mother's reprimands in the back, saying they can only get refundable items.

"Once you kill the zombie, collect the crystal nuclei in it's head. Initially, it will only be the size of a rice grain to a pea.

Do not place two crystal nuclei together, also, do not try to absorb them.

People will go mad when they do that. Think of it as a disqualification from the team.

So, You must store each one in a different plastic wrap, like candy.

Also, if a crystal nucleus is black, never ever touch it with bare hands. Place it in a plastic wrap, and away from all other crystal nuclei." Yanlong added.

"Yes." Her father responded.

"Also, get solar chargers for phones and a backup battery recharger. It's even better if you can get solar panels and install them before tomorrow." Yanlong added.

"Hmm… we will get them installed tomorrow asap." her father answered. They were going to do this part anyway, so they are just doing it a little earlier.

"If it's possible, get an iron grill for our entire front area and install bars on all windows." Yanlong continued.

"Look! Even Xiao Yan agrees we must have an iron grill. Don't worry, Xiao Yan. I will definitely do it tomorrow." her father promised.

Seems this one is a point of contention between her father and mother. She is sure that her father is going to strike the iron while it's hot and install the bars as soon as possible.

"Tomorrow night, when sleeping, put a jade item in either of the rooms. Probably, mom and dad can take buddha, Xiao long can take the turtle?" Yanlong said a bit sceptically.

Her family owned two heirloom items, a jade buddha and a jade turtle.

Turtle is high quality jade, while buddha is lowest quality jade.

Regardless of this, these stone buddha's are expensive enough to remain within their safes for their entire life.

Yanlong is not sure about this, but in last life she heard a rumor saying keeping jade items reduces zombie conversion rate.

She did not want her mother to become a zombie if it can be avoided. There is no harm in trying.

"Before you sleep, tie yourself up in rope or blankets. The day after, you can undo your own ropes. the ties needn't be complex.

Only complex enough so you will not accidentally undo them... they will be impossible to undo for the zombies, for their hands are not dexterous."

"However, do not undo the ropes unless a person can answer clearly. Zombies can't talk." Yanlong warned.

"My! There's quite a lot for few preparations." Yanlong's mother commented.

"Please, mom and dad. These are only the most important instructions. I am skipping the ones about storing fuel or gas cylinders and all such stuff." Yanlong said anxiously.

"Hell, I am not even asking dad to take off work earlier. Which, if you can do it dad, is the best thing actually." Yanlong added.

"I will see what I can do." Her father answered.

Her father taught them to be frugal, and not to skip an opportunity.

She is sure he will do all she has told and more. After all, none of the stuff she asked is outlandish, like storing food in vacuum packs or buying a military grade weapon.

What she asked was bare minimum they needed to do.

Her mother will probably not empty out the kitchen, but the remaining supplies, even if mutated, could probably be contained after the apocalypse.

Only, last time, her mother turned into a zombie.

Yanlong is sad for her, she prayed earnestly that it will not happen this time around, but she made her peace with the fact already.

Add to that, Jade items reduce chances of turning into zombies? There were only rumors, no official announcements.

If there is no guarantee, she would like at least her brother and father to survive intact.

Some may call her cold hearted and ruthless.. but.. which person is not cold hearted and ruthless after surviving an apocalypse?