
Apocalypse with a cheat sheet

Bai Yanlong reset her life to three days before apocalypse. She would have liked to rip a new one to novel gods for giving her such a short time, but she hasn't got the time. Not that she can do much if there was more time. After all, she's but a poor college student from a middle class family. Now if only she could catch all the super powers in the world... What is this? she got the super powers? ... this doesn't sound right.. she has never been this lucky.. oh.. wait a minute why did that door handle vanish? she is sure it was there in middle of that door. It is only when she looked up that she realized. no good thing ever comes with out a price.. ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: Miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on Instagram.

miu_hozuki · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Arrival of apocalypse

Just like that, it's dawn of Christmas eve. The count down to what's sarcastically termed Christmas gift has turned from days to hours. She's meeting her fellow believer this morning.

Yanlong couldn't help but be a little excited. Two hands are always better than one.

Soon, two boys stopped nearby, looked at Yanlong's table like someone killed their cat. One looked like a senior, other a little younger than a freshman.

It must be rare baby faced one, Yanlong thought as she looked at him.

She called the friends who said they will meet her today. The older one's phone rang. They both looked as if they are fortifying themselves to face the devil it self as they reached the seats in front of her step by step. Yanlong smiled at them.

"CutieSale and LoneWolf?"

"Yes." they both answered.

Yanlong subtly checked their expressions. They are disappointed.

"Let me guess. You somehow figured out the author of blog is from phoenix room. So, you were expecting a campus belle." She said without preamble. She hasn't got time to waste on idyllic assholes.

However, she also could not summon enough anger to roast them. They are just innocent guys. This is one of the things about this world she wished to protect.

They both looked guilty. She is correct.

"Let's skip the meeting." She said, turning back to the exit.

"Wait." one of the guys stopped her.

Yanlong turned around. It's the baby faced one that stopped her.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" the shorter one asked her.

Yanlong is shocked for a moment. She did not expect they will be this brazen even after being found out.

She gave them another once over carefully. Then she figured it out. It's probably one of those 'dare' things. If it's such a thing, she could probably get some benefits out of it, even if its only security code for men's lockers.

"What's in it for me?" she asked.

"Anything you want." the boy answered her.

"I want all the security codes and passwords to any labs, lockers or otherwise that you know." Yanlong answered.

The guy in front of her looked like he ate a lemon.

"Okay." the short guy answered.

"Ru Feng!" the guy besides him exclaimed.

Yanlong just offered her phone.

"They are in laptop." Ru Feng dragged his feet.

"Very well. Take my number and let's meet at the ninth floor of library when you get the list in your hands. Probably at three o'clock in the evening. " Yanlong said reasonably, exchanging numbers with Ru Feng.

"Also, ditch him." Yanlong said rudely, pointing a finger at his friend.

It is only years later she looked back at this moment to say this must be the cheat universe gave her for the sacrifice. She probably would have been an all around ordinary survivor again if not for meeting this guy.

Much has happened at the library. All Yanlong could say about it is one of her biggest regrets is resolved, it made her very happy.

Yanlong returned to her room at seven thirty in the evening, quite late for what she normally does. If any of her roommates saw her, she would never get out of teasing with the way she looked right now.

She opened her travel pack, double checked contents before taking the bag and heading towards showers.

She will take a shower, get in to clean clothes and head towards roof. The roof is normally not open to students, how ever, Ru Feng taught her how to get past the lock. She took the bag in to the shower with her, hung it on the hook attached to door.

She is stark naked, covered in bubbles top to bottom when she first felt something was wrong. She wiped her eyes to take a look. The shower is still running. A small green dot floated around, similar to a snowflake.

Yanlong's heart chilled. A cold shiver ran through her back. Apocalypse is here a whole eight hours early. How much could this butterfly change? one can only guess.

Worse, she was trapped in a bathroom with shower running. She lost her consciousness even as she thought 'I have to sit down'. A thud sounded from the bathroom.

The shower is still running. One green snowflake turned to two, two turned to four, soon, It is like a green snow storm out there. Only, not a single person is awake to witness it.

This time, Christmas gift to humanity is apocalypse.

Santa rushed to make it an early delivery.

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