

terrified and despaired, confused and chaotic is what we could describe the situation we are in this days . Sudden natural disasters and weather changes, abnormal animals mutations appearance. doomsday, apocalypse, judgement day and the end of the world are the most commonly used words nowadays. while people are caught in doubt and uncertainty, the whole world heard that voice, the voice that will be remembered as the savior and the exterminator at the same time . [[ Your protective world barrier have been expired ]] [[ Your world server have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ You have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ Your world have been reconnected to the endless land ]] [[ You shall be given a system to help and guide you to survive ]] [[ be mindful that once you die, your corpse will be revived as a cursed undead ]] [[ For more information, call your ‘ system’ ]] Davis is a normal young man who got stuck in this chaotic time, would he survive? would he perish? let's follow him in his journey and see what's the fate got for him, his friends and followers in this new mysterious world . [[ it's my first novel guys , so i hope you don't mind my mistakes and if there is any tell me in comments and i'll correct them , thank you in advance ]]

BigVolt · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs


18/12/2030, this day would be known in the annals of history as the apocalypse day, but the most used term would be the dark day.

Every corner in the world is swept with darkness, Knowledge and technologies that humanity was familiar with had been disturbed and disordered, making all sources of light, power system, transportation and communication means to shut down. Accidents in all fields of life happened after the sudden black out, resulting in massive casualties estimated in millions.

Everything was in chaos, especially after the new red moons became the new source of light, and the weird notification that was heard inside every human being, and was shown in front of their faces making them think that the judgment day had really come.

[[ Your protective world barrier have been expired ]]

[[ Your world server have been connected to the universal server ]]

[[ You have been connected to the universal server ]]

[[ Your world have been reconnected to the endless land ]]

[[ You shall be given a system to help and guide you to survive ]]

[[ be mindful that once you die, your corpse will be revived as a cursed undead ]]

[[ For more information, call your 'system' ]]

At the same time, the places were the accidents happened , all the dead and motionless corpses started to stand up, making groaning and whining voices, with emotionless savage eyes, they started to walk with unsteady steps toward the living people, biting them and eating their flesh, making a gruesome scene that looked so terrifying.

The next thing to happen would absolutely not be forgotten by the survivors, the people that were bitten by the cannibals started to stand up, with their missing parts, they also joined the feast, initiating the worst plague the humanity had ever seen.

The cursed undead weren't the only problem, the mutated animals became more agitated due to the new elements leaking inside after the barrier was gone, mixing with the air that all living beings breathed. The new elements were the source of the cursed undead plague and the cause of the animals, plants and weather mutation.

They too, using their new powers, started to target the nearby human cities making the situation disordered and more chaotic. The humans that were on the top of the food chain, got removed from their throne, to become the food of their previous prey.

The green city wasn't an exception, even though it was night and there were no traffic accidents, but the hospitals were different, the patients that were in intensive care began to die one after the other after the hospital power source was shut down. They too started to rise from death, and began to trace the smell of the living people, before long you could hear the horrifying screams everywhere.

Due to its geographic position surrounded with forests, the city was like a hunting ground for the neighboring animals, the mutated beast could be seen storming out of the forest that was resembling a jungle from the dinosaurs age now. The residents on the outskirts of Green city didn't even know what had befall on them before they were attacked and hunted.

Back to Davis, the young man's body was laying there motionless, but his soul that was about to leave his body was not. When he died, he felt his existence start to fade, the feeling of losing his consciousness was like going to sleep, but something happened that halted this action, making him regain his consciousness and start to think again, then he heard the notifications sound again.

[[ Your world server has been connected to the universal sever ]]

[[ The host has been connected to the universal server ]]

[[ the time in your word would be stopped until you are fully synchronized with the outside word]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ .. .. .. ]]

[[ .. .. .. ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]

[[ ERROR]]





[[ ERROR]]

[[ The host is dead ]]


[[ The host system has entered an infinite loop ]]

Davis couldn't help but feel surprised, ' The time was stopped, is that why i can still hear the annoying notification? but this 'system' said that i'm dead, then how could i still be thinking? that doesn't make sense'.

Suddenly he heard the sound of notification again.

[[ The holy core script has taken control over the host system ]]

[[ The holy core script is checking the host memory ]]

[[.. .. Checking the memory is successful ]]

[[ Analysing the situation .. .. .. ]]

[[ The holy core script has determined the bug source ]]

[[ The holy core script has analysed all of the host actions, and since the host soul hadn't left his body fully, the host can be accepted to be half alive and half dead, the host has fulfilled the condition to stay alive until his world connected to the universal server, the host had discovered a bug in the holy core script, so he shall be provided with a perfect solution and a deserved reward ]]

[[ Searching for solutions .. .. .. ]]

[[ .. .. .. ]]

[[ The holy core script has founded 3 solutions ]]

[[ Solution 1 : the holy core shall use his authorities and power over the time laws to turn back time before the host had died ]]

[[ + Side effects : your world may be affected with the time power and be destroyed, and host soul may perish under the law of time' tremendous might ]]

[[ Solution 2 : The holy core shall provide the host with the power over the death law, making the host an undead sovereign ]]

[[ + Side effects : the host human emotions will be gone, the host will need to absorb life energy from the living to continue to exist ]]

[[ Solution 3 (Optimal) : the host will be provided with a skill that have the ability to bring him to life ]]

[[ + Side effects : the skill chosen by the host may have some unwanted side effects ]]

[[ Please make your choice, host ]]

Davis stared at the screen with wide open eyes, ' I can be back to life !!'. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. He calmed his mind and started to weigh his chances and possibilities. The first option may look simple, but its side effects are the most disastrous, Davis won't choose this option, since putting his loved ones life for the sake of him being alive wasn't something he would do.

The 2nd option seemed good at first, he doesn't mind devouring living things to stay alive, but the possibility of him losing his human emotion is saddening, and may be dangerous too. The possibility of devouring the people closer to him may happen if he lost his human side.

The last option is the best, since the side effects related to only himself. Still, the side effects that he could think of are numerous, and the worst one is, " may i ask, is there a skill with a side effect that could turn me into a woman?"Davis asks the system with a nervous tone. Turning into a woman may be the worst nightmare of all men.

[[ Your question cannot be answered, until you choose an option ]]

Davis sighed while thinking deeply about his option, before long he made his mind and picked the 3rd option, " I choose the 3rd option".

[[ the 3rd solution has been picked by the host ]]

[[ Checking DATA BASE for the required skill ]]

[[ .. .. ]]

[[ The available skills have been chosen ]]

Time reverse

(passive and active skill)

special type skill

A time law based skill, can make the host turn back in time by 5 seconds. Can be auto used to avoid death.

side effects : after use, the host will not be able to sleep for 6 months.

Cooldown : can only be used once

Price : 100,000,000 unv coins

#need SS-tier vip access authorization

Phoenix rebirth

(passive skill)

special type skill

The passive skill from the divine beast, the phoenix. After death the host will rebirth from his ashes.

Side effects : the host power will be halved for 5 months.

Cooldown : can only be used once

Price : 80,000,000 unv coins

#need SS-tier vip access authorization

Death purpose puppet

(passive skill)

special type skill

A demonic skill that shifts the host's death to his puppet.

Side effects : require the full acceptance of your puppet, the host needs to sacrifice ⅓ from his power permanently to use this skill again.

Cooldown : can only be used once

Price : 70,000,000 unv coins

#need SS-tier vip access authorization

Soul replacement

(passive skill)

Special type skill

A soul law based skill, allows the host soul to leave his body after and randomly pick a nearby human being to take over his body.

Side effects : cannot choose which gender the body is, and if the target soul is more powerful than yours you will die. The host level will be restarted.

Cooldown : can only be used once

Price : 70,000,000 unv coins

#need SS-tier vip access authorization

May the Death be a blessing

(passive skill)

Special unique type skill

A death, soul and space law based skill that belongs to the lost primordial dark race, the host travels to the death world and stays there until the penalty is done.

The host soul and body will be tempered in the death world as a form of punishment, if the host is able to take it, he will reap good benefits.

Side effects : the new body would be cursed and had lost 1/5 of it's previous power.

Cooldown : can only be used once

Price : cannot be purchased

#need the highest vip access authorization

#can only be gifted by the holy core

[[ The host doesn't need to pay for the skills, since this is a reward from the holy core ]]

[[ The holy core added another item, the host had gained huge merits in finding a loophole in the script, unlocking the ability to have this item ]]

Anti-Energy evolved parasite bloodline

??? grade bloodline

The condensed bloodline of an ancient existence that was seized by the holy core system. When the universe was in utter chaos, the system came to rule over, finishing the primordial war by sealing the most dangerous entity at that time. Condensing its bloodline, the system has made it forgotten, to not be used for eternity. Have the ability to bring the host from death.

Other abilities are unknown.

Side effects : unknown

# Forbidden item that shouldn't come to existence

Davis gazed at the skills list with wonder and astonishment, he began to read the description of the skills, their advantages and their side effects. ' These skills are all awesome, but some of them may not be that helpful', Davis started filtering the skills. Time reverse and phoenix rebirth are the more expensive and have the lesser side effects which make them op skills in this apocalypse world. Soul replacement and death purpose puppet seemed to be evil skills and their side effects are more severe, Davis didn't even have the thought of choosing them, 'may the death be a blessing' skill was the more closer to his choice, the skill have a small side effect and he could even have some benefits from it.

Finally the last item which the system added, it was making Davis' instincts screaming, as if they were telling him to stay as far as he can from it . ' The characteristics of this bloodline was even unknown to the system itself, but why do I have this feeling that I should choose this one? my instincts are telling me not but something else tells me to pick it! What should i do?'.

" System, emm, do you think I should pick this parasite bloodline?" Davis asked before he made his last decision.

[[ This bloodline is absolutely the most powerful and dangerous thing that the holy core system has ever known. From the system point of view, you should choose the bloodline, the system will take the whole responsibility of watching over the host since this bloodline is still alive and may try to take over the host mind and body, the system will restrict it and try to make it under your control ]]

' The description said that it has the ability to revive me, at least the system is sure of that', then Davis asked his last question " one more thing, is there a possibility that i may turn into a monster or something like that?".

[[ reporting to the host, since the bloodline is a parasite type, it will not change anything physical without the host content, but there is a possibility that it could change some of the host emotions, maybe even his personality, but don't worry host, the system will be always on alerte to help and guide you if anything unusual happens]]

[[ Choosing this item will cost you 70% of the calculated reward for finding a loophole ]]

It took Davis a long time to make a decision, " i choose the parasite bloodline" he said with a firm tone, to become stronger and protect his beloved ones in this chaotic time was what made him take the risks with this unknown bloodline.

[[ The host had selected ' Anti-Energy evolved parasite bloodline ' ]]

[[ The item will be added to the host inventory ]]

[[ The host has gotten the solution to return from death ]]

[[ The host will be given his reward ]]

[[ returning the host authorisation over his system ]]

[[ Calculating the rewards .. .. ]]

[[ Host please receive your rewards ]]

Davis, who wanted to ask the system how to use the skill, was suspended when he heard about his reward. He was very excited since this whole thing was like getting into a game world or something, where he will be receiving rewards for doing quests and missions.

[[ you have killed a level 2 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 200 exp + 200UC ]]

[[ you have killed the beast before you were connected to the universal world ]]

[[ you have received : 4000 UC + 2000 Fame pts + title( natural hunter ) ]]

[[ you were the first one in your world to kill a level 2 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 1000 UC + 200 Fame pts + 1xE-tier weapons ]]

[[ you have killed a level 2 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 200 exp + 200 UC ]]

[[ you have killed a level 1 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 100 exp + 100 UC + 1xF-tier healing pill ]]

[[ you have killed a level 1 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 100 exp + 100 UC ]]

[[ you have killed a level 1 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 100 exp + 100 UC ]]

[[ you have killed a level 1 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 100 exp + 100 UC + 1xG-tier stamina recovery pills ]]

[[ you have killed a level 1 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 100 exp + 100 UC ]]





[[ you have killed a level 2 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 200 exp + 200 UC + 1xG-tier weapon ]]

[[ you have killed a level 2 mutated beast ]]

[[ you have received : 200 exp + 200 UC ]]

[[ you have found a loophole in the system ]]

[[ you are the first one to discover a loophole in the holy core script ]]

[[ .. .. .. ]]

[[ you have received : (+SSS)-tier VIP authorisation + Special unique type item + 3xSpecial type item + 1xSpecial type pills +1xSpecial type elixir + 2xSpecial type skill + 1xSS-tier weapon + 2xSS-tier defensive armor + 2xSS-tier skill + 4xS-tier skill + 100.000.000 UC.]]

Davis's soul projection was shaking all over, his eyes and mouth were wide open even though he had no idea how much valuable these rewards would be if he didn't choose the damn bloodline, he knew what a special unique type meant, since the skill he got was overpowered, the 100.000.000 was absolutely satisfying and the other rewards looked awesome too, he couldn't wait to see what he got.

[[ the holy core have made a sub-connection with you, if you have any question you may ask the holy core anytime, you call me 'holy core system' or 'system' ]]

" Will you answer any question I ask ?" Davis wondered with a suspicious tone.

[[ The host will answer any question you have, one of the benefits of having a (+SSS)-tier vip authorisation in the holy core system is to have the system as your guide and assistant ]]

" Alright, can you tell me why the rewards for finding a loophole in the system are so amazing? I didn't really find it, it was pure luck for me to be in this situation." Davis asked his first question, since the reward was mind blowing.

[[ The host is still lacking knowledge about the system and the holy core. The holy core is the absolute law and the overseeing of this universe, the holy core script has been organizing and arranging the whole universe for millions of years, since it has never been a mistake or loophole all this time, even if the loophole you found would not affect the all universe, and was only related to the host and the world he belongs to. Still, finding one is your fate and luck, the holy core is fair and generous, this reward is what you deserve ]]

" Can you tell me more about the other benefits of this (+SSS)-tier vip authorization?" Davis asked with anticipation .

[[ the system will start to explain your status, after that you should consume ' Anti-Energy evolved parasite bloodline ' and revive yourself ]]

' Shit, i almost forgot that i'm dead' Davis thought as he face palmed himself, then he asked with a worried tone, " shouldn't i revive myself first?".

[[ The host doesn't have to be worried, the system is protecting your body and soul, and the explanation won't take long ]]

[[ you can check your statue first by calling 'status' ]]

" Status" when Davis called, a blue-framed screen appeared in front of him.