Lately, I know that I have something special for him. I don't know since when, is it because his sweet talk? Is it because we are the same? Is it because his handsome face? I don't know the reason. It is more dangerous if I don't know the reason, because it must be a real thing.
If I have a reason, it means I just love that part of him, not him. But, I can't find the reason.
What should I do?
I'm afraid he only stays because the benefits I offer to him.
I'm afraid I just merely a body that he can use, to him.
I'm afraid with my thought, I make him a villain without realizing it. But, I'm truely afraid that it will comes true.
For, he feels like home. The fire in me calm down perfectly since I know him. What did he do? I don't know again.
Can I pretend to be blind and stay with him as long as I can?
Can I be egoist for the last time? Just to be with him...
Can I?