
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Episode 7

Now, Antares appeared in a room filled with various kinds of weapons.  After that Antares put on the armor that someone sent him.

"Put this on," said the waiter, who knew it.  Yes he is an informant that Antares met before going to the pharaoh's place.

Antares nodded.  Then use the iron armor.

On the other hand.  Pharaoh appears to be dressed in armor that is so luxurious and glittering.

'Everything is according to the will of the god set, I will definitely end this all.  For the peace of Egypt and the integrity of the descendants of the pharaohs, thought the king of Egypt

Tap tap tap.

The two of them had already advanced into the vast battle arena.  Everyone involved in this incident was also on the edge of the arena.

Pharaoh walked proudly and was very confident.

'How mysterious this child is, I will not be afraid,' thought the pharaoh confidently

Antares is running as usual.  Paying attention to his surroundings and pharaoh like a typical 13 year old child.

Then they got ready.

"Gaze Optizus," they both said.


Both of them prepared in a fighting position by holding their respective tools and weapons.

A person dressed differently than usual stepped into the arena.  He drew closer but kept his distance between the two of them.

"Okay, in one swing of my hand you can fight," he interrupted.

The two fighters are ready and



Pharaoh stepped forward while taking the long sword made of gold.  Then he unsheathed it to the little boy in front of him.

As if he already knew the attack.  Antares chose to shift position and ran away.  Pharaoh was a bit surprised.

On the other hand, schintama seems to be acting strangely.  But everyone was so focused on the pharaoh vs Antares match that they didn't even notice.

Fast flashback.

The pharaoh was seen drinking the drink made by Schintama.

At the moment.

Schintama seemed to be giving a signal with the hand he was hiding behind his back.  One of his personal maids nodded and left near his master.  Nobody noticed.  But then he smiled in relief after his maid returned.

And what happens in the fight.

Antares seemed to be able to wield his silver sword skillfully.

"Impossible," said one wizard and examined the boy with his magic ball.

"Your Majesty, wait," he interrupted.

Antares and the pharaoh stopped because of it.

"What?"  asked the pharaoh a little breathlessly.

"This kid doesn't seem like the kid from earlier," he said.

"What?!!"  the pharaoh was surprised.

"Sekhanya energy does not belong to the child earlier, the sign in the core has changed, Your Majesty," said the wizard.

"The child's sign reads the god of the sky, but his mark now is the god of the earth Geb," he said again.

"How can it change?"  asked the pharaoh.

"I don't understand, Your Majesty, sorry," replied the wizard.

"Your Majesty, the possibility is clear," said the feminine voice.  Schintama.

"But now that His Majesty is in battle, you should finish this fight first, right?"  said the woman again.

Pharaoh continued the match.

Antares attacked him repeatedly.

'To think he could attack me this much' thought the pharaoh


Antares somersaults to avoid the pharaoh's slashes.

"His movements are very agile, I didn't know there was such an evasive move. Is your highness all right?"  said one soldier there.

"Calm down, all of you," said the pharaoh.

He then prepared a stance that was stronger than before.  The shape of his legs is also different from before.

Antares seemed to know what was going to happen.  He ran sideways away.

Then the pharaoh emitted a very deadly straight radiance from his body that glowed bluish.  But Antares had already moved ahead to avoid it.

"Is your highness alright?"

"Perhaps your highness is tired."

Proceed to the match.  But suddenly....


Everyone was shocked.

It turned out that the pharaoh fainted on the spot.

"Your Excellency!"  shouted all his subordinates including his wife.

Then the pharaoh brought inside.

"Take your majesty to a medical doctor," said one of the pharaoh's soldiers.

"No wait, just let him rest. Maybe your highness is very tired, lately he rarely sleeps," said schintama pleading.

"Very well, Your Majesty the Queen, as you wish," said the same soldier.

"Okay, quickly lift your highness on a stretcher. Don't let your highness be disturbed," said the soldier earlier.


Skip time.

Slowly the pharaoh who had been sleeping had regained consciousness.  Beside him, his wife was waiting.

Schintama who realized it hugged her husband gently.

"Finally you realize too, Your Majesty," said Schintama happily.

Pharaoh did not answer.  His head was still very dizzy.  He seemed to be holding her.

"It's better for your highness to rest first, I have also prepared a potion made by our health experts," said Schintama and handed him a glass of water.

"Yes, thank you my wife," the pharaoh who trusted his wife obeyed schintama's sweet words.  And he fell asleep so fast.

Flashback before the fight!

Schintama went somewhere then Sneaked around to make sure no one was there.  One of her maids hinted at her something and the woman nodded.

He walked down the stairs until he reached the prison room where all the soldiers guarding him were fast asleep.

"It's very interesting to see a diligent Egyptian soldier being lazy like this," he said past all the soldiers.

He pulled the key.  Unlock one prison door and open it.

Srrrrr (sliding door)

In prison.  The man was shocked.

"Y-you?"  he said surprised.

"Who?"  he said again.

"Calm down, I'm here to ask for help from you," said the woman in front of him.

"What help? Do I want to be executed in a different way?"  said the prisoner.  It seems he doesn't know who Schintama is.

"Listen to me first please, I'll give you a reward if you do what I want," offered schintama

"A gift? What is it?"  asked the prisoner.

"So, here it is.."

Flashback off.

After making sure the pharaoh sleeps.  Schintama comes out of his room.  Towards where the soldiers and magicians were still worried.

"Queen, is your highness alright?"  asked one witch.

"Yes, he is resting to recover his health," replied schintama

"I'm grateful."

"Then where is the child?"  asked schintama.

"As your honour's recommendation, we transferred him to the prison with another prisoner named syarki," replied one soldier.

"Good," said Shintama.  Inside he was very calm.

Now Antares seems to be sleeping soundly in the room.  Someone seemed to be playing Antares' sword.

"This sword, this sword is not an ordinary sword," said the person.

"When I swung it earlier, I felt like I had a sekha energy," said the person.

Seen in his sleep.  Antares was delirious with something that distracted the attention of those nearby.

"This kid," he said.

The next day.

Pharaoh is awake.  Be on the throne.  All the subordinates came after the pharaoh sat down to approach their master.

"It seems yesterday I was very tired," said the pharaoh, starting the conversation.

"Is your highness back in shape?"  asked one of his subordinates.

"Yes, now my body is ready to fight again," replied the pharaoh.

"I'm grateful."

After a month of sleeping, the pharaoh finally woke up.

Somewhere very dark.

Someone inside snapped out of a long slumber.  He then put his hand to his right eye.

"Thank God. He has mastered the sekha energy," he said again and went back to sleep.

On the other hand.

Antares seemed to be talking to his new friend.  His name is Sharki, another prisoner in the same room as Antares.

Not as expected, Sharki is so kind and friendly to Antares.  And also for more than a month Antares learned many things from syarki.  Including self-defense and the use of sekha energy.

Turns out Sharki was a former branch leader in Egypt.  As you should know, all Egyptian leaders must possess and master sekha energy.

They both chatted like teacher and student.  Even Antares didn't hesitate to joke with syarki, which was even funnier.

"Uncle, have you been detained for long?"  asked Antares seriously.

"Hmmm, yes. Maybe," replied syarki.

"Why?"  asked Antares again.

At first, Sharki thought Antares was like an ordinary, innocent boy.  At first he just wanted to teach the boy as much as he could.  But, unexpectedly.  The child learns very fast.  Even though he was still in his twenties.  Even his sekha energy control was almost on par with him.

"I'm actually in the law while living here," replied syarki calmly.

"Why? You are a good person. Moreover, you are very strong," said Antares in disbelief.

Sharki closed his eyes imagining his past briefly.

"Sometimes, everyone can change. The master you think can be relied on. One time it turns into a vengeance," said syarki.

"At that time, I was sent to hunt down demons that threatened the outskirts of Egypt. After I returned my place was taken over, then after reporting to the king of the pharaohs. He said I committed an offense where I killed the pet demon of the god set," continued Sharki.

"So you were deceived?"  asked Antares.

"Yes, it's possible. I've said everything but the king still believes in the lie," said Sharki sadly.

"Then when I heard that Egypt was now enslaving immigrants. I was increasingly convinced that the time I was slandered was the beginning of the formation of a great darkness that would come in the future," said Sharki again.

The man who turned 40 years old looked sad.  Antares saw her worried.  Everything Simbasi said to him turned out to be true.  If people like Sharki become regional heads.  It must have been Egypt that was then not like Egypt of today.

Sharki stood up.

"Antares," called syarki.

"Yes, uncle," replied the boy.

"I expect a lot from you and listen to this, get out of egypt," said syarki.

"How can I-"

"At the end there is a cave, you can hide there before crossing the border," said Sharki.

"Then when you are by the sea, stick your sword and you can split the ocean and pass through it calmly," continued syarki.

Antares continued to listen seriously to his teacher.

"Then one day you have to go back to Egypt," continued Sharki

"And destroy this country along with the pharaoh and his unjust followers," said syarki again.

On the borders of Egypt several people in black clothes ran here and there repeatedly in and out of this great country.

Even the soldiers didn't notice.

Then one person who came out ran so far so fast through a myriad of trees and cliffs jumping here and there even running through the ocean.
