
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Episode 6

Antares seemed to pay attention to all the signs of the magicians who were invited by the pharaoh to his palace.  Precisely to do something to Antares.


Light appeared alternately from all the transparent orbs the magicians touched.  Then after that the light disappeared.  Now inside the ball there are ancient Egyptian letters that are so complicated and random.  All that can only be understood by the magicians alone.

"How?"  asked the pharaoh curiously.

"This kid does evoke a little black and white sekha," said one magician

"Then he also has the noble element of wind," said another magician.

"Can the energy grow again?"  ask pharaoh again

"We still have doubts, but it looks like he needs a lot of training to be able to develop it to a higher stage," answered one magician

"I see," said the pharaoh

'This kid looks normal, but why is he supposed to kill me?'  Pharaoh's mind wondered so very curiously about the boy in front of him.

"Besides that, Your Majesty, we found that this boy has the blood of a god," said another magician, making everyone surprised as well as the pharaoh.

"Is that true?"  asked the pharaoh unable to contain his curiosity

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the wizard obediently

"In other words, he also has the blood of the Egyptians. Is that so?"  ask the pharaoh

"That's right, Your Majesty."

'In the prophecy of the holy book, the child who killed me was originally from the Arabians.  How could that be?  Did I catch it wrong again?'  thought the pharaoh doubtfully.

All of his subordinates looked doubtful as well.


Something sounded.  Everyone then looked to the source of the voice.  It was seen that Antares prostrated himself to the floor which was very luxurious.  Then you can see a little water flowing from Antares.

"S-sir, please don't kill me. I can't live without the pharaoh's mercy," said Antares while sobbing.

Pharaoh didn't care.

"Stand up!"  Pharaoh's orders but Antares did not obey.  All the subordinates were shocked, but Antares looked very serious in his current state.

That's what made the pharaoh prevent his subordinates from imposing Antares.

"S-sir, actually I don't know anything. I'm just the son of a beggar in Arabia who came to Egypt. We just want to take refuge, Your Majesty," said Antares so poignantly

The pain seemed to spread to everyone who heard it.

"Beggar?"  said confused pharaoh

Everyone gasped too.

In prophecy the child who killed and destroyed Egypt was not from among beggars.

Just so you know, in this world beggars are considered normal people, right.  Their status is even higher than slaves and every day they just pray on the roadside expecting alms.

In Egypt and other countries, beggars cannot be killed.  Because of their religious prohibition.  And they deserve to be protected.  So in every word in the book, there is no mention of the beggar going wrong or right.  They are simply called 'only to be protected'

Tap tap tap tap!

Something was heard from the hallway.

"Who is that?"  ask the pharaoh

"Sorry, Your Majesty, but he forced his way in. Due to a lack of guards he was able to escape," said one of the Pharaoh's soldiers who came with the uninvited guest.

"Haah, haah hah. Your highness," said the person who turned out to be a symbiotic.

Antares recognized the voice and then saw a very happy look on his face after seeing the symbasian in front of his eyes.

"Simbasian uncle?"  say antares

It also surprised the symbasian.

But simbasian did not answer.

Pharaoh stepped to approach the symbasian.

"By chance you are here again, I want you to explain again about the child," said the pharaoh to the simbasian

"Oh, it's true, Your Majesty, he is a child from the Arabians who evokes sekha energy, I have guaranteed it, Your Majesty," explained Simbasian to Pharaoh.

"That's not what I mean, but this child claims to be from among beggars," said the pharaoh again

Simbasian was surprised.  He looked at Antares with a look like 'how can this boy be like that'

Antares just stood there waiting.

"Answer me simbasian," said the pharaoh impatiently

"Your Majesty, this child seems to have known the prophecy. He really has lied to Your Majesty," said Simbasian explaining

"What do you mean symbiotic?"  ask pharaoh again

"This child seems to know that he will be executed by a noble, he plays in front of everyone that he is a beggar's child. But in fact all the Arabians that I brought are ordinary citizens," explained Simbasian at length.

Pharaoh thought for a moment digesting the words of the long explanation of the symbasian.

"So that's it, but this child has not been able to master magic and the power of his secret energy. There is no way he can find out about my plans. There must be someone from this palace who is a traitor," said the pharaoh angrily

"Quick! Kill this kid!"  The pharaoh ordered and went to his king's seat.

"No! Let me go," said Antares, screaming to escape.  But all those soldiers could easily fight against the great power of Antares.

A white smoke-like aura emanated from the bodies of all the soldiers.

"Let go of me! I don't want to die!"  shouted Antares continuing to rebel.

Pharaoh looked at him calmly.  He enjoyed the source of his death would die before he was killed by it.

"Wait, Your Majesty!"

The words from the other side shocked everyone.  Pharaoh turned to the source.

"Schintama? Why did you come here? and how did you know I was here," said the pharaoh surprised to his wife

"Your Majesty, I accidentally passed by and entered, forgive me for my impudence," said Schintama

"Oh, I see," accepted the pharaoh

"What happened and what will happen here, Your Majesty?"  asked shintama after being at the side of the pharaoh.

"This is an ordinary execution of slaves," said the pharaoh, not thinking that it was Schintama who felt the strangeness.

Schintama then expressed the strangeness he felt.

"Your Majesty, is this not against the rules and customs? Killing a minor is not allowed, is it?"  say shintama

"The child is over 18 years old," explained the pharaoh

"Is it true? Hmm, what if I check it. I see that there are no experts here who know about the characteristics of a person's age," said Shintama.

Pharaoh was surprised to want to argue.

However, schintama walked closer to the boy and stopped the execution.

"Stop it, dear knight," said Schintama behind the soldiers who were ready to behead Antares who were tied to a sturdy pole beside Antares and a pole that was useful as a leg brace behind Antares.

Antares glanced at him.  He didn't know who that woman was.  Then suddenly the woman approached his face.

"Calm down kid, I'm schintama queen of egypt," said schintama softly

His words were so soft that it made the feeling of fear subside.

"Your highness?"  asked Antares.

"Right," replied Schintama.


After hearing the information from the mysterious uncle, Antares looked shocked.

After that he was given a task in which he had to play in front of the pharaoh.

"When you are at the execution site, you have to cry. Cry as you please in front of the pharaoh. According to Her Majesty the queen, the pharaoh is actually a very good person. However, he did so because he was afraid of the prophecy that would befall him," said the uncle at the time.

Antares was surprised.

"Then after you cry, don't forget to prostrate, okay? To add to the impression of sadness I brought this. Just pour it when you prostrate and hide it near your chest," said the mysterious uncle again while giving a small object that seemed to contain a little liquid.

"Then don't forget you also have to admit to being a beggar or a beggar's son," said the uncle again.

"If you admit to being a beggar, chances are the pharaoh will free you. But if that doesn't happen, it's okay not to be afraid. His Majesty will come to try to buy time and attention. And in secret His Majesty will set you free. Try to understand what I mean.  and explain, yes, it's about a secret code that you must memorize when her highness the queen is in front of you," explained the queen's personal servant

After a long time of explaining unexpectedly by the waiter.  Antares could memorize it very precisely.

"It's good that you are a smart child, may God protect you. I'll say goodbye first," said the uncle and said goodbye from Antares who also passed to continue his sleep even if only for a few hours.

At the moment.

Antares then did something.

"Dare!"  say antares

Everyone was then shocked.

"What did he say?"  asked the pharaoh.

After schintama checks to make sure Antares' age has been changed by the magicians so that schintama believes the pharaoh's false lie.

All the soldiers prepared with their spears and swords.

"Your majesty this child cast a battle spell," answered one soldier

"What? How do you know," said the pharaoh in amazement and stood up to face the boy.

After seeing the pharaoh come forward, then schintama back and then make a code.  Because all attention is only focused on Antares who is still restrained.

After that.  Surprisingly a sword appeared in front of Antares.

"How could this happen?"  asked the confused pharaoh

"This kid really doesn't know anything about sekhanya energy doesn't he?"  he said confused

All soldiers are alert.

"Your Majesty, what if the child fights His Majesty with a duel in the open," Schintama suggested.

Pharaoh thought first.

Battle spells are powerful spells that only advanced sekha users can master.

When this spell is invoked the user's body and the person he or she chooses will be forcibly prepared in a one-on-one or more combat-ready state.

This can also happen if a magician who has just checked a person's sekha energy is near the spell user.

It is said that this spell was created by the gods set to kill Osiris who was thirsty for the throne and all his stories were written in the holy books.  But in fact, all the books in Egypt were mostly forged.  Even the pharaoh himself did not know it.

Pharaoh accepted the boy's challenge.

"Okay, prepare everything. I will kill this child with my own hands," said the pharaoh

"Is that all right, Your Majesty?"  asked one witch.

"Don't underestimate me stupid, kill that person," said the pharaoh.

Then forcibly after saying and begging for forgiveness.  The mage who had broken the rules was still killed in front of everyone.
