
Another Young Justice Story

'Normal' Guy Reborn In the World where he knows nothing about With Some 'Powers'.

Rex_Zatch · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter-2 Powers

Chapter-2 Powers



Host Name: Ryan Summers

Title: Host, Meta-Human, Honey, Dear

Species: Meta-human{Unlocked} (Can be Awakened with the help of System)

Birth Year: 1995, September 03

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blond

Eyes Color: Green

Relatives: Adam Summers (Grandpa), May Summers (Grandma)

Affiliation: House of Summers

HP: 96/100

MP: 50/50 {Locked}

STR: 13 (Average 10)

VIT: 9.6 (VIT * 10 = HP)

AGI: 11 (Average 10)

INT: 25 (INT * 2 = MP)

LUCK: 15 (Average 10)

Gamer's Mind (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Resistance to mental attack.}

Gamer's Body (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Body: After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, and MP and cures all status effects. It helps with Pain Suppression}

Reactive Adaptation (Passive): MAX

{Reactive Adaptation: The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats.}]

[Ding, Inventory Function is Activated]

OMG, So I am super from now on. Now I can fight like those heroes and protect my family.

But how does this adaptation work, do I have to fight to adapt or just do the plain Saitama exercise to build up my body?

"Hello, System, do you know how I can properly use my power more efficiently and get a better result"

[Ding, the Host, can Combine his adaptation with Gamer's mind and Gamer's Body to get a better result out of it]

"Wait, What? I can do that, but how do I do that?"

[Ding, I can do that for you, sir, if you give me your permission]

"Yes, Permission Granted"

[Ding, Combining Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body with the Host Reactive Adaptation Ability. The sequence starts in 1...2...3... Start]

[Combining Gamer's Body + Gamer's Mind + Reactive Adaptation = Acquired Adaptation Resistance (Passive), Accelerated Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Adaptation Regeneration (Passive), Psychic Immunity (Passive), Sensory Adaptation (Passive), Adaptation Development (Passive), Adaptive Appearance (Passive), Combat Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Attacks/ Defend (Passive), Environmental Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Movement (Passive)]

[Adaptive Resistance: The Host develops resistance to something that has affected them, most commonly after taking damage.

Accelerated Regeneration Healing factor: The power to increase the speed of regenerative power each time the host is wounded, Injured, or Hurt.

Adaptive Regeneration: The power to adapt to any bodily harm as they regenerate.

Psychic Immunity: Immune to all mental attacks including Mind control, telepathy Etc

Sensory adaptation: The user can adapt their senses to suit any environment and survive sensory situations.

Adaptive Development: The power to permanently improve at an incredible rate through challenges when limits are reached.

Adaptive Appearance: The power to change one's appearance/form based on adaptation. Like having Gills like a fish or not.

Combat Adaptation: The ability to adapt to any type or style of combat.

Adaptive Attack: The users' attacks/techniques are capable of adapting.

Adaptive Defense: The ability to have powers that adapt to a target's defenses.

Environmental Adaptation: The users reactively alter or shift their bodies in order to survive in their surroundings.

Adaptive Movement: The power to adapt one's movements to the situation or environment.]

"Omg, yes, I can feel it this, this ticklish feeling inside"

"I should do some training to adapt to these powers"

I opened the door and walked downstairs and saw grandma and pa sitting on the sofa. Grandma knitting a scarf and grandpa watching the football.

"Grandma You were right I should play outside something, so I am going for a run"

"Ok, have fun dear"

I walked out of the house and started running toward the playground.

"See what did I tell you, he will listen to his grandma more than his grandpa" Grandma smirked and faced the grandpa.

"'Tsk' Ya, ya, now let me watch some sports" grandpa grunted and watched some sports.

After running for half an hour, I heard the ding sound of the system.

[Ding Acquired Adaptive Breathing]

Huh, I can even awaken more abilities good I suppose.

Good, Now I can breathe more properly while doing sprints now.

Saying, I started running more wildly, like an animal running after its prey.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the playground by the old and nearly wrecked warehouse by the port.

After running, I was feeling a little tired and had a little bit of a head rush, but after a few seconds but all gone, and I am more energetic than ever.

After reaching that old warehouse, I walked inside and saw many spiderwebs. Many iron rod bend at weird angles.

After doing some simple Saitama exercises, I started doing some shadow boxing.

'Right Jab'

'Left Jab'

'Duck Down'

And 'Uppercut' Repeat 10 times.

After 10 times doing the shadowboxing, I saw a white line, and weirdly I knew what it means, I started moving my body according to that line.

'Right Jab'

'Right Jap'

'Faint left Jab'

then 'Massive explosion right Jab'

'Shoulder Roll'

'Right Jab'

'Left-hand Straight'

To defend

'Shoulder Roll'

'Duck down

Walk Behind and

'Behind the Back'


Sweat started dripping from my face, my shoulder started paining like hell. And after massaging for a few seconds, that same old sound of the system came.

[Ding, Host-Acquired Pain resistance and Pain suppression]

Oh, the pain was completely gone. Before it was paining like hell, and now it is refreshing as before, and even after doing more exercise, I am more energetic than ever.




After 2 Hours and a half hours later.

Let's check my status and how It changed.



Host Name: Ryan Summers

Title: Host, Meta-Human, Honey, Dear

Species: Meta-human

Birth Year: 1995, September 03

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blond

Eyes Color: Green

Relatives: Adam Summers (Grandpa), May Summers (Grandma)

Affiliation: House of Summers

HP: 250/250

MP: 50/50 {Locked}

STR: 15 (Average 10)

VIT: 25 (VIT * 10 = HP)

AGI: 15 (Average 10)

INT: 25 (INT * 2 = MP)

LUCK: 15 (Average 10)

Gamer's Mind (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Resistance to mental attack.}

Gamer's Body (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Body: After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, and MP and cures all status effects. It helps with Pain Suppression}

Reactive Adaptation (Passive): MAX

{Reactive Adaptation: The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats.}

Acquired Adaptation Resistance (Passive), Accelerated Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Adaptation Regeneration (Passive), Psychic Immunity (Passive), Sensory Adaptation (Passive), Adaptation Development (Passive), Adaptive Appearance (Passive), Combat Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Attacks/ Defend (Passive), Environmental Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Movement (Passive), Adaptive Breathing, Pain Resistance and suppression (Passive)]

AN: This chapter shows his power and all. After this, I will post the next chapter this weekend.