
Another world:With my Creation ability

A young teenage girl, living a solitary life, faces disdain from her own family and relatives. Frustrated by her surroundings and the unfairness of reality, she takes a dark path toward genocide, targeting her entire family, even attempting suicide. Just when she believes everything is over, a mysterious voice reaches out to her. Initially attempting to seduce her with a single ability, she negotiates and ends up acquiring three distinct abilities. Embark on the adventure with this teenage girl, possessing overpowering abilities, as she ventures into another world. but Is it truly just a coincidence that she arrived in this world, or is it fate, or perhaps the influence of some unknown entity? This world is full of mysteries and rich history. That she will need to uncover. English isn't my primary, secondary, or even tertiary language. Nevertheless, I've made an effort to share my story

Teaaddict03 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

surviving is difficult even in another world

Every individual is engaged in a struggle for survival, wherein their strength lies not in the fact that they are inherently powerful, but rather in their ability to persevere, thus fortifying their strength.

-Of course me

So, the caravan I agreed to escort is now surrounded by orcs. Can't be 100% sure they're orcs, their size and strength surpass those encountered in a typical game scenario.

Oh, by the way, I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'm Kaira Springfield, a 16-year-old girl who ended up in this world thanks to some mysterious person. She try to seduced me in with one ability, but I haggled my way up to three.

Currently, I am testing my skills in a combat situation for the first time. Although I acknowledge the inherent risk, my current circumstances leave me with no alternative, as I find myself surrounded by adversaries.

I inquired of Lily uncertainly, "Are they orcs or perhaps some other type of monster?"

She responded with a solemn expression, 'Yes, they are orcs, but of a distinct variety, more formidable than the typical ones.'

Observing her serious demeanor, I sensed her apprehension mirrored my own as I examined the creatures.

Their brown skin, matching hair, and large lower jaw fangs resembling those of a boar indicated unique features. Standing over 3 feet tall with muscular bodies, I have decided to refer to them as 'borcs' henceforth."

Alright, so, how do I kick things off? I'm playing the mage role now, so I figure I should throw down like one.

What kind of magic should I go for? Maybe some fire action would be more effective against these guys?

To wield fire, I gotta have a clear picture in my head about it. So, what exactly is fire?

Fire, in a formal context, is an exothermic oxidation process characterized by the rapid release of heat and light.

To enhance the intensity of the flame, you can consider increasing the fuel supply that is mana,also improving air circulation.

Thinking about all that, I lift my staff and conjure a little fireball. It keeps getting bigger, reaching over 5 meters in diameter. Once it's fully conjured, I let it loose on the gang of 5 borcs charging my way.

Attempting to evade proved futile for them as their reactions were sluggish, and the sizable fireball descended upon them. Their screams ensued, but the injuries were not severe, resulting in minor burns as they attempted to retreat.

Anticipating their next move, I swiftly summoned another fireball, this time intensifying the heat to 100 times that of the previous one. Their entire bodies succumbed to the flames, emitting a piercing sound.

This fiery onslaught lasted a mere 10 seconds, reducing the borcs to ashes. Reflecting on the magnitude of the firepower unleashed, I remarked, "Perhaps a bit excessive."

Witnessing this spectacle, my allies gazed at me with a mixture of admiration and trepidation – admiration from my comrades, and trepidation emanating from the borcs.

The remaining borcs engaged in combat with other adventurers. Observing my formidable display of my art seemed to instill fear in them, prompting some to attempt a hasty retreat.

However, their decision to turn their backs on the enemy proved fatal. While some managed to escape, others were not as fortunate, falling victim to stabs or attacks from behind by the vigilant adventurers.

As we relished our impending victory, a mysterious melody began to play, causing everyone to feel sluggish and noticeably slower.

"What's going on now?" complained one of the adventurers. "Our bodies feel heavier than before. What exactly is happening?"

All adventurers and merchants experienced the same effect, but to my surprise, I remained unaffected, standing normally.

"Look over there!" Lily exclaimed, pointing towards the right side of the forest.

I noticed a group of borcs playing various instruments – drums, flutes, bone skulls – with one in the middle wearing a black cloak, dancing peculiarly. Understanding the situation, I realized that their actions were likely connected to the debuff affecting everyone.

Fortunately, my immunity to external factors made me impervious to their influence.

The retreating borcs returned for another assault, and this time their numbers swelled compared to the previous encounter. As soon as they entered my field of vision, I began devising a strategy.

While I could unleash my full capabilities, the potential impact on my allies and the risk of causing a forest fire with reckless fire magic usage made it a challenging situation.

Considering these factors, the impending fight would prove difficult. Glancing at the adventurers, I observed their slowed movements, though they still retained some utility. The main concern, however, was their diminishing morale, reaching a critical low.

"The present situation is very problematic; I need to formulate a new plan," I muttered, recognizing the urgency of the situation.

"We need to take action before it becomes too late."

I turn toward the voice, finding a small and petite figure holding my hand and meeting my emotionless gaze. Despite her size, her determination to survive surpasses that of anyone present.

"We must interrupt the ritual to turn the tables," she said, her voice carrying a hint of weakness.

"Are you referring to that peculiar dance and music?" I inquired.

"Yes, it's a shamanic ritual. Not only does it impede enemy movements and weaken them, but it also enhances their allies' strength by 20%," she explained.

"We need to halt it first, or we'll face a significant disadvantage."

The borcs possess an impressive ability – not only does it enhance the strength of their allies, but it also debilitates their foes. However, facing that ability turned against oneself is truly distasteful and annoying.

To counter it, my initial task is to carve a direct path toward the shaman borcs and put an end to their ritual. While it may appear straightforward, executing this plan will prove challenging.

"Miss Kaira, could you kindly clear a path for me and my party towards the shaman?" Lily requested, holding my hand once again.

Seems like she enjoys holding hands, but their assistance could make a difference, and I genuinely appreciate it. Then, I find myself absentmindedly petting her head as I look at her again.

"Alright, I'll create a path for you; just ensure to halt them, or it might cost us our lives," I said to Lily, continuing to pat her head.

She removes my hand and pouts, giving me an accusing look. It wasn't intentional; my hand moved automatically – not my fault.

To avoid any awkwardness, I intentionally shift the topic. Raising my staff with both hands, I conjure eight fireballs, each three meters in diameter, launching them at the approaching orcs.

Oh' sorry, it's a group of borcs.

"Charge," I instruct Lily's party with a stoic expression. The released fire incinerates the borcs along the path, repeating until we reach the shaman borcs.

Thankfully, I maintain control over the flames, preventing any harm to the surrounding forest.

I notice a considerable number of borcs directing their focus on us, likely influenced by the borc shaman.

"Take on the shaman, I'll handle these borcs," I declare, brandishing my staff and unleashing multiple fireballs towards the approaching borcs.

Some borcs have become adept at dodging my fireballs, posing a growing challenge, compounded by their 20% strength boost from the ritual.

"I need a new approach to thwart them," I mutter to myself.

"Speed up, everyone!" I call out to Lily and her party.

However, as I turn to assess the situation, I spot a massive borc—more robust and larger than the others—wielding a giant sword. Swiftly, he slashes through three members in front, leaving only Lily and an archer completely paralyzed.

In that moment, I grasp the harsh reality of survival, recognizing the difficulty that transcends worlds.