
Another world:With my Creation ability

A young teenage girl, living a solitary life, faces disdain from her own family and relatives. Frustrated by her surroundings and the unfairness of reality, she takes a dark path toward genocide, targeting her entire family, even attempting suicide. Just when she believes everything is over, a mysterious voice reaches out to her. Initially attempting to seduce her with a single ability, she negotiates and ends up acquiring three distinct abilities. Embark on the adventure with this teenage girl, possessing overpowering abilities, as she ventures into another world. but Is it truly just a coincidence that she arrived in this world, or is it fate, or perhaps the influence of some unknown entity? This world is full of mysteries and rich history. That she will need to uncover. English isn't my primary, secondary, or even tertiary language. Nevertheless, I've made an effort to share my story

Teaaddict03 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A new leaf




A lush and expansive landscape filled with vibrant flowers, creating a picturesque scene reminiscent of paradise.

If someone from the contemporary era were to witness this, they could possibly describe it as resembling heaven.

Every inch of land covered with flowers and at the middle of it a girl can be seen.

With a complexion resembling milk and flowing ebony hair, some might perceive her as an angel, especially if she possessed wings.

Her eye exhibits a subtle shift.

I've become aware of myself and the environment, and it's truly enjoyable. I'm reluctant to open my eyes, preferring to linger here indefinitely.

However, the recollection of having three abilities before arriving here suddenly motivates me to wake up, akin to a child eager to try out new toys for no apparent reason.

I tried to slowly open my eyes without putting too much strain, but it was kinda tough.

As I cracked my eyes open, a clear blue sky and fluffy clouds greeted me, with no pollution in sight—just the sweet melodies of chirping birds.

Despite the tempting desire to snooze a bit longer, the thought of trying out my abilities excited me. With a stretch, I patted my chest and attempted to rouse myself again.

Upon gazing at my surroundings, my drowsiness and lethargy dissipate, leaving only the word "Beautiful" escaping my lips.

"Where am I?".

I really wanna know, but there's no one around to answer my question.

After checking out the scene, I got close to this river that was clear as glass. I was tempted to jump in, but I decided not to.

All I got are these clothes from the lady who sent me here – a white hoodie and black jeans.

Then I remembered why I woke up – yeah, to test out my abilities.

First off, I'm immortal – no aging, no getting sick, and none of those external hassles.

Secondly, I've got an endless stash of mana – it never runs out, dude!

And lastly, the third gig – I can create anything and everything I know about. Cool, right?

The bigger or more detailed the thing, the more mana I gotta throw at it to make it happen.

With my never-ending mana, I don't stress about running out. Easy peasy!

The initial idea that popped into my head was whipping up an apple, just for kicks.

Oh yeah, the stuff that played a big part in figuring out gravity, giving doctors and science students some serious headaches.

Thinking about making an apple, my mind went for something round, about 4 inches wide, shiny red, with a crispy skin on the outside, and inside – white, juicy, and crunchy.

It's not perfectly round, got some bruises, a skinny stem, and the seeds hang out in the core of the apple.

After picturing it, I tried bringing it into reality by conjuring it up in my hand.

I felt this warm sensation flowing through me, and when I checked my hand, bam, an apple just appeared out of nowhere.

I could sense its feel and firmness in my hand, so I casually brought the apple close to my mouth, gearing up for a little nibble.

After I took a bite and started chewing, my whole body kinda felt weightless. The apple juice, man, it sent shivers through my entire body, giving me goosebumps.

I wolfed down the entire apple, savoring its flavor, and thought, "This is the tastiest apple I've ever had in my life."

One apple didn't cut it, so I whipped up a bunch more and chowed down.

When I snapped back to reality, I realized I'd demolished over 15 apples. But hey, no biggie, my body's not gonna change anyway.

After grubbing, I thought it'd be cool to whip up some fantasy threads – you know, like a white magician robe with a cozy white tee, black jeans, and a tiny cloth handbag tucked inside.

I whipped up a staff that totally gives off those fantasy and magician vibes.

After strolling for a bit, I stumbled upon a little hiccup – nothing too crazy, just a minor issue.

Got two roads in front of me – one on the left, one on the right.

Since my right hand's the MVP, I favor it more. So, I went with the road on the right. Yeah, I know it doesn't really add up, but I like doing things my way.

After trekking for an hour, all that lush greenery vanished from my view. It was seriously beautiful, but I had to bid it farewell.

The craziest part is, I ain't even tired after an hour of walking.

Guess it's the perks of having this immortal body– infinite stamina and all that jazz.

After another half-hour stroll, I hit two roads again – one on my right, the other on my left. And, yep, you guessed it, I went right again.


After a short stroll, I encountered a group of merchants resting at the roadside. One of them gestured towards me.

"Hello, miss. Are you perhaps a magician?" The gentleman approached me with politeness, taking note of my attire.

"Yes, indeed. I am a traveling mage," I responded, fitting the part.

"Miss Magician, we have a humble request to make of you."

"What sort of request is it?" I inquired with a mix of curiosity and politeness, though my cold and emotionless tone, coupled with a poker face, might give the impression of being unapproachable.

Then it struck me – this is what people refer to as a beginner NPC quest.

"As you can observe, we are traveling merchants. We've hired some adventurers to accompany us to the nearby town, but the quantity of monsters has surpassed our capacity to handle them."

"So, you're proposing that I become your escort. What's the offered reward?" I ask.

"Certainly, we intend to compensate you generously. Our well-being takes precedence over monetary considerations."

"Alright then, when do you plan to depart?"

"We've paused here for a brief rest and to replenish our sustenance, so it will take some time."

"That's perfectly fine. I'm in no rush, so I'll take the opportunity to rest here as well."

After expressing my willingness, I sought shade under a tree to rest. To avoid soiling my robe on the ground, I conjured a white plastic chair for a comfortable seat.

Additionally, I conjured more apples to snack on. Although my stomach may not be satiated, finding contentment for the stomacht is equally important.

While munching away, I sense everyone's eyes on me for some reason, and I can catch snippets of their chit-chat.

"Did you see her conjure that thing out of nowhere?"

"Is that a chair?"

"Looks like it, but the design and color could fetch a good price."

"I always wished I could be a magician, but no talent, darn it."


"Can magicians really pull off stuff like that?" The one questioning is an adventurer hired by the merchants.

"Lily, can you do something like that too?"

"Nope, never heard of any magic like that."

"Must be her own special spell."

"I dunno, doesn't seem like real magic to me."

They have a magician among them, a small and petite figure – I could practically squash her with my staff.

After the break, the entire caravan set into motion. The adventurers, armed with swords and various melee weapons, positioned themselves at both the front and rear.

Magicians and archers took the middle ground as magicians require time to cast spells and archers need to load arrows. Additionally, warriors were strategically placed in the middle to provide protection for the mages.

While pondering what to do once I hit the town, that same little magician sidled up to me.

"Hey, I'm Lily, a mage," she nervously greeted.

"Kaira Springfield, the Wandering Mage." Well, not really, but that's the look I'm rocking.

When I introduced myself, Lily kinda jumped for a sec and blurted out, "A_are yo_you a noble, Miss Kaira?" sounding all panicky.

Noble, huh? Well, thinking about my family in that world, it kinda seems that way.

"You could say that," I replied casually, though it still came off as emotionless to others. Oh well, can't really help it.

"Sorry for being rude," she apologized, looking down. I guess she's a bit jittery.

Witnessing her petite frame apologize made me feel uneasy.

"No need to fret; you can speak casually. I'm not a fan of formality," I reassured her, but she still seemed uneasy.

As we journeyed, we engaged in conversation, and gradually, her nervousness began to dissipate.

While walking, a sudden group of orcs surrounded us from both the right and left sides – quite a clever tactic, directly targeting the high-damage dealer in the group.

I can bet these orcs have pulled this stunt on caravans before; they've got our weak spots figured out.

It might be a problem if I wasn't around. I ain't your typical mage – my firepower doesn't come from spells but from the bits of imagination I got. Gotta give it a shot and see.

A smirk crept onto my face.

"Maybe this world isn't that bad after all."

"This is where my leaf begins."