
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Aktion
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98 Chs

Chapter 4: L1 Royale Arc

~ Inside the classroom ~

"Hey Dorothy, can I ask ya something?." a boy with brown spiky hair named Luck asked.

It was obvious he was talking about the eye patch, he's been staring at it quite recently and can't seem to hold his curiosity.

"Well Luck, I'll have you know this eye patch of mine isn't for show, If I take this off something terrible will happen to me and the school-----."

Arthur was looking at his notes while paying attention to their conversation,

"Yeah, I've been wondering about that too."

a voice came from behind, It was Gray who just came by and overheard their discussion, Arthur turns around and faces him.

"does that eye patch really have any meaning of sorts?." He asked.

Arthur was in deep thought carefully thinking things through on how he's going to explain it to Gray.

[She did say that once removed something something powers would activate...hmmm... I'm not even sure if she was being serious there.]

"Well that's just for show." He managed to find a simple solution.

"Ohhh I see now."

[I am so dead if Dorothy found out I gave her a title that would make her sound like a weirdo]

Everyone was enjoying their remaining time before class starts, the boys running around, girls gossiping about stuff, Arthur on the other hand was still eavesdropping on Dorothy and Luck's conversation by pretending to be asleep.

~ Meanwhile ~

"You really sure you can't come and help us? we really need that lance of yours old buddy."

Sir. Charles was on the phone with someone, he was in an empty room filled with brooms, and cleaning utensils.

"I told you, my job now is a normal Teacher, not a hero... you already know that come on old friend."

"Well just be careful alright, I've heard that an Assassin has infiltrated WordBagon Academy."

His eyes widened, his reaction was being cautious.

"Where have you learned that?." Sir. Charles asked.

"Intel has it that the Assassin is from an organization called Darkness.. and for how he managed to infiltrate the school is a question to us."

"----! Don't worry If he so much as touches one of my students I'll make sure he pays with his life."

"EEKK !! Scary as ever aren't ya old friend."

"Thanks for telling me, see ya."


Sir. Charles ended the call and was getting worried about the information he got from his friend, whether the infiltrator has something to steal in this school or someone to kill.

Either way he wouldn't allow the attacker to even go anywhere near his students, later on Sir. Charles passed down the information to the rest of the teachers in the campus silently, to not alert the Imposter.

While that was happening A boy with short curly hair was peeking at the door, checking to see if their adviser is heading towards their room.

He was like the eyes of their classroom, his name is Franklin, his class is an archer the same as Gray.

Franklin squints his eyes to focus from a far and sees Sir. Charles heading his way to the room.

"Guys! Sir's coming!!!." He yelled as everyone immediately went back to their seats, picked up the trashes laying around and prepared for their teacher's arrival.

As everyone was prepared and Sir. Charles entered the room looking all strict Gray stood up and greeted while the others shortly followed.

He then placed all his books on the table and said,

"Right now everyone let's go through the basics, Everyone in this room has their own classes right, we have the Archer, the lancer, the swordsman, the fighter, the mage, the tamer, the manipulator and the Assassin class, pretty much everyone in this room knows their weaknesses, their limits and their will whether they can carry out a task."

Everyone was closely paying attention to what their adviser was saying, the students were silent while the only voice that could be heard was their teachers'.

"For this year we'll be focusing on defeating those weaknesses, strengthening your limits and our will to stand and fight."

As Sir. Charles was explaining the basics Arthur was in deep thought,

[Right, wasn't there a chance some of us maybe scouted by a Hero and graduate earlier than the rest of us?]

In this world if a Hero notices something in a student and decides to take that particular person as his apprentice he/she could graduate earlier than the other students who weren't chosen at all.

[Well I'm not in a hurry to get scouted.. since I promised Dorothy I'd protect her... but what if someone scouts Dorothy? What am I going to do if that happens!?]

Arthur was pretty much serious about the conversation in his head meanwhile he felt someone was staring at him.

He froze and cleared his mind of thoughts, he turned to the side and saw Dorothy staring at him.


She didn't even blinked an eye she was just staring, her blue eyes staring into his and reflecting his own face.

Arthur was getting into an intense situation, his heart was beating fast and he felt heavy all of a sudden, he asked,

"U-Umm Dorothy.. why are you staring at me?."

"I don't wanna leave your side Arthur.."

After hearing those words he immediately froze up and his heart was even beating faster than normal.

"I-I don't wanna leave your side too Dorothy."

He faced the other way to avoid letting her see his reddish face.

"I did promise, I would protect yo---!!."

Arthur froze as he realized he made that promise while she was asleep and started panicking.

[Oh no!! Am I in trouble!? Is she gonna call me a weirdo!?]

He faces Dorothy slowly only to see her focusing on Sir. Charles's discussion, He let out a sigh of relief as he was safe for the time being meanwhile inside Dorothy's mind.. chaos was occurring.

[Why did he say that!? out of all times he'd say that!? AAAHHHHH Now I feel weird somehow..AAAAAAHHHHH]

The both of them couldn't pay attention to their Teacher's discussion all because they were occupied with each other.

"Alright does everyone know what to do?." He asked for confirmation.

Arthur and Dorothy were all confused at the moment on what's going on, they both turn their heads to the left and right to ask their seatmates on what's going on but couldn't because they all replied Sir. Charles's question.

"Alright Class president I'll let you handle the formation for today." Sir. Charles said.

Gray then closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled, saying,

"Alright everyone form two lines, one for the boys and one for the girls."

as Gray said that Arthur was shocked to see him acting all serious, this is the first time Arthur saw him act like this.

As they were heading towards the field, it was the perfect time for Arthur to ask someone on what they're going to do for today.

"Hey Luck, what are we going to do in the field?."

"You didn't listen? Sir. Charles grouped us into groups earlier."

"What for?."

"Sir called it the L1 royale activity."

"Hmmm guessing from that we'll be fighting other groups huh."

Luck filled Arthur everything he missed out during the discussion and once they arrived at the field itself.

[So there's also a chance I might face Dorothy today... oh wait does she already know about what we're doing?]

Everyone was heading towards their groups while Arthur and Dorothy were standing in the middle, just standing there.

It was obvious that either of them don't know who their teammates are..

"Hey Dorothy do you already kno--??."

She was holding her laughter, she was hiding something, Arthur was still confused but he was starting to figure it out.

"Don't tell me!?."

"Yeah, I kinda knew from the start, It was fun teasing you though, see the concerned look on your face bwuhahahahhaha."

Arthur was dumbfounded and flicked her forehead, Dorothy then said as she placed her hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"Ouch!! that hurt ya know!."

"I bet it does."

Silence was among the two as they both laughed out loud shortly after.

I appreciate your concern for me though... Thanks, by the way do you know which goup you're in?."

"N-No I don't... what about you?." He asked.

"Yup." She replied with an adorable smile.

[So cute.]

"Hey Arthur are you going to be okay?."

He lets out a sigh, his eyes shone a bright light and shot her a thumbs up saying,

"Of course I will be, once we cross paths in the battlefield I'll beat you for sure."

"I'm not so sure about that!." She replied

Dorothy then went towards her group while Arthur was still looking for where his teammates could be, or who they are.

"You're with us Ackerman!."

Arthur turned his head to the source of the call and saw Gray with them, Relieved he finally found his group he proceeded to head towards them.

the other three members were a girl with a ponytail named Febby, a boy with a full brown mohawk hairstyle named Gon and Blake who has red hair with a few yellow parts in his hair.

Febby was a Swordsman class, Gon was a fighter class and Blake was a Tamer class.

Arthur was pretty much excited about facing Dorothy on the field later on, he couldn't hold his excitement, he was looking forward to it.

~ A few minutes later ~

They were being pinned by an enemy group, they all hid behind a huge rock,

"Blake where did that arrow came from?." Arthur exclaimed as he tried to peek only to almost getting grazed by an incoming arrow.

"I have no idea, my clairvoyance hasn't reached there yet!." Blake replied.

Blake then commanded his pet snake to slither towards the source of the attackers by using the tree branches to circle around them.

The Tamer class is a special class that also relies on your partner's abilities, they could tame any animal depending on their methods, and could share the abilities of the animal for example sight, strength and many more.

"How much more are we gonna wait here!? we're sitting ducks right now!!." Febby exclaimed as the number of arrows being shot at them kept multiplying.

Gray fired a random arrow to where he believes is the enemy's location, but it clearly missed.

"How much longer Blake." Gray asked.

"Just a little more time guys!." Blake replied.

The huge rock they were using as a shield was starting to break apart, cracks were seen spreading throughout the entire rock.

Blake was also nervous since this was his first time using his abilities, while his snake was slithering its way towards the enemies position by using the trees as cover everything was in Blake's hands.

"Blake once you find where they are tell me, I can snipe them out from here just give me the precise location." Gray insisted

"You got it." He replied.

From tree to tree using the snake's exchanged sight Blake could see where the arrows were shot from.

"I-I see the arrows!." Blake shouted in joy knowing he found their attacker.

"Do you know who it is?." Febby asked.

"Hey Gon, do you think you can handle an arrow or two?." Arthur asked.

"Yeah.. I think so.. Why?."

Arthur smirked as he explained his plan to them.. minutes later Gon immediately jumped out into the open and as predicted he was targeted by their attacker.

Gon is a Fighter class they are known for fighting hand to hand combat, they know a lot of techniques and can easily adapt to any situation given their hellish training.

Gon dodged an arrow and charged directly towards the enemy without hesitation.

"Blake don't stop your clairvoyance just keep going!." Arthur said.

Arthur had a plan in motion.. Gon caught a few arrows while some managed to pierce his body.

Before the royale, Sir Charles managed to tell the class to not put everything into their weapons or spells and just to make things sure the School Mage coated all their weapons, arrows, and spells to with mana to lessen their impact (simply put a pencil plugged with an eraser at the tip)

Then Gon proceeded heading towards the left, since there were more trees to where Gon was heading the number of arrows halted for a second and the next moment the arrows came rushing in towards Gon.

"Just a little more!." Gon said to himself.

Arthur's plan was to lead the attacker towards Blake's sight so they could finally see the enemy.

"Guys! I found him! It's Franklin!." Blake yelled.

Gray was already knocking her bow, preparing to fire at the right moment.

"I'll lend you my sight." Blake closed his eyes and gave his ability to Gray.

Then Grey stood up from the ground preparing to release the arrow.

This is one of the many abilities a Tamer class possesses, they are basically like the support types like the Mage in all of the classes they are more agile, and more professional when it comes to terrains and such.

"There you are!." Gray said.

"Crap! why is Gray standing!?."

Franklin was getting nervous seeing Grey standing up nowhere, Franklin then gave up on chasing Gon and fired a single arrow towards Gray who was open.

Gray fired his, and the two arrows collided and broke apart while one was heading towards Franklin at the speed of light and managed to hit him in the heart Franklin accepted his defeat and was unconscious.

"One down!! Yeah!!." Blake yelled out of joy.

"But we still haven't found his other four members yet.. I'm afraid we may be walking into a trap." Febby said.

"I agree with Febby here."

"Blake what do you see out there?." Gray asked.

"Hang on, I'll go check it out in the mean time let's all slowly move forward." Blake said.

As they all went forward they weren't worried for a second, thanks to Blake's clairvoyance with his snake, they can manage to see and know what's up and ahead since it's at tree sight he can pretty much see the whole area the eye of the snake could see.

"It's still clear out!." Blake said.

Even knowing Blake's clairvoyance everyone was still on their guard, they don't wanna get ambushed from behind.

Blake froze for a reason as everyone was shocked and was forming a defensive position.

"Something just passed my snake, just now!." Blake said.

"Who could it be?." Gon asked as he clenches his fists.

"Reid? perhaps?." Febby asked.

"Impossible! it has to be John!." Gray replied.

"I see movement!!." Febby pointed out.

They all looked towards where Febby was pointing and saw someone wearing a green hood bouncing from tree trunk to tree trunk.

Thanks to the hood they can't get a good look on who their opponent is, they were following its movement with their eyes, but because of it's unpredictable movement we don't know where this person would strike.

[I'm going to have to trust my instincts on this one.] Arthur thought to himself.

Their attacker was still leaping around, was it trying to read our movements? he thought.

meanwhile Franklin managed to woke up, and the first thing he saw was Sir. Charles's spear.

"What the? oh right, Sir. did told us if we ever got beaten his spear would lead us the way out of here."

He then followed the spear as it led him back to them,

"Don't worry kid, it ain't just you who lost pretty early." Sir. Charles said to himself

"So sir. does this mean you don't have any power in this field?." John asked.

"No, I don't know what's going on in there nor can I do anything to stop it, since this field has been coated by something the first principal placed over to ensure battles and training were to be held here, he made sure know one else could see what the students are doing to protect them from any attackers from the outside." Sir. Charles explained.

[Of course that also explains that they won't be able to get out as well]

"And the only way to end its field is for the teams remaining inside to be defeated by one team and win." Sir. Charles said.

Franklin just came out of the area while following the spear.

"But how come we managed to get out?." John asked.

"That's because all your members have been defeated, those who can't get out are those who still have complete members.." Sir. Charles said.

"By the way how did your spear managed to find me Sir.?." Franklin asked.

"Well the principal made an exception to the teachers, our weapons can be able to enter the area once there's a defeated student, but only the weapon, we can't enter or we'll loose our life." Sir. Charles replied, everyone at the shed were silent from hearing what Sir. Charles told them.

"It's like an indestructible cage right now, the perfect place to go all out with your abilities no one can get in and the only way out is when the students in the field have been defeated like you for example Franklin, once you woke up the first thing you saw was my spear and you then followed it here." Sir. Charles said.

"So the only way getting in is whether you were in the field while it was being activated?." Franklin asked.

"Correct, and once you're in there you can't get out unless you've been defeated." Sir Charles responded.

"Isn't it a perfect place for criminals?." John asked.

"Well with its impregnable defenses the spell only lasts for a day which is another way to break the spell, you can simply wait it out that is of course you've managed to find a perfect spot to hide in." Sir Charles replied.

~ At Dorothy's side ~

"Dorothy are you ready?." Patrisha asked.

"Yes I am let's do this!." Dorothy replied.

They both ran towards the opponents without any hesitation,

"You think charging me in the front's going to stop me? think again." Daniel said out of confidence.

"Don't get too close to them Daniel this could be a trap." Rex said.

Rex knocked his bow and aimed it towards Patrisha, while Daniel was hyped up about rushing them head on and rushed towards the two.


Daniel was enjoying the battle as he was clenching his fist to punch Dorothy's face Rex was also focusing to aim for Patrisha's head.

"Here they come Dorothy!." Patrisha yelled as Dorothy nodded.


Daniel managed to hit Dorothy in the face a 100% "Oh nooo Dorothyyy!!." Patrisha yelled out of concern for her friend she was then hit in the head by Rex's arrow, both bodies were on the ground.

"Looks like this was even more easier than I thought HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

"Be on alert Daniel! who knows what these still have in store." Rex said.

Daniel laughed as hard as he could and once he realized it his lower body had already been covered by mud immobilizing him.

"Huh? what's this! was there a third member around them!? Rex you told me there were only two of them!!."

"There was!----!!!!."

Rex was then blasted from behind by a fireball, his back was scorched and he fell unconscious, Daniel who was still trapped was confused on what's going on.

"What's going on here!?."

Out of confusion the mud was slowly rising covering his arms thus leaving only his neck and head now, the immobile Daniel has nowhere to go and has witnessed the bodies of Dorothy and Patrisha slowly break away revealing them to be made out of mud.

"Mud!? one of them was a Mage class!?..."

"Correct, I'm the Mage class here Dorothy Ritsu, Goodbye." Dorothy revealed herself.

But it wasn't the real Dorothy, it was still a copy of her made out of mud.

"Youuuu guysss!!! I'm gonnaaa beatt youuu!!!." Daniel exclaimed.

"Yeah, you mean we're going to beat you!."

Then the real Dorothy and Patrisha were right behind him, massive amounts of energy was concentrating on Dorothy's staff as she yelled,


as they fired Daniel was knocked out cold on the ground, the mud dissipated and Patrisha then placed her arm on Dorothy's shoulder saying,

"That went better than expected."

"Yeah well it ain't over yet, we need to find Lisa and Cane quickly."

Dorothy said out of concern for the two since they were battling the other three members of Rex and Daniel's team.

Once Dorothy and Patrisha went to find Lisa and Cane.. someone was following them and placed his fingers in his pocket knife in the belt buckle.

Meanwhile at Arthur's team they were still in a pinch due to the Attacker leaping around and since he was wearing a green hoodie he managed to have his identity hidden as he would often blend into the surrounding green leaves.

"Hey Gray what do we do know?." Gon asked.

"Just stay together! don't break your formation!." Gray said.

"Hey Gray, do you know anyone from the class who's an Assassin class?." Arthur asked.

"Hmmm... none so far I think?." Gray replied as he kept on following the attacker's movements.

[If Gray doesn't even know anyone from our class being an Assassin class.. does this mean.. this person is after Dorothy?] Arthur thought to himself.

It was starting to move faster and faster until we wouldn't be able to see it anymore,

"From your question earlier Arthur, N-No there's no one in the class who's an Assassin class."

Gray said with a nervous tone as Arthur heard what Gray said his eyes widened and his thoughts were directly fixated about where's Dorothy right now, whether she was safe or not, because of the intense fear he's been placed, without a second thought he broke formation, ran.

"Heyyy Arthurr holdd on!." Blake yelled "No Don't break formation Blake!!." Febby exclaimed.

While Arthur broke off from them the person circling around them disappeared.

"I-It's gone?." Blake said.

"What about Arthur?." Gon asked in concern for his friend.

"We have to catch up to him!." Febby said.

"No, we must inform Sir. Charles about this suspicious person now." Gray said.


"We can't afford to split up now, we need to warn Sir. Charles about this and fast, that's the only way we can help Arthur." Gray said.

Arthur was running away from his team to make sure none of them could get hurt by the Assassin.

[If this person really is an Assassin then he should be after Dorothy too]

He turned around and saw the green hooded person hoping from tree branch to tree branch following Arthur.

"Crap! He's getting closer!!."

As he continued running he decided he had no choice and went on the defensive, he raised his sword forward ready to parry the assailant's strike.

"Ohh? a brave one this is."

As the Assailant pounced towards me my sword and his two blades clashed Left and right when my sword was occupied with one of his blades I would try to dodge the strike from his second blade.

"Where is the girl?."

Arthur dodged a slash and found an opening, as he swung with his sword the Assassin managed to dodge it.

"I don't know who you're talking about!!."

Arthur replied as he parried the Assassin's strikes, from left to right, Arthur was being pushed back by the attacker.

Arthur would have a hard time reacting to the enemy's movements since he moves unpredictably, as minutes passed by Arthur was starting to pick up the enemy's movements and be able to predict where his strikes would land.

He then leapt above the Assassin and tried to slash him there but he managed to duck and back away from Arthur.

[I was able to find multiple openings from this guy.. but landing my hits is still a different league on its own]

Arthur rushes towards the Assassin and the two exchange blows with their weapons but this time it was Arthur the one who was on the offensive and the Assassin on the defensive.

He blocked the Assassin's blade from above and backed away from him.

"If you won't tell me where the girl is, I'll make sure your death is a painful one, I'll make sure your eyes are wide open as I chop your hands piece by piece and make you eat them!!."

Arthur was blocking all the Assassin's strikes and evading some,

"You really think I'd loose to you!!."

Arthur then immediately took the hit from both blades, wounding Arthur's right arm.


[He didn't dodge that!?] The Assassin was in thought.

Yelling out the pain was all he could do, Arthur then immediately took the opening and tore off the Assassin's arms using his sword.


As blood was spilling out of both the Assassin's arms he was flailing around from the pain and backed away from Arthur.

"You've got guts kid! but you don't know who you're messing with!." The Assassin said.

Arthur stomped his foot on the ground and yelled,


After yelling out what he wanted to tell them, Arthur just noticed the arms he sliced up on the ground all smeared on the greenery of the grass.

Arthur then heard a thump as he looked in front of him and saw the Assassin on the floor bleeding to death.

He was frozen, he never realized what he's done.. he was trembling in fear, he couldn't even understand what was going on.

"I.....I killed a person." He uttered to himself.

As he felt a sudden pain coming from his head, did he recalled something from his past?.

"Wha....What am I doing?."

He then regained his sanity and said,

"I need to find Dorothy quickly!!."

He tore off a piece of cloth from his pants to tie up his wound in his right arm to stop the bleeding.

Once Arthur left the area the Assassin was barely clinging to life and was on his last thoughts..

[Why didn't my blades tear off the kid's flesh.. It was like he had thick skin or something..]

As Arthur was running he slowly noticed the pain lingering in his right arm was slowly fading.


He stopped right from his tracks and untied the piece of cloth he tore from his pants and personally saw the wound close up.

"Was it... healed?.... no Regeneration? Doesn't matter I need to find Dorothy as soon as possible!."

Arthur continued his pursuit to look for Dorothy, as he needed to see her to calm this raging fear inside of him, For some reason his mind was playing on repeat what he told her that night.

[No matter where you are I'll always protect you It's a promise.]

[No matter where you are I'll always protect you It's a promise.]

[No matter where you are I'll always protect you It's a promise.]


He yelled to tell his body to keep on moving no matter how tiring it is, no matter how much pain he's feeling, And the next thing he knew her smiling face popped up in his head.

He tripped on a tree stump and fell on the floor, laying there he said to himself,

"Why am I so worried about her?."

[Glad you found me.]

[You're an idiot.]

"Why am I so fixated on her."

[I'm looking forward to spend the whole year with you Arthur Ackerman.]

[I'm looking forward to spending it with you too]

"What is this feeling ever since I met her..."

[I don't wanna leave your side Arthur.]

[I don't wanna leave your side too Dorothy.]

"Why do I feel a sudden pain aching inside when she's talking with someone else.."

He punches the ground with all his might as tears flowed out of his eyes.

"Huh? why am I?."

Wiping off the tear that fell from his eyes he then took a deep breath and hoped himself back up.

"I guess this is what it is."

He said to himself as he figured out his feelings for Dorothy and continued to look for her considering the pain his feeling right now and how tired he is.

"Wait for me Dorothy! I'll keep you safe.. because I love you."

He said to himself as he continues on and on in search for the one he loves.

~ Meanwhile ~

"Hey Dorothy, you think Lisa and Cane would be alright?." Patrisha asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine we just need to back them up just in case." Dorothy replied.

Patrisha's eyes widened as she then pushes Dorothy into a pile of leaves out of nowhere.

"H-Hey!? what's the big idea!?." Dorothy asked.

Dorothy then noticed the tranquilizer dart that was in Patrisha's arm Dorothy was clenching her fist burning the leaves on her hand, She was barely standing and was on the verge of passing out any moment, all that's keeping her standing was her will.

"Wh-W-WHoo aRe yo-you!?."

Then a man in a Janitor uniform attacked Patrisha knocking her out completely.

"A-a Janitor!?."

Dorothy looked at the unconscious Patrisha laying on the cold floor, she clenched both her fists once again and said,

"You're gonna pay for what you did."

"Huuh? what's a schoolgirl going to do to me? a pro Assassin."

out of confidence the Assassin was sure Dorothy wouldn't be any threat to him, he revealed his weapon a dagger with a scorpion mark on its hilt, preparing to strike he said,

"This is the most easiest job I've ever don-."

He completely froze up as he was terrified to see the girl's aura filling the area with malice, It was the first time for him to ever see this much malice in just knocking out a student girl the Assassin stood his ground aiming his weapon at his target.

"Septum Nobra Jela Cross."

Dorothy was enchanting words that would strike fear in the Assassin's mind.

"You got to be kidding me!? S-She's basically chanting th-- Thi-This is no ordinary girl."

The Assassin couldn't move out of fear and as the Assassin looked at their shadows on the ground all he saw was Dorothy holding a Katana sword.

"What the!?." Out of fear the Assassin took a look at the silent girl in front of him and all he saw was a defenseless girl, he then looked at their shadows one more time and once he did Dorothy's shadow had already sliced his head off.

"Goddess of Death." He uttered as his final words.

Dorothy's eyes were bright red, her smile was diabolical, she was eager to kill more but then saw Patrisha's body on the floor, her head was aching with pain as she regained her sanity she quickly carried Patrisha and was looking for someone immediately.

While with no luck of finding anyone Arthur was getting exhausted from running nonstop.

"I have to keep going for Dorothy's sake, FIGHTTT IT ARTHURRRRR!!!!."

He was still running, never stopping or slowing down as he needed to know Doroth's safe.

"I wish to see that smile again, and I'm going to see that exact same smile until I die."

Arthur motivated himself to go beyond his limits to search for Dorothy while The only ones who weren't at the waiting area were Dorothy, Patrisha, Febby, Gray,Gon and Arthur, and since it's been 3 hours since the Activity started Sir Charles was calm and at the same time concerned for the remaining students in the field.

"Sir, shouldn't you be putting an end to this?." Franklin asked.

"I agree, it's been three hours already." John said.

"You must put a stop to this Sir." Luck said.

"In a battle there's nobody who can stop a match, the only way for it to end is to defeat your opponent, have more faith in your classmates they're basically fighting for their lives right now this was the purpose of this field to help sharpening your skills and combat."

Sir. Charles was clearly starting to be concerned but he chose to have more faith in his students, but even doing that had a hard toll on him, he clenches his fists as he couldn't do anything.

"Huh?." As Sir Charles saw Febby and the others...

"Luck contact the Armed Committee now!." Sir. Charles said.

"Yes Sir!!."

Dorothy was starting to feel tired, her eyes were slowly about to shut, her bones aching from the excruciating pain from unleashing her forbidden power.

[Anyone..please.. Anyone..] She thought to herself as she looks around.

"A-Arthur? why are you in my head?." She was slowly starting to feel heavy.

She was about to loose conscience as a memory played in her head just as she was about to fall.

"No matter where you are I'll always protect you, It's a promise."

(During that time, Dorothy was awake and heard everything Arthur said that night)

She stomped her foot on the ground keeping her standing while Patrisha was on her back.

"I finally have found someone I can trust with my life and I won't let that disappear from me."

Even if she was motivated by her feelings she was still shaking but tried her best to get out of there with the unconscious Patrisha on her back.

Dorothy kept on going she walked, and walked for minutes hoping to bump into someone but as she went on there was no one in sight, she was slowly loosing hope, she started to feel as if she was alone and that no one was there for her she saw a figure in front of her but she payed no attention to it.

"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this Patrisha."

She check on her friend and saw her breathing normally and asleep.. she smiled and faced the figure in front of her.

"Dorothy?." As she heard the familiar voice her eyes were filled with overflowing tears.


And the same went to Arthur, all Dorothy could focus on was looking at Arthur's wounds.

"Arthur! your arm!!. concerned, Arthur gave her a smile and said,

"Don't worry as long as you're safe I'll be fine."

Dorothy couldn't accept that, he dragged two people into this because of her.. of what she is.. she stared on the ground, filled with regret..

Then as the two were reunited Arthur was carrying Patrisha in the back while Dorothy was being princess carried by him.

"Hang on Dorothy we're almost there." Arthur insisted.

She was silent, she clenched her hand and held tightly on Arthur's shirt thinking,

[It's my fault.. It's my fault.. I dragged Patrisha and Arthur to this..]

~ Meanwhile outside the field ~

Two members from the Armed Committee went towards Sir. Charles both of them were wearing the school uniform, with the Armed committee's badge right next to the school logo one of them says,

"Sir, my name's Faith and this is Olivia, you called for us?."

Faith had short blondish hair, and was wearing glasses, her eye color is something between blue and purple.

Olivia had long straight reddish hair, her eye color was something between blue and red.

"Right, I need the help of your weapons to open up an area so I can throw my spear inside to search for my students inside. Sir. Charles said.

Both of them agreed and went to work, Then as Arthur was still heading to find the exit Sir. Charles's spear managed to find them and the barrier was broken, The Armed Committee members went and called the Nurse's office while some of the Teachers came rushing in to help out Arthur who was carrying two injured students including his own.

Once Patrisha and Dorothy were held by the other female teachers Arthur couldn't handle it anymore and passed out.

~ An hour later ~

Arthur was slowly waking up to see a sleeping Dorothy next to him, as he saw her like this it reminded him of the night he made the promise, he smiled knowing he needed to get more stronger and gave Dorothy a pat in the head "Thank goodness you're okay, I'll keep my promise no matter what.. I'll make sure no one will ever hurt you again."

~ Meanwhile ~

The body of the first Assassin during the attack on the gym was seen being thrown out and being cremated.

"Sir it seems as they failed to do the task as well." the figure said as he kneeled

The figure was wearing a red hood, covering the entirety of his face, but his voice sounded mechanical.. like he was a wearing a mask to hide his voice and in front of the figure was the boss.

A tall man wearing a black hat and was sitting on his throne with his sword on his hands,

"No matter, she won't be able to defend herself any longer."

Confident he was staring at the image of Arthur and smirked as he placed his left hand on the hat.

"What do you mean Master?." the figure asked.

"It seems as she has special ties with this boy here." He replied.

They were able to see through the cameras that were placed in the two Assassins the figure once again asked how did the Master confirmed this.

"Remember the first day we sent an Assassin, he was there wasn't he?."

After realizing it the Figure bowed his head as he was amazed at the speculation of his Master.

"Well It's just my speculation that they have some connection but if they don't then we'll just leave the boy, but if they do then we'll have our ticket to seize the power that could rule this entire country... and besides seeing what happened between one of our assets and the boy.. I seem to be interested in what he's hiding."

In the T.v. was a shot of when the two blades were stuck to Arthur's right arm and wouldn't pierce through.

The Master smiled as he then says,

"We'll someday send in our most prized asset."

And a footage was shown of a person releasing out some Black electricity among his body.

End of Chapter 4: L1 Royale Arc