
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 3: The Swordsman and the Ruler

After Arthur had told her about them being roommates in the canteen the two were heading back to their room Dorothy then asks,

"Soo, Arthur, since we're living together in the same room, I only have one thing to ask you."

She smiled at him trying to tell him that what she's about to say isn't really a big of a deal.

"Yeah?, what's that?." He asked.

Don't talk to me, don't look at me and don't even touch me, you got that !."

He wasn't expecting a bombardment of requests after seeing that innocent smile before.

[Ehh?? isn't that going a little too far] He thought to himself.

"What? you said One thing, those were three things!." He exclaimed to Dorothy's requests as if they were unacceptable.

"Huh?? you gotta problem with that!!."

"Of course I do! we're going to be living together in this room for a year, how do I expect myself not to talk, look or even touch you in those 365 days."

"That's your problem. not mine. hmphh!."

"Come on now---!."


Someone unfamiliar joined in on the conversation, many students have been passing by the two bickering teenagers ever since they were at the front of their room, it'd be no surprise if someone would come and try to stop their fight in the middle of the hallway.

but that was not the case, this guy is someone who knows about the two of them, who has a sorta connection to them.

He was wearing their school uniform, and had bluish hair, wears glasses, The two halted their bickering and stared at the newcomer with their guards on, her brows furrows as she asks,

"And what do you want?." Her mood clearly could be seen from here, her attitude.

[I just hope this doesn't turn into a three way bickering battle] He thought to himself.

"You two are the only ones who haven't shown up in class yet, our class adviser's getting worried about the two of you." the newcomer asks with concern.

He said it firmly and was without a doubt telling the truth since it's been two days since class has started.

[If our adviser was worried about us.. wouldn't he be--]

"wouldn't he be the one to check on us?." Dorothy said what Arthur had thought.

[Funny, she said the same thing what I was thinking.. could this mean we have some sort of connection together??... could this be what other people with a special connection be called, S-S-S-Soulmates!?!?]

while Arthur was still busy with his own thoughts Dorothy was trying to know the newcomer's identity, she has memorized all the names and genders of her classmates in her room but never got to meet any of them considering the events that stopped her.

On the first day she had to take care of Arthur when he was unconscious for a whole day and then the next she had to deal with both Arthur and the Assassin.

"True, he should've been the one to check on you but he said he got something important to do so he told me to check on the both of you."

He replied with a smile on his face, Dorothy however was still suspicious on the new boy in front of them meanwhile the newcomer has seem to have noticed Arthur from the back being all red and was breathing heavily for an unknown reason.

The reason for Arthur's reactions right now was all because he was still fixated on that kiss he had with Dorothy.

"Umm what was your name again?." She asked while she was starting to notice Arthur's reactions from behind.

Arthur turned the other way to hide his embarrassment as the newcomer introduced himself,

"The name's Gray, Gray Dawson class L1's President."

Afterwards confirming his identity Dorothy's guard was finally down since she's remembered the name's of her classmates, and was sure a person named Gray Dawson was her classmate.

Dorothy lets out a sigh of relief as she calms down and focuses on the next problem, she turns around and sees Arthur's blushing face and her mind then thinks about the kiss and she herself became all red and faced the other way.

[What's going on between this two?] Gray thought to himself as he tells them,

"Well I want you two to come to school tomorrow okay."

after that Gray walked back to his room, while Arthur and Dorothy were still deciding on whom gets to enter first.

"You go first Dorothy.."

"No, you go Arthur."

It lasted for a few minutes until they both decided that the both of them should enter at the same time,

It was a simple room, with a living room, a kitchen, and our bed bunks and immediately Dorothy jumped on the lower bed saying,

"I got dibs on the lower bunk!!." She yelled out in joy as she rolls around in it.

"Well I guess I'll be staying at the upper bunk then--ehh?."

Dorothy's eyes were filled with rage obviously telling him, he's staying in the couch in the living room.

"Huh??? I can't sleep at the couch come on Dorothy!." He pleaded in front of her to reconsider.

She lets out a sigh and agreed that Arthur would take the upper bunk, later that night she asks,

"Hey Arthur.."

She stood up from her bed and faced Arthur while he was still laying on his pillow.


[W-What's gonna happen after this?? AAAAHHH I THINK I'M GONNA DIE] He thought.

His heart was beating fast, he was getting sweatier than normal as she continued what she was going to say,

"Thank you for trying to save me today."

She bowed her head showing her gratitude for him while Arthur was at awe from looking at the light of the moon touch her skin and made her glow, it was a perfect memory he'd want to keep for all eternity.

[She's so beautiful]

"A-Alright we need to go to sleep now since we still have school tomorrow."

"You're right."

She went directly to her bed and fell asleep while Arthur was thinking about the future between them.

[AAAAAHHHHH I really wanna tell her... I wanna tell her how I feel!!! she's soo adorable!!!]

Arthur couldn't sleep for at least five hours, but when he did he was having a dream.

"You gotta keep going."

He heard a voice. It was all dark. He couldn't see anything but he could hear a voice.

"You don't have time Dorothy, you have to do it!."

Arthur managed to see images, piling up one after another.

him fighting someone with electricity. Taking care of a little girl. and seeing a picture with a Dragon while a girl that looked somewhat familiar was in front of the dragon, but her eyes were filled with what seems to be the Classes circling around inside her eyes.

"I don't wanna leave you !."

He turns to the source of the voice and saw a girl crying inside a pod while all he could do was watch,

"Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! DOROTHYYY!!."

He knew for a fact that that was Dorothy, he's not sure why but he knows it's her, he yelled and yelled but he wouldn't be heard.

until the girl crying stared upon Arthur, she was scared, afraid of something, was it me?

As Arthur turned around to see what was behind him someone with a knife aimed for his eyes which caused him to panic and wake up from the dream, bumping his head on the ceiling but not that hard as the same as before, he was able to control his head on time avoiding a strong impact with the ceiling.

He immediately went down to see if Dorothy's all okay and saw her asleep on her bed while mumbling a few words,

"Donuts! noo I want that donut with sprinkles.. pweasee hehehe."

She was drooling all over her pillow as Arthur sighed of relief to learn it was all a dream, His heart was starting to beat normally as it was beating as fast as it normally does because of that dream he had and he couldn't be able to wake her up considering she herself was having a nice dream.

"I guess I'll just prepare for our breakfast then." He whispered to himself.

Once he got up and saw the clock it was already ten in the morning, and yet again they were absent for another day.

"Ohh looks like that gray guy's going to kill us." He said to himself as he checks up on Dorothy once more time, he kneels down and ruffles her messy hair gently and says,

"No matter where you are I'll always protect you It's a promise."

As Arthur witnesses Dorothy chewing on her pillow probably meaning she was hungry he decides to go and cook for her.

The next day.

Dorothy and Arthur were heading towards their room, Arthur was all excited to meet his classmates while Dorothy was still sleepy and grumpy.

[Maybe I shouldn't have set the alarm clock at five in the morning] He thought to himself.

Yesterday, Gray went by to check in on them as to why they were still absent and once he knew about the reason he gave them one of his alarm clocks to help them out and it did.. too well.

As they were walking Dorothy placed her hand on Arthur's left shoulder and said,

"Heyy Arthur, wake me up at five again and I'll kill you."

She gave him a blank cold stare, and by fear Arthur nods his head in agreement.

[She maybe cute but she's really scary sometimes] He thought to himself.

As he remembers what happened when he tried to wake her up earlier,



She shoved her gently three times only to be bitten by her in the arm and legs, he lets out a sigh and says,

"Well I'm just glad we managed to get to class this early."

"Yeahh too early." Dorothy replied in a grumpy tone.

"Looks like we're here... Class L1." Arthur says out loud as Dorothy yawns from behind.

The two open the classroom door and only to see two people were there, one was Dawson while the other was a long curly haired girl who was reading a novel about Legendary heroes in the Kingdom.

As Gray noticed the two from his chair he stood right up and greeted them both with such energy.

"Good morning Arthur, Dorothy! what a lovely day we're having."

"What lovely? when everyday is just a normal day." She replied in a grumpy tone.

"Bad day?." Gray asked.

"Well she kinda hates me for waking her up at five in the morning."

"Ahh I see, it makes sense."

"Hey Gray where do me and Dorothy sit by the way?."

"Oh right! give me a second."

He quickly went towards the teachers table to yank out a piece of paper that was there presuming that was the seating arrangement of this class.

Dorothy was about to fall asleep while standing on her two feet until Arthur catches and wakes her up again.

"Hey you can't fall asleep now, we just got here in the room."

"And who's fault is that I'm sleepy right now?." She replied in a tired tone.

"Fine, I won't wake you up at five in the morning anymore."

Gray comes back towards them filled with excitement to show them their seating and once they had the paper they were both determined to look for their seats only to find out.

"We're sitting together!?!?!." Their screams echoed in the room disturbing the curly haired girl's silence.

Both of them: Sorry.

"Yeah, well our adviser was the one who paired us up and since you both were absent for three days he decided to just let the two of you be seatmates instead."

Accepting their seats an hour has passed and almost half of the room was filled by their classmates, and since these two are new here most of the students were introducing themselves.. to only Dorothy that is.

"Hii there, the name's Vector what's yours?."

Vector was more shorter than Arthur, a man with a bald cut, he seems like the kind of type who would ask for your money if you're not careful.

and for some reason watching all these boys interact with her seems to be pissing me off, I don't know why but I just feel like it's wrong for them to talk to her.

Once their teacher arrived everyone went to their seats and since we were placed at the last row at the back we were hoping we won't be noticed and we won't need to introduce ourselves to the class.

"Ohhh myy look what we have here class."

But we were wrong...

"Good morning class, it seems we have two new students who will be joining us starting today, care for the two of you to introduce yourselves in the front?."

Arthur and Dorothy at the back were shaking like crazy as they weren't really good when it comes to speaking in the front,

"Hey Dorothy..."

Once she turned towards Arthur with a scared look, she was hoping for him to say something motivational to help her face this fear and beat this.

"Ladies first." He gave her a smile.

Her mood changed drastically as she thought he was gonna motivate her and she said,

"Ladies first!? forget that!!! you go first!!."

"We won't get anywhere like this! Let's play Rock paper scissors then."

"Fine by me!! I'm going to beat you!!."

She was determined to win no matter what, her fiery spirit was burning as brightly as ever.

"ROCK ! PAPER ! SCISSORS !." "ROCK ! PAPER ! SCISSORS !." and then in the end Arthur managed to win by choosing paper and she chose rock, the winner has been decided as they were waiting Dorothy sat back down, stared at Arthur with her pleading eyes and said,

"But I'm too afraid to go in the front Arthur."

[What's this?? Why is she showing me her adorable eyes.. I won the rock paper scissors match! why is she doing this??]

she said it in an adorable way of persuading Arthur to go to the front first, then as they knew it him and Dorothy's shirt was being dragged by the Lance towards the front.

As we both stared at the teacher besides us he was smiling at us giving us a "If you won't introduce yourselves there I'll end your lives kind of vibe." and to tip it off he was just smiling at us while twirling his lance around.

Arthur decided to go first otherwise they'd be dead if they don't do anything.

"My name's Arthur, Arthur Ackerman and I'm a swordsman class."

[How was that? was I good my fellow classmates.] He thought to himself.

But the room was silent, no one was listening to his introduction but Gray and a shyful girl named Cassidy, who has thin indigo hair tied in small ribbons by the sides of her face, while the back was cut short.

[No response ay.. tough crowd]

When it was Dorothy's turn Arthur thought to himself,

[They may not care about Dorothy's introduction, I have to be the one to cheer her own.. yes that's how it should be... Goodluck me!!.]

"H-Hii my name's D-D-Dorothy Ritsu and I'm a Mage class hope we can all be friends."

the room was quiet for a minute, there was no response whatsoever.

[It's my chance...]

As Arthur was about to clap for her Introduction suddenly everyone cheered out of happiness and blocked his timing to cheer her off saying things like,

"Shee's sooo cuteee !!."

"Ofcourseee weee cannn bee friendsss."

"Suchh a cutee girl."

"such a boring guy."

"Heyyy !! I heard that !!." He exclaimed as he growled at the audience like a dog would.

"Alright class now that you've got to know these two let me tell you my name as well, I'm Charles, Charles Cu."

"Good Morning Sir. Charles."

They both greeted their teacher with enthusiasm as he lets them take their seat and starts to have their class.

"Alright Class get out your textbooks and we'll check our assignment."

Sir. Charles said while grabbing his textbook as they both heard what the teacher just said Arthur and Dorothy froze and asked the teacher,


They both asked at the same time which triggered Arthur's thoughts on thinking Dorothy is truly his soulmate and was blushing about it while their seatmate noticed Arthur's blushing and decided to look the other way.

"It was given yesterday, but I got your excuse letters so it's fine." Sir. Charles said.

"Excuse letters?."

They both said it at the same time but Arthur was holding in his thoughts since they were staring at each other.

"Umm excuse me sir. but where di you get our letters from?." Dorothy asked kindly.

"From the principal." He replied honestly.

[From that tired all day principal?? when did she??] Arthur thought to himself.

"It's alright now you two are excused from this."

They both let out a sigh and took their seats, Arthur was wondering though,

"Why didn't Gray told us about this though?."

"Maybe because of that?."

Dorothy pointed at Gray's seat and they both saw him staring on the floor on the verge of collapsing due to the fact that he forgot his homework.

His aura was depressive, he was uttering random words, trying to calm himself and hide his fear from the teacher.

"I fo-forgot my homework the t-te-teacher must not find out about this." he whispered to himself.

He never knew that Sir. Charles was right behind him listening to what he was saying,

"What do you mean the teacher must not find out about Mr. Dawson."

Frightened as to what's happening he slowly looked up at the Teacher and what he saw was Mr. Charles starring at him demonically and as the class witnessed it.

"Seems like this will be an interesting year." Dorothy said while watching the action unfold.

Sir. Charles was hitting Gray with his textbooks.

"Hmmm you maybe right, you maybe think we should stop Teacher Charles?." He asked.

"Hmmm anyways I'm looking forward to spend the whole year with you Arthur Ackerman." She told me while giving me a beautiful smile.

The ray of the sun hitting her face gently as the light fades from the clouds blocking the sun.

[That was soo cute] He thought to himself.

"Of course Dorothy looking forward to it as well." I smiled back.

"YOU FORGOT YOU'RE HOMEWORK!!." Mr. Charles hitting Gray with his textbook

"I'm sooo sorrryyy AWWWW."

End of Chapter 3: Swordsman and the Ruler