
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Filme
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7 Chs

Ohhh, the symptoms are starting!

"I'm willing to work for you, you won't need to control me but you don't need him since I'm here. You know I already killed him in my world. I'm superior to L. I almost became a god of my world, he lost to me, he's incompetent..." Light quickly replied knowing L will be a big obstacle in his path, but L cut him in between.

"You only won because you had advantage of power and information that I didn't have. You being here clearly means you died which is proof that you are also bound to making mistakes and even more when you let that pride of yours get to your head because with your intelligence it would have been impossible to get to you unless you made a mistake, a god doesn't make mistakes. So if anything you are the one who's incompetent with your god complex making you delusional." L stated.

I manipulated gravity causing them to feel heavy and fall on their knees as I telepathically made them feel slight fear towards me. What amuses me is that their brain works rapidly when under pressure just like now, they were right now thinking of dozens plans while trying to understand my abilities while under the pressure.

"Don't try to play these games with me, I already know everything about both of you. I'm not getting rid of either of you as both of you play an important role in my plans and so neither of you are allowed to harm each other through any means, that's an order. I'll be creating a fake background for you and putting you two in random families in Japan, they'll have fake memories of you and treat you like family. L you now have Death Note immunity so you won't die even if Light writes your name in it." I say as I bring out the Death Note and walk towards them, they both tense up a bit but Light's eyes are moving back and forth between my face/mask and death note.

"This belongs to you Light, but I'll keep it for the next 2 years while L makes a name for himself as a spy from some unknown organization known as Anonymous Legion. there's no Shinigami attached to it and only you can use it. I will give it to you after 2 years, then you will start working as Kira the punisher from Anonymous Legion and L will go back to shadows when people start looking for him to get more information on our organization."

"I don't understand the reason why you want to do such pointless things." L and Light ask at the same time then look at each other expressionlessly for a second.

"If you want to know, then the reason is that I need gods by my side. In this world there are a few ways to achieve godhood but for that one must awaken a divinity. Humans can't awaken divinity naturally but being connected to my dimension your physique will be slightly different as you'll be stronger then normal people to a superhuman degree and only get stronger from my training and will have the ability to achieve godhood."

"But to achieve godhood, the easiest way for you would be through faith from your believers or fans. Thus, Kira can probably become a God of Death and you a God Justice and Anonymous Legion could be like a Pantheon." I made up some bullshit as through my dimension I can make someone a minor god anytime I want and increase their strength by giving them supply to unlimited Ki and Mana from my dimension, how much they can access depends on their ability and skills. Also, what god they become depends slightly on the believers but more on the person's nature and Karma.

"It sounds too simple to be honest. But I'm prepared for this, to achieve my long awaited godhood." Light said, 'Just wait till I become a God.' he thought.

"I'm a bit skeptic about this but I don't have any other option do I?" L asked with a defeated expression to which I just shook my head letting him know that he doesn't.

"Alright, I'll do it then." L said.

I talked with them a while longer explaining them what I need them to do and specially explaining them about the existence of Shield and warning L to avoid being caught by them as they'll try to pull him on their side and try to find information on Anonymous Legion before we get a chance to introduce ourselves to the world.

"Remember this phrase and use it to instill fear in you victims" I say before pausing and looking at them seriously as I continue:

"We are Anonymous, We're Legion."

"We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

Giving them their authentic IDs and certificates and degrees in various fields like forensics, criminal psychology and law that I created by hacking into various government, college and exam board servers, I sent them to their new home along with a phone that Alfred is connected to incase they need any help and as my Kamui dimension is inside my Void dimension, I gave them access to it through their link to my dimension so they can teleport here in case they are in danger or about to get caught by Shield or Hydra or any other organization.

I disappear from my dimension after that and the real me that's currently on the bus to mid-town high school smirks after receiving memories of the clone. Another ability I awakened, my clones are only slightly weaker than me. I use them to train my metaphysical powers now like shadow clones of Naruto, though I can only handle 7 clones as of now because of mental toll from using it.

I suddenly feel a wave temporal energy pass and then get a feeling of someone watching me before it disappeared. I didn't know how I recognized that it was temporal ability but I knew it instinctually, probably because of my Omni Kinesis.

I can only think of one person with time related power. 'I guess she'll be giving me visit soon. Although I was expecting it but it still makes me kind of anxious since she's the biggest threat to me as of now and if I fail to convince her then things might get unfavorable.' I think before sighing as the bus comes to stop at mid-town high school and I got off it along with other kids then started searching for my class.

{A/N: I'm getting a bit unmotivated. I don't know if this was good so let me know if I should change something to make it more interesting. I would appreciate some suggestions and let me know if you like the story till now, it'll give me motivation to continue and do better instead of giving just average stuff. And please gimme power stones :v}