
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Filme
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7 Chs

Beginning of the journey

My mom, Rose Morningstar is a house wife and a retired manager of a multinational company. And my dad, Keith Morningstar is the owner of a clothes and fashion accessory producing company which is worth millions, so we're fairly rich but still not like the Starks or Osborn or Hammer.

Getting dressed for my school as quick as I can, I go to the dining table downstairs and I see dad watching news on TV and mom putting the dishes on table.

"Good morning Klein" mom said before kissing my cheek and giving me my backpack which she put my lunch box in and extra food to munch while on the way to school since my bus is about to arrive soon, I don't act much differently than normal since this is all too familiar to me even if I now have memories of my previous life.

"Bye dad, bye mom." I say as I hurriedly leave the house to catch my bus. Getting in the bus I sit down and sigh thinking about the fact that I did not get any chance to check out my abilities today so I'll have to start waking up early to train my body and other abilities, though I'll focus more on physical exercise and other less destructive abilities while also focusing on studying and completing my studies till college level in various fields of science as soon as I can, utilizing my limitless body and mind to improve them as much as I can, then I'll start focusing more on my other metaphysical and magical abilities later on when I am bit more free and independent.

I have to also ensure my parent's safety so I'll have to keep my identity a secret if I decide to play hero or something, at least till Hydra is destroyed but there are other dangerous organizations as well so I'll have to start my own company and reach Stark level so I at least have a reason to tell to my parents why giving them protection is necessary.

Reaching the school I spent most of my time planning about future and not focusing much on the class since they are mostly teaching kid's stuff though some fundamental things in science is definitely different in this world compared to my previous one, hence all the crazy sci-fi things being possible, but I'm just seven years old and they're still teaching us elementary things which is same as my previous world so I was bored till it was history class where I got to learn something new. Though everything was same as my old world, there were a few new characters like Captain America.

(Time Skip - 2 Years)

I was currently bench pressing a ton of weight using the special gym equipment I got made. In these 2 years I improved a lot in both my physical abilities and metaphysical as well. I can't use all my kinetic abilities yet since I didn't get the time to train them but I can do Telekinesis, Telepathy, Weather manipulation and Elemental Manipulation. I realized that improving one ability automatically improves my other abilities, like if the range of telepathic abilities increase so does the strength and range of my telekinesis and other abilities and visa versa.

I used telepathy on my parents to make the ignore the abnormal things that I do like my special gym equipment and bench pressing a ton of weight like nothing or the fact that I'm studying books on quantum physics and human genetics while I'm only 9. I also trained martial arts using batman's memories and my reflexes by dodging paintballs with a blindfold. It was painful at the beginning but made me realize that I have a super healing factor. All I lack now is experience in fighting.

(Time Skip - 6 years)

I am 15 now, I already completed college level studies with my enhanced mind and should be easily able to get Masters degree and PhDs in most science fields. I even started working on a few projects of mine while simultaneously working on creating my personal AI using Technomancy that I recently awakened, I also got material manipulation ability and gravity manipulation now so I do not lack resources and training is easier as well, though I'm still young and have hit a bottle neck on my physical strength at 15 tons, though telekinetically I can lift 30 tons and using them together I can lift 45 tons. But, everything is weightless if I use gravity manipulation, I mostly spend my time inside my dimension training my abilities while trying to connect to the dimension and control it.

I haven't been able to have much progress on controlling more part of it but it's been fruitful as I can now use my dimension as endless source of energy whether it be mana, astral energy, ki, Chi or Chakra and any other kind of energy, I can create any of them as long as I know about them. I can also use all my EMS abilities now. Maybe I can copy Odin Force some day?

I will be going to Mid-Town High School from next year. I was already fed up of middle school and dropped out 3 years ago as I didn't have many friends either, I was mentally too mature to deal with the kids my age and after I had a fight with a bully, I told me parents that I want to be home schooled as I already have studied everything till high school level even though I was actually already at college level, it would be really weird if I told them that, even if I make them ignore it using Telepathy, because that level of genius is above even Stark's. The fight with bully was part of my plan to get out of school. It gave me more time to train and focus on other things.

But, from next year I am joining high school even though I don't need to because ROB contacted me telepathically for the last time and told me that since Spider-Man's origin in MCU was not explained properly he did what I'd like the best and made spider man be a Peter parker who's my age and is a mix of both Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland with all enemies of Spider-Man from all three versions present in this world but other than that, everything else is same.

I didn't mind it much since my life had become too plain and boring, at least this away I have something interesting to look forward to now that Peter Parker, Harry and Felecia Hardy, Gwen and Mary Jane are all my age and will join High School this year as well. So, unlike normal MCU, Peter will become Spider-Man some time before before Tony gets kidnapped. I'll have to be Peter's guide now since Tony won't be able to be there for him this time.

'I guess I should also start my plans soon.' I think while looking at a note book which had "Death Note" written on it's cover.

(Time Skip - Last Time Skip in this chapter - 1 year)

"Are you excited to go to high school?" Mom asks me with a warm smile when I sit on the dining table for breakfast.

I sigh and reply back tiredly, "Yeah mom. you have already asked me that a few times in the past few days. Honestly, you seem more excited than me."

"Klein, try to make friends in high school, you never had any when you were in middle school. It's important to have a few friends to rely on no matter how smart you are." Dad says as he walk down the stairs before joining us on the table.

"I understand dad, I'll try to make a few friends." We continue our breakfast and talk a little before I leave for my bus and dad takes his BMW to work. I had a Porsche of my own but I didn't wish to take it with me as I don't like to show off without a mask on, I'd rather keep my private life a secret till the first product launch of the company I'll be setting up soon.

'I guess the time to summon Light and L has come....'

{A/N: Did you like it? I know this was a lot of time skips and info drop but I'd rather skip these parts asap, I ain't good with fillers. Anyway, drop your suggestions in the comments and let me know if you want me to edit this chapter and make it more elaborate. And throw some power stones at me to show your support.}