
Annalise True Love Emmett Cullen or Alucard Hellsing

So I am going to mix two things Alucard and Twilight. So Annalise gets changed by Alucard and is in London, and she wants to go to the States, and she picks Forks, hears about the Cullens tries to see them. She and Emmett were married before he turned into a vampire. When she saw him, she just wanted to run up to him but she saw Roselie.

GhostWriter1996 · Filme
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3 Chs

Dinner with the Cullens

Alice finds her Hotel room and knocks. Annalise opens her eyes, red from crying. "Your part of the Cullens," she says. Alice nods. "Yes, I am. Alice Carlisle wants to invite you to dinner," she asks. Annalise looks. "Why as Roselie said, I am not welcome," she said. Alucard walks in and towers over Alice. She swallows and stood there. "Please, Emmett would love it if you came," she said. She made a fist. "Fine," she said. Alucard looks at Alice. "If she cries again, I will kill your family," he says, his bright red eyes glaring at her. Alice nodded and ran off. She returned to the house. "She will come, but the man that changed her is here, and he is furious," Alice said to Carlisle. "Great," he mumbles. "Unsure if he will tag along or not," Alice said. Carlisle nods. Later Annalise showed up Alucard stayed back to watch. Alice opened the door and let her in. Annalise smiles and walks in. Rosalie stood there with her arm crossed. Annalise felt the hatred. Carlisle smiles. "Hello, Annalise," he said. She smiled. "Hello, sir," she said. Carlisle smiles. "So, from what we know so far, you and Emmett were married," he asks. She nods, gripping her dress. "I will leave tomorrow. I don't want to cause problems," she said. Rosalie huffed. "Good," she said. "Listen, I didn't come here fo make things bad, okay? I just wanted to see Emmett. I missed him. I love him. He is perfect. You are lucky to have him as a husband," she said, eyes watering. Alucard walks in and takes her hand. "We are leaving," he says. He looks at Rosalie and walks over, looking down at her. "You shut your mouth. The one thing that keeps this girl going is Emmett, so your family is breaking her heart, so fuck off," he yells. Annalise stood there. Emmett walks over to Alucard. "Listen, don't be mad at her, okay? She is the one who changed me. We have been together ever since that day. I can't just toss that away," he said. Rosalie smirks. Alucard picks up Annalise and leaves fast. Alucard came back alone, holding a gun. "I told Alice if she cried again," he said. "I admire her love for you, Emmett. I never had that when I changed her; all she spoke of was you for years. It got on my nerves, and understand you can leave Rosalie, but she is still your wife," he said. Putting down her ring and left.