
Anime Legacy

Enzo was dealt a bad hand. He barely lived his first life to the fullest. Now how will he live his second? Together with a system, will he squander it, or will he reach insurmountable heights?

ajtang · Fantasie
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4 Chs



Three categories: Warrior, Mage, Combat Mage

Eight Levels: Apprentice, Jade, Earth, Sky, Origin, Saint, Ethereal, Immortal

Four Sub-Levels: Early, Mid, Late, Peak


(Can't practice magic, only demonic arts)

Practice the same as humans for first four levels

Eight Realms: Apprentice, Jade, Earth, Sky, Incubus, Carnal, Demon Lord, Demon King

Four Sub-Levels: Early, Mid, Late, Peak

Beasts (In relation to combat mage levels) Eg. Early Level 1 = Early Apprentice but Peak Level 1 = Early Jade.Divine Beasts don't follow this and are much stronger than prescribed levels.

Level 1 - Apprentice - Early Jade

Level 2 - Mid Jade - Late Earth

Level 3 - Sky - Early Origin

Level 4 - Mid Origin - Late Saint

Level 5 - Ethereal

Level 6 - Immortal