
Knock. Knock. Who is it? (II)

Dairen peeked through the peephole. White and black shirt stared back at him. He tightened his lips, his back tensed, unsure in what he was seeing.

Snow could feel that something was not right. Her magic swirled in angry anticipation to drill into the enemy that meant her harm. Large icicle daggers glimmered in the kitchen light, excitedly ready to stab into its unwary victim. Her heart palpitated, constructing tightly as she gazed at the door to the point where her eyeballs were becoming dry.

With a motion of his head, Dairen gave her a quizzical look, asking if she knew who was supposed to be outside. She shook her head to answer. No one was supposed to visit her this late at night, whoever it was was unwelcomed.

"Who is it?" Dairen called out, his hand was gripping tightly to his knife.

Nobody answered.

Another thump, rung out like a gong as the door rattled angrily.

"I am asking who is it?"

Silence followed. Dairen motioned Snow to get back behind the counter with his eyes. Snow listened, hiding. She peeked over towards the door in the hopes that he would not open the door and silently prayed.

Dairen reached for the doorknob, straining to stop himself from opening the door. "Whoever you, I have a knife, and I know how to use it." His voice croaked out loud, knowing full well that he didn't sound confident.

Still no answer, Dairen backed away from the door. Snow was glad that he didn't dare open the door. Time crawled by, Snow peeked over towards the door and up at the digital clock that was sitting overhead. She always kept one there to remind herself of the time she had left when she stepped out the door.

Dairen grabbed one of the stools, pushing it towards the door as quietly as possible. For someone of his size, Snow was baffled at how easily he tiptoed over with a seat in his hand. With a clink that seemed to dazzle their minds as they snapped out of their silent stupor, he pushed it towards the door handle, propping it.

"You think that's going to be enough?" Snow broke the silence.


"Any more?"

"Yea." Dairen walked over to grab more as he made a nice little barricade that reminded Snow of


Temporarily relieved, both of them felt a bit better. Safer.

Snow sighed, stretching from her tense muscle. The ice in her hand melted, leaving behind a damp hand and a small puddle on the floor and counter.

"Who do you think that was?" Snow asked. She felt safer behind the counter, still watching the door as if it would burst open any minute now.

"I don't know. Don't want to find out." Dairen replied he slinked away from the door. "Nobody answered, and it's too late for the company right now. Back at home, I had a similar situation, and I'm not dumb enough to go through that again."

"Similar situation?"

"Yea. It was a trap. Someone robbed me in front of my own door late at night."

"Oh, wow, really?" Snow gasped, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish trying to breathe outside in open air. "Did you live in a bad area?"

"No, I was just that unlucky fool that opened the door late at night without thinking about the

trouble it could bring." He furrowed as he rethought of his past.

Snow could tell that he wasn't too pleased to talk about the incident.



The door screeched and twisted as large pieces of the door shattered, leaving behind a large gaping hole. Luckily, the stools kept the door from swinging wide open.

"What the hell?!" Dairen shouted, startled.

Snow squeaked, ducking as she peered from the side. Magic swirled slowly around her hands. Her body tensed, her eyes became bloodshot and round like a doe staring into the headlights. Even her mind was raging chaotically like a hormonal teenager, for she too was confused at what just happened.

A loud screeching sound followed by another thump and cracking of the door not too far away. An ear-piercing scream was heard as wails of death flourished down the hallway.




Bone like splinters broke, the stool screeched against the ground. Snow knew that whatever was outside was dangerous. Whatever it was, it sounded animalistic.

"For fuck sake, kill that bastard!" A hollering scream of rage could be heard from behind the door from a gruff man's voice. "Break its leg!"

Snow snapped, she raised her hand as a glimmer of light magic surrounded her. Balls of light swirled small tornados, getting brighter and brighter. Even though they gave a warm feeling, she could feel the different rays of warmth that were getting close to a burning sun. It was hot.

It was then, she saw a ghastly, gangly sharp fingers shred through the side of the door. The bluish-black skin glistened with mucus-like shimmer, reminding Snow of the back of a toad. Heavy grim and blood was stuck in between the thick fingers. An ugly creature peeked through the hole as its black voidless eyes stared hungrily in. With a screech, it yelled in frustration that it couldn't get through.

"What is that thing!?" Dairen angrily swiped his knife down to cut the monster's hand, but failed and instead cut halfway through the skin. He had to yank back to pull out his knife.

"I don't know." Snow shot one of the balls of inferno lights that zoomed across to the door. It pierced into the opening as a pop-like sound could be heard, followed by a sickening splatter. Only the hand that poked through the door hung swinging.

She turned pale, realizing that her attack probably blew up whatever it was on the other side of the door into shambles.

Pure silence, followed by a twitching of the leftover hand that wiggled like worms.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

The hand was pulled back as something was eating the side as if it was some leftover candy.

Snow wanted to hurl. Her stomach seemed to have a mind of its own as she heaved her dinner into the sink.

"I can't believe this." Dairen was flabbergasted in what he was hearing, but he too felt green in the face and stomach. "What the hell is it?"

The hand disappeared; instead, it was released by a grunting sound of a cackle that reminded Snow of the many ear shrieking squawks of a carrion bird.

What stared back into the open crack was a devilish black eyes with a hint of green that flickered only in the darkness. Green scale-like texture littered around its face, leaving behind a rough alligator-like surface.

Snow and Dairen locked eyes with the creature, it blinked a few times before leaving them behind.

It didn't take long for more angry animalistic sounds could be heard from behind the door that seemed to be a fight. The door shook and rattled. Snow could see the hinge of the door coming loose, and the one at the bottom was completely broken off the door itself.

Rushing towards the door, she slammed her body to close it off entirely before whatever it was to get through.

Dairen jumped into action, this time taking up a chair, where he slammed it against the door. With a loud, vivid squeak, the door bent back outwards, leaving behind a large gap underneath.

The door rattled, another dark claw-like hand-scooped from underneath, grabbing onto Snow's foot.

She yelled, shaking the hand from her foot. With a rapid stomp, she tried her best to squander the monster's hand into paste. A vigorous stomp followed a third time; this time, she was able to break a few bones as the beast screeched angrily. It pulled back its hand, leaving behind a gurgle like sound.

It took a moment for the racket to die down as shuffles of feet and shouts of people were gone.

Both stood in place unsure what to do until finally, Dairen let out a loud sigh.

"That….was weird." Snow shook her, baffled at what just transpired in the short amount of time.

"Tell me about it." Dairen took a quick peek to make sure nobody was on the other side of the door. He took the chair out from the door handle, allowing him to open the door.

When he opened the door, he gasped.

What welcomed him was guts, gore, and plastered blood on the walls. Streaks of human handprint were smeared like children's paintings, giving Dairen a shiver of fear.

"Is something wrong?" Snow asked, she tried to peek from behind, but couldn't see it because of Dairen's broad back that covered the door.

"Yea...well, about that."

Dairen moved out of the way as he stepped out carefully.

Snow followed behind, wondering what had happened. With a hiccup like a gasp, she was horrified.

"What is going on?" Snow wanted answers. Her home was now a mass murder spot of whatever creature was prowling along the hallways, destroying things and killing people.

"I don't know. I thought you would know the answer to that." Dairen gave her a lopsided smile, trying to help her from fainting.

Snow had to breathe a few times to settle her rapid heart and lungs that seem to swell like a balloon, making it hard to breathe. It took a moment for her emotions to get in control, her mind started to clear.

"Something isn't right." Snow replied she swallowed her rising bile. "The magical energy in the air has changed."

"What do you mean?" Dairen asked, "I don't feel anything."

"It's subtle, but it's there. Almost as if the whole building is now--alive." She had her hand on the wall as she felt a tingling warm heat that swept through her finger and into her very core. She couldn't believe what she was feeling.

How the building has suddenly changed, she didn't know, but she knew that they needed more weapons and even armors to deal with whatever threat they were facing.

"Let's get back inside." Snow turned back in her as she quickly went into her room.

Dairen followed, closing the door with a bit of difficulty, but eventually, he closed the door.

Snow went through the bathroom and into her walk in the closet. She searched at the back, where her hands pushed away her clothes and revealed a button. With a push, a door opened with a click.

"You have a secret room?" Dairen was awed at what Snow had in this small apartment.

"Yea, I installed it when I moved in with magic. It isn't part of the place design."

"That's actually pretty cool."

"Thanks." She stepped in, revealing a pretty large room the size of another closet. What decorated the room was armor and a large amount of weapons.

When Dairen stepped through, he couldn't contain his gasp. "You collect weapons?"

"I started collecting out of hobby and for emergency use. I think this consists of an emergency." Snow walked over towards the armor in the back. What welcomed her was a shiny black armor with gold accents that had a more futuristic look to it compared to the medieval armors that the Players seem to enjoy wearing. It changed and glimmered under the fluorescent light, blinding her temporarily.

She reached over, taking the shirt that was hanging off the wall as she started to stripe into her armor.

Dairen blushed, realizing what she was doing as he turned around to give her space.

Snow realized at the very end when she was in her suit that she stripped in front of Dairen. She was too engrossed to be bothered by such particularity that her mind temporarily went out the window as she was too focused on survival.

She was dressed head to toe in tight body armor that looked similar to a motorcycle bodysuit. The spandex, like clothes, allowed her to move easier as it protected areas that needed a bit more particular attention. She slipped on black gloves and zipped up. With a click, the armor hummed with energy.

Dairen glanced over, he couldn't help but stare. The tight clothes brought out her curves, while the extra padded area glimmered like dragon scales. It hardened and softened from the light itself.

"You can find some armor and weapons on the wall. I don't have anything special for your size, but it should at least help you against knife stabs and unwanted surprised magical attacks." She motioned to the left side of the room, where she did have a collection of male clothes. "The jumpsuit like armor is made from a thousand-year-old red dragon. It's not like the crazy legendary ancient dragon armor, but a decent armor nonetheless. It's fireproof and dagger resistance; it needs something stronger to penetrate the scales. I'm wearing one now as well."

Snow reached over towards one of the few glasses in the middle of the island, where a few bracelets, necklaces, and rings were present. She put on the glasses, it clicked and turned as it merged into her skin, leaving behind a tribal tattoo marking around her eyes.

"What was that you just wore?"

"A magical item bounded to me as it will turn on and off when it senses danger." She casually spoke as she took a necklace, two rings, and a bracelet. Handing over the rest, she gave Dairen to wear.

"The necklace helps boost your magic as well as the two rings. Both elven made and are quite rare."

"You're allowing me to wear these?" Dairen carefully examined the precious valuables that she had

given him, he couldn't help but gratefully take it upon himself as he wore it in excitement.

"Certain rings and necklaces don't stack. Something to do with clashing magic, so it's best for someone else to wear it."

Dairen put on the accessories and the dragon suit that made him look like he was wearing spandex clothes. He felt uncomfortable, looking around, he found a jacket. Putting it on, he felt a bit better and not as naked.

"I suggest you get familiar with the weapons here, I don't have the best, but it's considered fairly strong." Snow reached up towards a blue and white katana with streaks of blackish gold designs with a butterfly pattern. Gently, she slipped it into the side of her belt, where a mechanical noise could be heard as it formed around it to hold it in place. She then took a large number of throwing knives and knives, clicking them into hidden compartments, he didn't realize until he saw her opening them up in place. Some, she strapped it around her legs and arms, others were hidden away, god knows where.

She tied back her hair.

"You're proficient with a sword?"

"In a way, yes." Snow grabbed the gun and holstered it to her thigh.

"Don't you think it's a little excessive?" He asked, a bit concerned with the number of weapons she was carrying on her. He took a large bow that he strapped on his back.

"Absolutely not." Snow retorted back. She knew that whatever was out there were all teeth and claw, compared to her fist and kicks, it probably wasn't strong enough to stave off whatever it was crawling down the desolate hallway. "Never enough. You think the monster out there is going to allow us to walk out of here freely?"


"Exactly. Take as much as you can use and freely move around. The ring that you have also allows you to store in a small number of items. I recommend putting a few more weapons in there just in case." With that said, Snow did precisely that. She grabbed a box full of bullets, knives, and swords that she knew how to use. Even took an extra armor and towels just in case.

She then walked out of the room; she took a few essentials and went into the kitchen. Busily, she made quite a bit of canned goods and drinks as she stored it into her own personal storage item. Dairen did the same as he diligently learned from her by watching.

"We don't know how long we will be out there. Honestly, I don't want to leave this room, but finding the cause and getting rid of it might be the fastest way to get whatever happening done with or we go find help."

"I believe getting more help will be more beneficial."

"I agree with you on that as well, but whatever is out there is prowling the hallway. Might as well kill it if we want to get out of here safely." Snow replied seriously as her mind was ticking quickly.

"Just a few more things, and I should be ready."

"You got a plan?"

"Yea." Snow glanced over towards the door, hoping that nobody would come through. "We'll make our way to the first floor and get to the nearest help we can find. It's a two-mile walk, though."

"What about calling?"

"Ah, I forgot about that." She smacked her head, realizing how she forgot such a simple task.

"Let me call," Dairen spoke, he let her finish up what she was doing. He dialed and waited.


Silence filled the air, Dairen frowned. "No. No connection."

Snow cursed underneath her breath.

Suddenly, she heard the pitter-patter of someone running as a loud scream broke out in silence. "Help!"

Both Dairen and Snow bolted towards the door.

If you guys find any plot holes give me a shout out.

Personal website: www.englightendragons.com

BlackSnowAngelcreators' thoughts