
An Improper Companion

Isabella "Bella" von Artenberg, the daughter of a Count with medical skills employed by the royal family to accompany Princess Matilda Harrington. Isabella is glad to have the job, much to her grandmother's chagrin. Whenever she goes home to visit, she never fails to remind her that she should be with children of her own. When the Crown Prince Gabriel’s illness , she ends up taking on even more responsibility of treating him as it is a threat to the Crown. Her relationship with him grows while she nurse him back to health, and she realizes this may be a more permanent situation than she had previously thought, but the impropriety alone may be enough to prevent her from returning his affection.

peacegeorge · Geschichte
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Chapter One

Isabella awoke in her chambers as the morning light painted the room in soft hues.

A soft knock echoed through Isabella's chamber, and Mary, the personal maid, entered with a gentle smile.

"Good morning, Miss Isabella. A special day awaits, it does. Allow me to help you prepare," Mary offered, her hands deftly adjusting the folds of Isabella's gown.

Isabella nodded appreciatively.

"You carry yourself with grace despite everything , Miss Isabella. The day may hold its trials, but your spirit shines brighter," Mary remarked, fastening the delicate buttons of Isabella's gown with a smile on her face.

Isabella wondered why Mary referred to her as Miss despite all the years they had been together. She had been the only one who treated her nicely in this mansion.

With a final touch, Mary stepped back, admiring her work. Isabella, now impeccably dressed, stood ready to face the day.

"Thank you, Mary. Your words means a great deal," Isabella expressed sincerely with a small smile on her face.

Isabella wondered why she was requested to have breakfast today with everyone after so many years. She always had hers in her room and never with the rest of the family and she knew that she wasn't favored or liked at all after all, the product of adultery between the Count and an unknown maiden.

Isabella knew nothing about her mother as all no one ever spoke about it and she didn't know who to ask about her mother as she knew the Count would never speak on such matters

The Count could not afford for his image to be tainted but could not keep her hidden from the outside world as she was the only one who was able to inherit his Father's skill in Medicine so he could only allowing her to appear at certain events by his side.

Rumours had sparked about the fourth child, but those flames were blown out just as quickly as they were lit as the Count and Countess Von Artenberg never confirmed them and so the rumours eventually faded into embers, leading everyone to keep hush about the matter or apparently in their presence.

Heading towards the dining area, Isabella descended the staircase, her steps echoing through the halls.

The morning air carried the scent of fresh flowers, and the distant chatter of the household hinted at the bustling activity within.

The servants greeted with Isabella as she walked through the hallways and headed for the dining area.

Upon reaching the dining room, Isabella was met with the sight of her family already gathered.

Isabella had three older half-siblings born of the Countess. The eldest son was Edward , currently twenty nine and next in line for the noble title of Count, behind Edward was Williams who was twenty seven and then there was Isabella only sister, Eleanor who is twenty two. She was older than Isabella by one year, and both Edward and Williams were very protective of her.

The three older siblings had slowly grown resentful of Isabella right from when they were little till they grew as adults, not only because of their mother's influence but jealously had arisen as she was undeniably the current favourite of the Count.

Edward in particular had detested her, believing that if she did not exist, the Count would acknowledge him more and Eleanor would receive more of their father's attention, which he wholeheartedly believed she deserved. Eleanor would often cry to her brothers when her father refused to see her, opting for the company of Isabella instead who ended up learning the art of medicine. She could never understand why he favoured Isabella as much as he did.

Eleanor outright detested Isabella , she always took her few belongings and occasionally got Isabella in trouble for silly things. She believed that Isabella was a spoilt, wicked child who had stolen her father from her. Eleanor wanted to be the favourite and thought she was much better suited for the title than Isabella . William on the other hand, tended to avoid Isabella but when they did encounter each other he would sneer and call her hurtful names when no one paid them any mind.

Isabella took a deep breath while remembering everything before she walked into the dining.

Sad to say, they had begun without her. She could hear their happy chatter and the soft clinking of cutlery through the closed doors. It hurt a little, but she did not want to dwell on it, so she took a deep breath and walked in.

The noises had seized almost immediately, and her family turned to observe her in silence, except for the Count who was nose deep in the morning newspaper.

Everyone soon went back to eating, as if Isabella was not there at all. She made her way to the other end of the table after receiving a warning glare from the Countess. She did not want to cause any trouble.

Isabella ate quietly watching her family laugh and smile as they spoke to each other, excluding her from all conversation. She was ignored completely but she didn't care. She wasn't that young Isabella who tried so hard to get love and their attention. Isabella had finally come to realise that she was never actually included in any of the conversation with her siblings and the Countess even though she used to sit near the Count.

Sir Thomas, their father and a Count spoke up "Today holds significance for our family. Our family's presence is requested in the palace"

Isabella only nodded but didn't say anything ,

Eleanor couldn't resist a cutting remark. "It's a grand day for us, isn't it? Shame some of us can't enjoy the grandeur of the carriage ride."

Isabella maintained a composed demeanor. She knew where Eleanor was getting at but she expects her father to be wiser than that and wouldn't let her walk to the palace as she was requested to attend breakfast today.

"The carriages would be prepared for everyone. Everyone is expected to get ready as we would depart in few hours"

Before she had even finished her own breakfast the Count stood up to take his leave shortly followed by the Countess and her siblings, each had their own things to do.

Isabella was left all alone at the large table. It reminded her of the last day she had breakfast at the table.

Servants walked by clearing the table around the little girl. It was a hard feeling to experience for the child, but she did not openly show it.

When she was done, she made her way back to her room and thought of ways to regain some of her old life back, she wanted to be acknowledged by her father again.

Over the next few years, she tried her hardest to please her father. She excelled in her studies and pushed herself every day to improve on her etiquette and dancing skills. These attempts were futile as she was completely ignored, regardless of her efforts.

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