
An Improper Companion

Historical Romance
Laufend · 350 Ansichten
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What is An Improper Companion

Lesen Sie den Roman An Improper Companion des Autors peacegeorge, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Isabella "Bella" von Artenberg, the daughter of a Count with medical skills employed by the royal family to accompany Princess Matilda Harrington. Isabella is glad to have the job, much to her gran...


Isabella "Bella" von Artenberg, the daughter of a Count with medical skills employed by the royal family to accompany Princess Matilda Harrington. Isabella is glad to have the job, much to her grandmother's chagrin. Whenever she goes home to visit, she never fails to remind her that she should be with children of her own. When the Crown Prince Gabriel’s illness , she ends up taking on even more responsibility of treating him as it is a threat to the Crown. Her relationship with him grows while she nurse him back to health, and she realizes this may be a more permanent situation than she had previously thought, but the impropriety alone may be enough to prevent her from returning his affection.

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Segala yang terjadi didunia sudah ditentukan oleh para dewa.Suatu hari ada seorang manusia yang lahir yang ditakdirkan mengalahkan raja iblis. Saat manusia itu remaja dia memiliki tubuh fizikal yang berotot dan sedikit kekar,kedua matanya berwarna oren kemerahan dengan aura matanya yang berwarna merah. Saat manusia itu sudah remaja dia masuk ke sekolah pahlawan.waktu itu manusia itu masih naif dan tidak mengetahui apa-apa dan dengan penuh semangat dia berlatih dengan gigih untuk mengalahkan raja iblis.Setelah 10 tahun berlalu waktu yang ditentukan sudah tiba.kedua-dua belah pihak berada di suatu kawasan yang luas yang jauh dari wilayah manusia dan wilayah Raja iblis. kedua-dua belah pihak memandang satu sama lain lalu mereka mula menyerang,pertarungan itu sungguh sengit hingga setengah bulan berlalu tapi perlawanan mereka tidak terlihat penghujungnya.Lalu sang manusia yang ditakdirkan sampai ke tempat raja iblis.Keduanya menatap dengan pandangan haus akan kemenangan lalu mereka berdua mula bertarung.Perlawanan mereka sungguh sengit sehingga kawasan yang luas itu mengalami kehancuran yang dahsyat dan menelan jumlah korban yang cukup banyak bagi kedua belah pihak tapi kerana para dewa sudah menentukan hasilnya dari awal raja iblis itupun akhirnya mati. Sebelum raja iblis itu menghilang dia menggunakan sisa sihirnya dan menyalurkan kedalam alat telerportasi lalu memindahkan kesemua askarnya yang tersisa kembali ke wilayahnya dan menyuruh bawahannya untuk bersembunyi sehingga raja iblis mereka yang baru muncul lalu tubuh raja iblis itu pun menghilang dan cuaca disitu menjadi cerah. Pihak manusia telah berjaya menenangkan pertarungan dan sang tokoh utama merasa lega bahawa tugas dia sudah selesai tapi dia tidak mengetahui bahawa dewa juga telah memulakan permainan yang baharu dimana sang manusia itu bakal menjadi raja iblis yang baru.

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Immortal arts, magic weapons, magical powers, and the boundless spiritual qi between heaven and earth vanished into obscurity overnight, and all exorcists turned to mere mortals. Three hundred years later, the Five Hus traversed the pass, it was a prelude to an era of great turmoil in China. They heralded the end of the world, where thousands of drought fiends stalked the night —— the collapse of the Divine Land is imminent. Fortunately, within this long, dark night where silence had fallen on all magic, a lone star still glistened brightly on the horizon. The Heart Lamp appeared, illuminating the vast expanse around it. A sixteen-year-old young man, who will end his life on his twentieth birthday, embarked on a journey to reclaim the spiritual qi of heaven and earth that had been sealed away —— only four years remain. The road ahead was filled with countless thistles and thorns, and it seemed improbable for him to succeed. ———— Chen Xing: “The important thing is that I’m the last exorcist in this world, yet the only magic I am capable of is emitting light. What can I do?” Wait patiently then. When the Dinghai Pearl reappears on earth, the uncertain trajectory of everyone’s fates will be completely disrupted before converging once more. Chen Xing: “Could I be partnered with a more normal Protector Martial God?” Isn’t your Protector really skilled in fighting? Chen Xing: “He is good at fighting, but when he loses it he’ll hit even me……” There’s nothing that can be done about that, you can only blame yourself for losing yourself to lust. *** DISCLAIMER: This story is not mine, I did not wrote or own this, I really just want to share it to everybody. I am not the translator either. If you have means to support the author and translator please do so. PS. the cover photo are also not mine. Belongs to Mr. Google

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