
Deal With A Devil [Pt 2]

"I only wanted to live…"

Justin wanted to live for his family—for the ones he cared about most—so he could return home one day. That desire turned into obsession after witnessing death for the first time.

First it was with Adam, and then during the Dungeon Rescue of Brutus, he witnessed even more people perish. Despite performing his role well, he found himself at the edge of death so may times.

To many, he was always the optimist—the jovial guy with no care in the world.

But inside… he was being torn apart.

He had countless nightmares of death that it eventually caused him so many sleepless nights. All of this compounded, becoming worse by day.



Justin grew desperate.

So desperate in fact that he made a deal with Adrien at the time, after being offered a way to preserve his life and escape death.

He would need to become an Undead—a high-class one, of course, but still an Undead.